Papers in journals and proceedings
J.-B. BAILLON, PH. CL´EMENT, A. GREVEN, F. DEN HOLLANDER, On the attracting orbit of a non-linear transformation arising from renormalization of hierarchically interacting diffusions. I. The compact case, Canad. J. Math. , Vol 47 1995, 3-27.
J.A. BALL, I. GOHBERG AND M.A. KAASHOEK, Input-output operators of J-unitary time-varying continuous time systems, in: Operator Theory in functions spaces and Banach lattices, The A.C. Zaanen anniversary volume (Eds. C.B. Huijsmans et al), OT 75, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1995, 75-94.
J.A. BALL, I. GOHBERG AND M.A. KAASHOEK, Two-sided Nudelman interpolation for input-output operators of discrete time-varying system, Integral Equations and Operator Theory, vol 21 1995, 174-211.
J.A. BALL, I. GOHBERG AND M.A. KAASHOEK, A frequency response function for linear time-varying systems, Math Control Signals Systems, vol 8 1995, 334-351.
J.A. BALL, I. GOHBERG AND M.A. KAASHOEK, The band method and Grassmannian approach for completion and extension problems, in: Recent developments in operator theory and its applications (Eds. I. Gohberg, P. Lancaster and P.N. Shivakumar), OT 87, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1996, 17-60.
H. BART, I. GOHBERG AND M.A. KAASHOEK, Wiener-Hopf equations and linear systems, Proceedings of symposia, Applied Mathematics, volume 52, American Mathematical Society, Providence, 1996, 115-128.
H. BART AND L.G. KROON, Variants of the two machine flow shop problem connected with factorization of matrix functions, European Journal of Operational Research, vol 91 1996 144-159.
H. BART AND L.G. KROON, Companion based matrix functions: description and minimal factorization, Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol 248 1996 1-46.
H. BART AND L.G. KROON, Factorization and job scheduling: A connection via companion based matrix functions, Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol 248 1996 111-136.
A. BEN-ARTZI, I. GOHBERG AND M.A. KAASHOEK, Discrete nonstationary bounded real lemma in indefinite metrics, the strictly contractive case, in: Operator Theory and boundary eigenvalue problems, (Eds. I. Gohberg and H. Langer), OT 80, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1995, 49-78.
Y. BOLSHAKOV, C.V.M. VAN DER MEE, A.C.M. RAN, B. REICHSTEIN AND L. RODMAN, Polar decompositions in finite dimensional indefinite scalar product spaces: special cases and applications, in: Recent Developments in Operator Theory and its Applications, OT 87 (I. Gohberg, P. Lancaster, P.N. Shivakumar, eds.) Birkhäuser, Basel, 1996, 61-94.
D. ESTEP, S.M. VERDUYN LUNEL AND R. WILLIAMS, Error estimation for numerical differential equations, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, vol 38 1996, 71-76.
C. FOIAS, A. FRAZHO, I. GOHBERG, AND M.A. KAASHOEK, Discrete time-variant interpolation as classical interpolation with an operator argument, Integral Equations and Operator Theory, vol 26 1996, 371-403.
I. GOHBERG, M.A. KAASHOEK AND J. KOS, The asymptotic behaviour of the singular values of matrix powers and applications, Lin. Alg. Appl., vol 245 1996, 55-76.
I. GOHBERG, M.A. KAASHOEK AND J. KOS, Classification of linear time-varying difference equations under kinematic similarity, Integral Equations and Operator Theory, vol 25 1996, 55-76.
I. GOHBERG, M.A. KAASHOEK, AND L. LERER, Factorization of banded lower triangular infinite matrices, Lin. Alg. Appl., vol 247 1996, 347-357.
M.A. KAASHOEK, State space theory of rational matrix functions and applications, in: Lectures on Operator Theory and its Applications, (ed. P. Lancaster), Fields Institute Monographs 3, Amer. Math. Soc., 1995, 233-333.
