Papers in journals and proceedings
C. DIKS, W.R. VAN ZWET, F. TAKENS AND J. DE GOEDE, Detecting differences between delay vector distributions. Physical Review E 53, 2, 1996 169-2176.
R.J.M.M. DOES, K.C.B. ROES AND A. TRIP, A general set-up for designing control charts in a mixed model, Proceedings of the 6st seminar of the EOQ Committee on Statistical Methods in Budapest, 1995, 58-71, EOQ Committee on Statistical Methods, Bern.
R.J.M.M. DOES, Industriële statistiek: verkopen we knollen voor citroenen?, Kwantitatieve Methoden, 1995, 49, 19-28.
R.J.M.M. DOES, Statistisch denken is voor total quality van het grootste belang, Kwaliteit in bedrijf, 1995, 11, 3, 6-11.
R.J.M.M. DOES, De doorbraak van de industriële statistiek, Athenaeum Illustre, 1995, 2, 16-20.
R.J.M.M. DOES, Statistiek is voor veel bedrijven een shocktherapie, Athenaeum Illustre, 1995, 2, 51-52.
R.J.M.M. DOES, De invloed van de statistiek op het bedrijfsleven, Kwantitatieve Methoden, 1996, 53, 27-29.
R.J.M.M. DOES, Aan de slag met statistische procesbeheersing (SPC), Kwantitatieve Methoden, 1996, 53, 31-45.
R.J.M.M. DOES AND K.C.B. ROES, Industrial statistics and its recent contributions to total quality in the Netherlands, Statistica Neerlandica , 1996, 50, 27-51.
J. ENGEL AND A.F. HUELE, A Generalized Linear Modelling approach to robust design, Technometrics, 1996, 38, 365-373.
J. ENGEL AND A.F. HUELE, Generalized Linear Models and process variation, Proceedings of the 11th workshop on statistical modelling, 15-19 July, Orvieto, Italy, 1996.
J. ENGEL AND A.F. HUELE, Taguchi parameter design by second-order response surfaces, Quality and Reliability Engineering International , 1996, 12, 95-100.
A.J. VAN ES AND M.C.A. VAN ZUIJLEN, Convex minorant estimators of distributions in nonparametric deconvolution problems, Scand. J. Stat., 1996 32, 85-104.
S.A. VAN DE GEER, The method of sieves and minimum contrast estimators, Mathematical Methods of Statistics 1995 4, 20-38.
S.A. VAN DE GEER, Asymptotic normality in mixture models, ESAIM: Probability and Statistics 1995 1, 17-33.
S.A. VAN DE GEER, Exponential inequalities for martingales, with application to maximum likelihood estimation for counting processes, Annals of Statistics 1995 23.
S.A. VAN DE GEER, Rates of convergence for the maximum likelihood estimator in mixture models, Nonparametric Statistics 1996 6, 293-310.
S.A. VAN DE GEER AND M. WEGKAMP, Consistency for the least squares estimator in non-parametric regression, To appear in: Annals of Statistics.
R.B. GESKUS AND P. GROENEBOOM, Asymptotically optimal estimation of smooth functionals for interval censoring. Part 1. Statistica Neerlandica, ISSN 0039-0402, 50, 1, 1996 p.69-88.
P. GROENEBOOM, G. JONGBLOED, Isotonic estimation and rates of convergence in Wicksell's problem. Annals of statistics, ISSN 0090-5364, 23, 5, 1995, p.1518-1542.
P. GROENEBOOM, Nonparametric estimators for interval censoring problems. In: H.L. Koul, J.V. Deshpande, (eds.) Analysis of censored data; proceedings of the Workshop on Analysis of Censored Data, December 28, 1994 - January 1, 1995. University of Pune, India, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, ISBN 0-940600-39-0. Hayward 1995. p. 105-128.
R. HELMERS, H. PUTTER, Bootstrap Resampling: A survey of recent research in The Netherlands, Proceedings of the SEAMS Regional Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Statistics, 20-36, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, July 10-13, 1995.
C.A.J. KLAASSEN, Finite sample optimality of extremes and mid-range, Kybernetika, 1995, 31, 3, 297-302.
