Papers in journals and proceedings
A. FRANK, T. JORD´AN, How to make a strongly connected digraph two-connected, in: Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (E. Balas and J. Clausen eds.), Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 920 (1995) 414-425.
A.M.H. GERARDS, Matching, in: Network Models (M.O. Ball, et al., eds.), Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science, Volume 7, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1995, pp. 135-224.
A.M.H. GERARDS, On Tutte's characterization of graphic matroids-a graphic proof, Journal of Graph Theory 20 (1995) 351-359.
A characterization of box -integral binary clutters,
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 65 (1995) 186-207.
J. GONDZIO AND T. TERLAKY, A computational view of interior point methods for linear programming. In Advances in Linear and Integer Programming (J.E. Beasley, ed.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996, pp. 103-185.
M. DE GRAAF, A. SCHRIJVER, Characterizing homotopy of systems of curves on a compact surface by crossing numbers, Linear Algebra and Its Applications 226 (1995) 519-528.
O. G¨ULER, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, J. P. VIAL, A survey of the implications of the behavior of the central path for the duality theory of linear programming Management Science 41 (1995) 1922-1934
D. DEN HERTOG, F. JARRE, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, A sufficient condition for self-concordance with application to some classes of structured convex programming problems Mathematical Programming 69 (1995) 75-88
D. DEN HERTOG, C. ROOS, J. KALISKI, T. TERLAKY, A logarithmic barrier cutting plane method for convex programming Annals of Operations Research 58 (1995) 69-98
H. VAN DER HOLST, A short proof of the planarity characterization of Colin de Verdiere, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 65 (1995) 269-272
H. VAN DER HOLST, M. LAURENT, A. SCHRIJVER, On a minor-monotone graph invariant, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 65 (1995) 291-304.
H. VAN DER HOLST, L. LOV´ASZ, A. SCHRIJVER, On the invariance of Colin de Verdière's graph parameter under clique sums, Linear Algebra and its Applications 226 (1995) 509-517.
T. ILL´ES, Á. SZIRMAI, T. TERLAKY, Véges criss-cross módszer a hiperbolikus programozási feladatra Szigma, 27 (1996) 19-34
B. JANSEN, O.E. FLIPPO, Duality and sensitivity in nonconvex quadratic programming over an ellipsoid European Journal of Operations Research 94 (1996) 167-178
B. JANSEN, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, Interior point methods, a decade after Karmarkar - A survey with application to the smallest eigenvalue problem Statistica Neerlandica 50 (1996) 146-170
B. JANSEN, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, A polynomial Dikin-type primal-dual algorithm for linear programming Mathematics of Operations Research 21 (1996) 341-353
B. JANSEN, C. ROOS, AND T. TERLAKY, Target-following algorithms for linear programming. in: Interior Point Methods of Mathematical Programming (T. Terlaky, ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1996, pp. 83-124.
B. JANSEN, C. ROOS, AND T. TERLAKY, Introduction to the theory of interior point methods. in: Interior Point Methods of Mathematical Programming (T. Terlaky, ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1996, pp. 3-34.
B. JANSEN, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, J.-PH. VIAL, Primal-dual target-following algorithms for linear programming Annals of Operations Research 62 (1996) 197-231
B. JANSEN, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, J.-PH. VIAL, Long-step primal-dual target-following algorithms for linear programming Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 44 (1996) 11-30
B. JANSEN, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, Y. YE, Improved complexity using higher-order correctors for primal-dual Dikin affine scaling Mathematical Programming 76 (1996) 117-130
H. VAN MAAREN, T. TERLAKY, Inverse barriers and CES-functions in linear programming Operations Research Letters 20 (1996) 15-20
F.R. MCMORRIS, H.M. MULDER, Subpath acyclic digraphs, Discrete Mathematics 154 (1996) 189 - 201.
C. ROOS, J.-PH. VIAL, Interior point methods. in: Advances in Linear and Integer Programming (J.E. Beasley, ed.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996, pp. 47-102.
C. ROOS, R. WIEGANDT, On the radical theory of graded rings which are inversive hemirings, Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungaricae 32 (1996) 107-117.
A. SCHRIJVER, Polyhedral combinatorics, in: Handbook of Combinatorics (R.L. Graham , et al., eds.), Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 1995, pp. 1649-1704.
Ph.D. Theses
J. COELHO DE PINA JR, Applications of Shortest Path Methods, 1995, University of Amsterdam.
H. VAN DER HOLST, Topological and Spectral Graph Characterizations, 1996, University of Amsterdam.
B. JANSEN, Interior Point Techniques in Optimization. Complementarity, Sensitivity and Algorithms, 1996, Delft University of Technology.
Reports and pre-prints
A.B. BERKELAAR, B. JANSEN, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, Basis- and Tripartition Identification for Quadratic Programming and Linear Complementarity Problems, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Econometric Institute, Report No. 96-14/A, 1996
A.B. BERKELAAR, B. JANSEN, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, Sensitivity Analysis in (Degenerate) Quadratic Programming, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Econometric Institute, Report No. 96-11/A, 1996.
