Mastermath Algebraic Geometry, Spring 2011

Virtual class

To contribute to innovation in the Netherlands (so direly needed, according to our lousy government which takes money from NWO and gives it to companies that give large bonuses to lousy people that can only be motivated by such things (schoftentuig! as Wim de Bie calls them)), we have set up a virtual class. This will be our main tool for communication during the course. Therefore, all participants are required to register. Go here, then click on `Student's area', and register in our class (the language should be set on english). The requested password can be obtained from the instructors and will be given at the lectures. Choose your own login name and personal password and give your email address (this is not optional for this class). You will be able to see your scores for the homework there. Once you are registered you can enter the class, with your chosen login and password.


The course will follow the syllabus, at the pace of one lecture per week. For a description of the course, see the syllabus.


The lectures are given by: Bas Edixhoven (edix (at) math (dot) leidenuniv (dot) nl)

The problem sessions are given by:


Every week during the lecture some homework will be assigned. This homework has to be handed in the next week before the start of the lecture. While cooperation is encouraged when thinking about the problems, we require students to write up and hand in the homework individually. Copying from others is not cooperation and will not be condoned. Homework exercises will be corrected and marked pass (1) or fail (0). Late homework is not accepted. Each student can see her/his total score in the virtual class; you need 7 or more to be admitted to the oral exam.

Problem sessions

During the problem sessions students are expected to work on the exercises in the syllabus at the end of each lecture. The instructors will be available for answering questions on the exercises and on the lectures. They also return graded homework with the necessary feedback.


At the end of the course, each student is required to take an oral exam. The place (at UvA, because of mastermath regulations). The oral exams take place on June 29 and 30, and July 1. On the exam, students will be questioned about the homework exercises. In order to be admitted into the exam, a student has to pass at least 7 of the homework sets. Questions may be asked about all the homework exercises, not just those for which the student has received a pass.
Bas Edixhoven <>
Last modified: Wed Apr 27 20:22:33 CEST 2011