C.A.J. KLAASSEN, A bonus-malus system in statistical sampling for testing jewelry on fininess, Precious Metal Sampling and Analysis, International Precious Metals Institute, San Antonio, 1996, 3-9.
J. OOSTERHOFF, Trimmed mean or sample median? Statistics and Probability Letters 20, 1994, pp. 401-409.
J. OOSTERHOFF, W.R. VAN ZWET, Wassily Hoeffding's work in the sixties in: The Collected Works of Wassily Hoeffding, N.I. Fisher, P.K. Sen (eds.), Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994, pp. 3-15.
H. PUTTER, W.R. VAN ZWET, Resampling: Consistency of substitution estimators with applications to the bootstrap, Annals of Statist., vol.24, no.6, 1996, pp. 1-27.
H. PUTTER, W.R. VAN ZWET, On a set of the first category, Festschrift for Lucien Le Cam, Springer Verlag, New York, 1996, pp. 315-324.
H. PUTTER AND W.R. VAN ZWET, Resampling: Consistency of substitution estimators, Annals of Statistics 24 (1996), 2297-2318.
K.C.B. ROES, SPC bij laag volume en kleine series fabricage, Kwantitatieve Methoden, 1996, 53, 47-60.
K.C.B. ROES AND R.J.M.M. DOES, Shewhart-type charts in nonstandard situations (with discussion), Technometrics, 1995, 37, 1, 15-40,
E.S. TAN, TJ. IMBOS, R.J.M.M. DOES AND M. THEUNISSEN, An optimal unbiased classification rule for mastery testing based on longitudinal data, Educational and Psychological Measurement, 1995, 55, 595-612.
A.W. VAN DER VAART, Efficiency of infinite dimensional M-estimators, Statistica Neerlandica 49, 1995, pp. 9-30.
A.W. VAN DER VAART, Semiparametric models: an evaluation, Statistica Neerlandica 49, 1995, pp. 111-125.
A.W. VAN DER VAART, New Donsker Classes, Annals of Probability, 24, 1996.
A.W. VAN DER VAART, Maximum likelihood estimation under a spatial sampling scheme, Annals of Statistics, 24, 1996.
A.W. VAN DER VAART, Maximum likelihood estimation in semiparametric models, Annals of Statistics, 24, 1996, pp. 862-878.
A.W. VAN DER VAART, S.A. MURPHY, Likelihood ratio inference in the errors-in-variables model, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 59, 1996, pp. 81-108.
S.A. VOGELSANG, H.B.A. PRINS, Kinetic Analysis of Two Simultaneously Activated K+- Currents in Root Cell Protoplasts of Plantago media L., Journal of Membrane Biology, 146, 1995, pp. 59-71.
M. ZIVKOV, K.C.B. ROES AND A.G. POLS, Efficacy of Org 3770 (Mirtazapine) vs. Amitriptyline in patients with major depressive disorder: A meta-analysis, Human Psychopharmacology, 1995, 10, S131-S145,
Ph.D. Theses
C.G.H. DIKS, On nonlinear time series analysis - Spatio-temporal complexity and noise, 1996, Leiden University
E.R. VAN DEN HEUVEL, Bounds for Statistical Estimation in Semiparametric Models, 1996, University of Amsterdam.
G. JONGBLOED, Three Statistical Inverse Problems, estimators-algorithms-asymptotics, Delft University of Technology.
C.B. ROES, Shewhart-type Charts in Statistical Process Control, 1995, University of Amsterdam.
M.H. WEGKAMP, Entropy Methods in Statistical Estimation, 1996, Leiden University.
Reports and pre-prints
V. BENTKUS, F. G¨OTZE AND W.R. VAN ZWET, An Edgeworth expansion for symmetric statistics. preprint, to appear in: Annals of Statistics.
P.J. BICKEL, F. G¨OTZE AND W.R. VAN ZWET, Resampling fewer than n observations: Gains, losses and remedies for losses, preprint, to appear in: Statistica Sinica 1996.