A.B. BERKELAAR, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, The optimal set and optimal partition approach to linear and quadratic programming, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Econometric Institute, Report No. 96-58/A, 1996
H.J. GREENBERG, A.G. HOLDER, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, On the dimension of the set of rim perturbations for optimal partition invariance, Technical Report CCM No. 94, Mathematics Department, University of Colorado at Denver, Denver, 1996.
B. HE, E. DE KLERK, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, Method of approximate centers for semi-definite programming, Technical Report 96-27, Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Computer Science, Delft University of Technology, 1996, to appear in Optimization Methods and Software.
T. ILL´ES, Á. SZIRMAI, T. TERLAKY, The finite criss-cross method for hyperbolic programming, Technical Report 96-103, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1996.
B. JANSEN, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, A Short Survey on Ten Years of Interior Point Methods, Delft University of Technology, Department of Technical Mathematics and Informatics, Report No. 95-45, 1995
B. JANSEN, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, A New Algorithm for the Computation of the Smallest Eigenvalue of a Symmetric Marix and its Eigenspace, Delft University of Technology, Department of Technical Mathematics and Informatics, Report No. 95-70, 1995
B. JANSEN, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, A. YOSHISE, Polynomiality of Primal-Dual Affine Scaling Algorithms for Nonlinear Complementarity Problems, Institute of Socio-Economic Planning, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan 648, 1995.
J. KALISKI, D. HAGLIN, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, Logarithmic barrier decomposition methods for semi-infinite programming, Technical Report 96-51, Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Computer Science, TU Delft, 1996, to appear in International Transactions in Operations Research
E. DE KLERK, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, Polynomial primal-dual affine scaling algorithms in semidefinite programming, Technical Report 96-42, Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Computer Science, Delft University of Technology, 1996, to appear in Journal of Combinatorial Optimization.
E. DE KLERK, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, On primal-dual path-following algortihms for semidefinite programming, Technical Report 96-102, Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Computer Science, Delft University of Technology, 1996, to appear in Proceedings of XIII. International Conference on Mathematical Programming, Mátraháza, Hungary. Kluwer.
E. DE KLERK, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, A Nonconvex Weigthed Potential Function for Polynomial Target Following Methods, Delft University of Technology, Department of Technical Mathematics and Informatics, Report No. 95-127, 1995, to appear in Annals of Operations Research.
E. DE KLERK, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, Semi-Definite Problems in Truss Topology Optimization, Delft University of Technology, Department of Technical Mathematics and Informatics, Report No. 95-128, 1995
E. DE KLERK, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, Initialization in semidefinite programming via a self-dual, skew-symmetric embedding, Technical Report 96-10, Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Computer Science, Delft University of Technology, 1996, to appear in OR Letters.
C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, Advances in linear optimization, Technical Report 96-118, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU Delft, 1996.
C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, T. TRAFALIS, J.P. WARNERS, Solving linear systems with low rank updates, Technical Report 96-149, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU Delft, 1996.
T. TRAFALIS, T. TERLAKY, J.P. WARNERS, C. ROOS, Unsupervised neural network training via a potential reduction approach, Technical Report 96-172, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU Delft, 1996.
T. TSUCHIYA, T.TERLAKY, A Note on Mascarenhas' Counter Example about Global Convergence of the Affine Scaling Algorithm, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan. Research Memorandum No. 596, to appear in Applied Mathematics and Optimization.
J.P. WARNERS, T. TERLAKY, C. ROOS, B. JANSEN, Potential Reduction Algorithms for Structured Combinatorial Optimization Problems, Delft University of Technology, Department of Technical Mathematics and Informatics, Report No. 95-88, 1995
J.P. WARNERS, T. TERLAKY, C. ROOS, B. JANSEN, A Potential Reduction Approach to the Frequency Assignment Problem, Delft University of Technology, Department of Technical Mathematics and Informatics, Report No. 95-98, 1995
A.J. VAN ZANTEN, C. ROOS, A. SNIJDERS, A Weighting System for Lexicographically Ordered Constant-Sum Codes over an Arbitrary Alphabet, Delft University of Technology, Department of Technical Mathematics and Informatics, Report No. 95-126, 1995
Other publications
B. JANSEN, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, Inwendige Punt methoden voor Lineaire en Niet-Lineaire Optimalisering, Jaarverslag Stichting Mathematisch Centrum 1994 (1995) 23-27.
B. JANSEN, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, Interior Point Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Programming, Thomas Stieltjes Institute, Biennial Report 1993-1994 (1995) 35-41.
T. TERLAKY (ED.), Point Methods of Mathematical Programming, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1996.
A.J. QUIST AND T. TERLAKY, NLP-software overzicht, ITW-Nieuws 6, No.3, 1996.