W.A.J. LUXEMBURG, B. DE PAGTER EN A.R. SCHEP, Diagonals of the powers of an operator on a Banach lattice, in: Operator theory in function spaces and Banach lattices, The A.C. Zaanen anniversary volume (Eds. C.B. Huijsmans et al), OT 75, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1995, 223-273.
J. VAN MILL AND A.C.M. RAN, On a generalization of Lyapounov's Theorem, Indagationes Mathematica N.S., vol 7 1996, 227-242.
Characterization of exponential stability of a semigroup of
operators in terms of its action by convolution on vector-valued
function spaces over ,
J. Diff. Eq., vol 124 1996, 324-342.
J.M.A.M. VAN NEERVEN, Inequality of spectral bound and growth bound for positive semigroups in Banach function spaces, Arch. Math., vol 66 1996, 406-416.
Individual stability of -semigroups with uniformly
bounded local resolvent,
Semigroup Forum, vol 53 1996, 155-161.
J.M.A.M. VAN NEERVEN, B. DE PAGTER EN A.R. SCHEP, Weak measurability of the orbits of an adjoint semigroup, in: Evolution equations, Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math. vol 168, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1995, 327-336.
B. DE PAGTER AND W.J. RICKER, Bicommutants of algebras of multiplication operators, Proc. London Math. Soc., vol 72 1996, 458-480.
B. DE PAGTER EN A.R. SCHEP, Positive definite diagonal sequences, 23rd Winter School on Abstract Analysis (Lhota nad Rohanovem, 1995; Podebrady, 1995), in: Acta Univ. Carolin. Math. Phys., vol 36 1995, 73-83.
A.C.M. RAN, Minimal square spectral factors, Systems & Control Letters, vol 24 1995, 307-316.
F. VAN SCHAGEN, Cyclic dimensions, controllability subspaces and Gohberg-Kaashoek numbers, Integral Equations Operator Theory, vol 22 1995, 248-252.
G.PH.A. THIJSSE, Symmetry properties of and reduction principles for divisibility relations between the invariant factors of products of holomorphic matrix functions, Lin. Alg. Appl., vol 218 1995, 113-145.
S.M. VERDUYN LUNEL, Series expansions for functional differential equations, Integral Equations and Operator Theory, vol 22 1995, 93-123.
S.M. VERDUYN LUNEL, About completeness for a class of unbounded operators, J. Differential Eqns., vol 120 1995, 108-132.
S.M. VERDUYN LUNEL, A resolvent computation related to completeness for unbounded operators, In: Boundary Value Problems for Functional Differential Equations, J. Henderson, editor), World Scientific, Singapore 1995, 215-226.
S.M. VERDUYN LUNEL, Small solutions for linear delay equations, In: Differential Equations and Applications to Biology and to Industry, (M. Martinelli, K. Cooke, E. Cumberbatch, B. Tang and H. Thieme, editors) World Scientific, Singapore 1996, 531-541.
Ph.D. Theses
J. KOS, Time dependent problems in linear operator theory, 1995, Free University Amsterdam.
T.N.M. TEMME, Dissipative operators in indefinite scalar product spaces, 1996, Free University Amsterdam.
Reports and pre-prints
J.-B. BAILLON , PH. CLEMENT, A. GREVEN AND F. DEN HOLLANDER, On the attracting orbit of a nonlinear transformation arising from normalization of hierarchically interacting diffusions, Part II the noncompact case, Department of Mathematics, University of Nijmegen, Report 9622, 1996.
H. BART, T. EHRHARDT AND B. SILBERMANN, Sums of idempotents and logarithmic residues, Econometrisch Instituut, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Report No. 9545/B, 1995.
H. BART, T. EHRHARDT AND B. SILBERMAN, Logarithmic residues, generalized idempotents, and sums of idempotents in Banach algebras, Econometrisch Instituut, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Report No. 9628/B, 1996.
H. BART, AND L.G. KROON AND R.A. ZUIDWIJK, Quasicomplete factorization and the two machine flow shop problem, Econometrisch Instituut, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Report No. 9632/B, 1996.