N.A. CAMPBELL, H.P. LOPUHA¨A AND P.J. ROUSSEEUW, On the calculation of a robust S-estimator of a covariance matrix, Reports of the Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics; 95-117 Delft University of Technology, ISSN 0922-5641, Delft, 1995, 11 p.
R.J.M.M. DOES AND K.C.B. ROES, Industrial statistics and its recent contributions to total quality, MathRep, 95-12, 1995.
R.J.M.M. DOES, K.C.B. ROES AND A. TRIP, A general set-up for designing control charts in a mixed model, MathRep, 95-09, 1995.
F.C. DROST AND C.A.J. KLAASSEN, Efficient estimation in semiparametric Garch models, Center for Economic Research, Tilburg, 9638, 1996.
J. ENGEL AND A.F. HUELE, Taguchi parameter design by second order response surfaces, MathRep, 95-25, 1995.
A.J. VAN ES, G. JONGBLOED AND M.C.A. VAN ZUIJLEN, Nonparametric deconvolution for decreasing kernels, Reports of the Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics; 95-77 Delft University of Technology, ISSN 0922-5641, Delft, 1995, 13 p.
S.A. VAN DE GEER, A maximal inequality for the empirical process, Techn. Report TW-95-05 (RUL).
S.A. VAN DE GEER, Empirical Processes and the Quality of Estimators in Complex Parameter Space, Part I, Techn. Report TW-96-17 (RUL).
S.A. VAN DE GEER, Empirical Processes and the Quality of Estimators in Complex Parameter Space, Part II, Techn. Report TW-96-18 (RUL).
S.A. VAN DE GEER, Empirical Processes and the Quality of Estimators in Complex Parameter Space, Part III, Techn. Report TW-96-19 (RUL).
R.B. GESKUS, P. GROENEBOOM, Asymptotically optimal estimation of smooth functionals for interval censoring, case 2, Reports of the Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics; 96-39. Delft University of Technology, ISSN 0922-5641, Delft, 1996, 39 p. preprint, to appear in the Annals of Statistics.
P. GROENEBOOM, Lectures on inverse problems, Reports of the Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics; 96-104. Delft University of Technology, ISSN 0922-5641, Delft, 1996 95 p.
P. GROENEBOOM, P. DE JONG, D.B. TISCHENKO, B.C. VAN ZOMEREN, Computer assisted statistics education at Delft University of Technology, Reports of the Faculty of Technical Mathematics & Informatics; 95-142, Delft University of Technology, ISSN 0922-5641, Delft, 1995, 15 p.
M.C.M. DE GUNST, E.G. LUEBECK, A method for parametric estimation of the number and size distribution of cell clusters from observations in a section plane with an application to preneoplastic minifoci in rat liver, Rapport WS-452, Faculteit der Wiskunde en Informatica, Amsterdam, april 1996.
P. HARTEL, B. VAN ES AND D. TROMP, Basic proof skills for computer science students, WINS, CS-95-04, 1995,
R. HELMERS, On estimating the intensity of oil pollution in the North Sea, CWI report BS-N9501.
R. HELMERS, Bootstrap Resampling, Images of SMC Research 1996, 245-254.
R. HELMERS AND H. PUTTER, Bootstrap resampling: a survey of recent research in the Netherlands, CWI, Amsterdam, BS-R9517, 1995,
R. HELMERS, M.H. WEGKAMP, Wild bootstrapping in finite populations with auxiliary information, CWI report BS-R9520, to appear in the Scandinavian Journal of Statistics.
R. HELMERS, R. ZITIKIS, On estimating the intensity function of a spatial inhomogeneous Poisson process, Report 270 of the Laboratory for Research in Statistics and Probability, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.
E.R. VAN DEN HEUVEL, A convolution theorem for locally asymptotically quadratic likelihood ratios, MathRep, 95-07, 1995.
A.F. HUELE AND J. ENGEL, Modelling conditional variance heterogeneity in parameter design, WINS, 97-17,1996
G. JONGBLOED, The iterative convex minorant algorithm for nonparametric estimation, Reports of the Faculty of Technical Mathematics & Informatics; 95-105, Delft University of Technology, ISSN 0922-5641, Delft, 1995, 11 p.
