Mathematical statistics
W.R. van Zwet, S.A. van de Geer
Leiden, Fall 1996
Test limits
W. Albers, W.C.M. Kallenberg
Utrecht, Fall 1996
Optimal stopping and measure-partitioning
T.P. Hill
Utrecht, Fall 1996
Asymptotic statistics
A.W. van der Vaart
Amsterdam, Spring 1997
Seminar Statistics
M.C.M. de Gunst, A.W. van der Vaart
Amsterdam, Spring 1997
Semiparametric models
A.J. van Es
Amsterdam, Spring 1997
Branching processes and probability theory on trees
F.M. Dekking
Utrecht, Spring 1997
Semiparametric statistics
C.A.J. Klaassen
Utrecht, Spring 1997
are courses offered at a national scale by the
Landelijk AIO-netwerk Stochastiek.