PH. CL´EMENT AND G. DA PRATO, White noise perturbation of the heat equation in materials with memory, Preprints di Matematica 38, Agosto 1996, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, 1996.
P.G. DODDS, T.K. DODDS, B. DE PAGTER AND F.A. SUKOCHEV, Lipschitz continuity of the absolute value and Riesz projections in symmetric operator spaces, Department of Mathematics, Delft Technical University, Report 95-34, 1995.
P.G. DODDS, B. DE PAGTER, E.M. SEMENOV AND F.A. SUKOCHEV, Symmetric functionals and singular traces, Department of Mathematics, Delft Technical University, Report 96-147, 1996.
G. FUSCO AND S.M. VERDUYN LUNEL, Order structures and the heat equation, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Mathematical preprint series 95-15, 1995.
I. GOHBERG, M.A. KAASHOEK, F. VAN SCHAGEN, Operator blocks and quadruples of subspaces: classification and the eigenvalue completion problem, Faculteit der Wiskunde en Informatica, Vrije Universiteit, Rapport WS-455, 1996.
R.D. NUSSBAUM AND S.M. VERDUYN LUNEL, Generalizations of the Perron-Frobenius theorem for nonlinear maps, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Mathematical preprint series 96-14, 1996.
B. DE PAGTER AND A.R. SCHEP, Diagonals of positive semigroups, Department of Mathematics, Delft Technical University, Report 95-69, 1995.
On the bicommutant theorem for -complete Boolean
algebras of projections in Banach spaces,
Department of Mathematics, Delft Technical University, Report 96-60, 1996.
B. DE PAGTER AND W.J. RICKER, Algebras of multiplication operators in Banach function spaces, Department of Mathematics, Delft Technical University, Report 96-116, 1996.
A.C.M. RAN, A note on canonical upper-lower factorization for a class of input-output operators of the form I plus a strict contraction, Faculteit der Wiskunde en Informatica, Vrije Universiteit, Rapport WS-467, 1996.
M. UITERDIJK, A note on the functional calculus for sectorial operators, Department of Mathematics, Delft Technical University, Report 96-48, 1996.
S.M. VERDUYN LUNEL AND D.V. YAKUBOVICH, A functional model approach to linear neutral functional differential equations, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Mathematical preprint series 96-01, 1996.
Other publications
H. BART, L.F. ELSNER AND A.C.M. RAN, (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society (1994), Linear Algebra and its Applications, Vol. 241-243, (1996).
A.M. COHEN, L.J. VAN GASTEL AND S.M. VERDUYN LUNEL, (Eds.), Computer Algebra in Industry II, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1995.
O. DIEKMANN, S.A. VAN GILS, S.M. VERDUYN LUNEL & H.O. WALTHER, Delay Equations: Functional-, Complex-, and Nonlinear Analysis, Applied Mathematical Sciences Vol. 110, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1995.
I. GOHBERG, M.A. KAASHOEK, F. VAN SCHAGEN, Partially Specified Matrices and Operators: Classification, Completion, Applications, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications Vol. 79, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1995.
C. B. HUIJSMANS, M. A. KAASHOEK, W. A. J. LUXEMBURG AND B. DE PAGTER, Operator theory in function spaces and Banach lattices, Essays dedicated to A.C. Zaanen on the occasion of his 80th birthday, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications Vol. 75, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1995.
J.M.A.M. VAN NEERVEN, The Asymptotic Behaviour of Semigroups of Linear Operators, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications Vol. 88, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel 1996.
S.J. VAN STRIEN AND S.M. VERDUYN LUNEL (EDITORS), Stochastic and spatial structures of dynamical systems, North-Holland, Amsterdam, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Verhandelingen, Afd. Natuurkunde, Eerste Reeks, deel 45, 1996.
R.A. ZUIDWIJK, H. BART AND L.G. KROON, Quasicomplete factorization and the two machine flow shop Problem, Report 9632/B Erasmus University Rotterdam (1996).