G. JONGBLOED AND H.P. LOPUHA¨A, A class of parameter free test statistics for group family null hypotheses, Reports of the Faculty of Technical Mathematics & Informatics; 95-107, Delft University of Technology, ISSN 0922-5641, Delft, 1995, 13 p.
C.A.J. KLAASSEN, Statistical analyses of some sampling plans for testing jewellery on fineness, Comité Européen de Normalisation, Pforzheim, Germany, CEN/TC 283/WG 1 N 29, 1995
C.A.J. KLAASSEN, Bonus-Malus in acceptance Sampling on Attributes, IBIS-UvA, 1996,
H.P. LOPUHA¨A, Asymptotic expansion of S-estimators of location and covariance, Report of the Faculty of Technical Mathematics & Informatics; 95-42. Delft University of Technology, ISSN 0922-5641. Delft, 1995, 21 p. to appear in Statistica Neerlandica.
E. MAMMEN AND S.A. VAN DE GEER, Penalized quasi-likelihood estimation in partial linear models, Techn. Report TW-95-17 (RUL), to appear in: Annals of Statistics 1996.
E. MAMMEN AND S.A. VAN DE GEER, Locally adaptive regression splines, preprint, to appear in: Annals of Statistics 1996.
H. PUTTER AND W.R. VAN ZWET, Empirical Edgeworth expansions for symmetric statistics, University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany, 95-111, 1995, preprint, to appear in: Annals of Statistics 1996.
K.C.B. ROES, R.J.M.M. DOES AND R. STAM, Shewhart-type charts in low-volume manufacturing, MathRep, 95-10, 1995.
E.S. TAN, A.W. AMBERGEN, N. WILLEMS, R.J.M.M. DOES AND TJ. IMBOS, Approximations of the normal ogive ICC and large sample efficiency of closed form parameters, Department of Methodology and Statistics, University of Limburg, Maastricht, 1995.
M.H. WEGKAMP, Asymptotic results for parametric estimation in general empirical processes Techn. Report TW-95-04 (RUL).
An approach towards nonparametric regression
Techn. Report TW-95-14 (RUL).
Other publications
H.W. CAPEL, J.S. CRAMER, O. EST´EVEZ-USCANGA, C.A.J. KLAASSEN, G.J. MELLENBERGH (EDITORS), Chance and Uncertainty, Vossiuspers AUP, Amsterdam, 1995,
R.J.M.M. DOES, Kwaliteitscontrole, Management voor ingenieurs, Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen, Deventer, 1995,
R.J.M.M. DOES, Statistische procesbeheersing biedt nieuw perspectief in kwaliteitszorg: "Mensen op de werkvloer betrekken bij invoeren verbeteringsprocessen", Continu verbeteren MKB, Techno Vision & Solution, Rotterdam, 1996,
R.J.M.M. DOES, J.A. VAN DOOREMALEN AND R. STAM, Statistical Process Control: the ASM Lithography approach, ASM Lithography, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, 1995,
R.J.M.M. DOES, J.A. VAN DOOREMALEN AND R. STAM, Statistische procesbeheersing: de ASM Lithography benadering, ASM Lithography, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, 1995,
R.J.M.M. DOES AND K.C.B. ROES, Het statistisch denken in het bedrijfsleven, Industriële statistische technieken, Techno Vision & Solution, Rotterdam, 1995,
R.J.M.M. DOES, K.C.B. ROES AND A. TRIP, Statistische procesbeheersing in bedrijf, Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen, Deventer, 1996,
P. GROENEBOOM, Lectures on inverse problems In: Lectures On Probability and Statistics. Ecole d'Eté de Saint-Flour XXIV, Ed. P. Bernard. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1648, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1996, pp. 67-164.
K.C.B. ROES, Aan de slag met SPC in kleine series en laag volume productie, Manifestatie Productie Technologie Nederland, Techno Vision & Solution, Rotterdam,1996,
A.W. VAN DER VAART, J.A. WELLNER, Weak Convergence and Empirical Processes, Springer, New York, 1996, 524 p.