E.M. OPDAM, Lecture notes on Dunkl operators for real and complex reflection groups, MSJ Memoirs 8, 90 pages (2000).
Papers in journals and proceedings
P. BENEKER, J. WIEGERINCK, Exposedness in Hardy spaces of domains of finite connectivity, Indag. Math. 11 (2000) 487-497.
F. BEUKERS, J.A. SANDERS, J.P. WANG, On integrability of systems of evolution equations, Journal of Differential Equations 172, (2001) 396-408.
M.G. DE BRUIN, Interpolation on non-uniformly distributed nodes, Nonlinear Analysis 47 (2001) 1931-1940.
M.G. DE BRUIN, H.P. DIKSHIT, A. SHARMA, Birkhoff interpolation on unity and on Möbius transform of the roots of unity, Numerical Algorithms 23 (2000) 115-125.
M.G. DE BRUIN, C. KAMMINGA, Uncertainty products of composite signals, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 34 (2001) L231-L238.
M.G. DE BRUIN, A. SHARMA, Birkhoff interpolation on non-uniformly distributed roots of unity, Numerical Algorithms 25 (2000) 123-138.
M.G. DE BRUIN, A. SHARMA, Birkhoff interpolation on non-uniformly distributed roots of unity II, J. of Comput. Appl. Math. 133 (2001) 295-303.
A. BULTHEEL, P. GONZÁLEZ-VERA, E. HENDRIKSEN, O. NJåSTAD, Orthogonal rational functions and interpolatory product rules on the unit circle. III. Convergence of general sequences, Analysis 20 (2000) 99-120.
A. BULTHEEL, P. GONZÁLEZ-VERA, E. HENDRIKSEN, O. NJåSTAD, Determinacy of a rational moment problem, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 133 (2001) 241-252.
A. BULTHEEL, P. GONZÁLEZ-VERA, E. HENDRIKSEN, O. NJåSTAD, Interpolation by rational functions with nodes on the unit circle, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 61 (2000) 101-118.
A. BULTHEEL, P. GONZÁLEZ-VERA, E. HENDRIKSEN, O. NJåSTAD, Monotonicity of multi-point Padé approximants, Comm. Anal. Th. Continued Fractions 8 (2000) 12-27.
A. BULTHEEL, P. GONZÁLEZ-VERA, E. HENDRIKSEN, O. NJåSTAD, Quadrature and orthogonal rational functions, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 127 (2001), 67-91.
A. BULTHEEL, P. GONZÁLEZ-VERA, E. HENDRIKSEN, O. NJåSTAD, Orthogonal rational functions and continued fractions, In: J. Bustoz, M. Ismail and S. Suslov, eds., Special Functions 2000: Perspective and Future Directions, NATO-ASI, Tempe, Kluwer (2001) 87-109.
G. CARNOVALE, T.H. KOORNWINDER, A q-analogue of convolution on the line, Methods Appl. Anal. 7 (2000) 705-726.
G. VAN DIJK, Canonical representations and Berezin kernels, Proceedings Colloque SMT 99, Tabarka, Tunisie, 33-46 (2000)
G. VAN DIJK, M. PEVZNER, Berezin kernels of tube domains, J. Funct. Anal. 181, (2001) 189-209.
G. VAN DIJK, YU.A. SHARSHOV, The Plancherel formula for line bundles on complex hyperbolic spaces, J. Math. Pures Appl. 79, (2000) 451-473.
N. DUNGEY, A.F.M. TER ELST, D.W. ROBINSON, On second-order almost-periodic elliptic operators, J. London Math. Soc. 63 (2001) 735-753.
N. DUNGEY, A.F.M. TER ELST, D.W. ROBINSON, A. SIKORA, Asymptotics of subcoercive semigroups on nilpotent Lie groups, J. Operator Theory 45 (2001) 81-110.
A.F.M. TER ELST, D.W. ROBINSON, Second-order subelliptic operators on Lie groups. II. Real measurable principal coefficients, In: Semigroups of operators: theory and applications (Newport Beach, CA, 1998), Progr. Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl., 42, Birkhäuser, Basel (2000) 103-124.
A.F.M. TER ELST, D.W. ROBINSON, On anomalous asymptotics of heat kernels, In: Evolution equations and their applications in physical and life sciences (Bad Herrenalb, 1998), Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math., 215, Dekker, New York (2001) 89-103.
A.F.M. TER ELST, D.W. ROBINSON, Subelliptic operators and Lie groups, Proc. Centre Math. Appl. Austral. Nat. Univ. 39 (2001) 67-84.
A.F.M. TER ELST, D.W. ROBINSON, A. SIKORA, On second-order periodic elliptic operators in divergence form, Math. Z. 238 (2001) 569-637.
A. HEINIS, J. WIEGERINCK, Extremal representing measures for the disk algebra Ann. Pol. Mat. 73 (2000) 105-118.
E. HENDRIKSEN, C. NIJHUIS, Laurent-Jacobi matrices and the strong Hamburger moment problem, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 61 (2000) 119-132.
P.H. VAN DER KAMP, J.A. SANDERS, On testing integrability, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 8, (2001) 561-574.
E. KOELINK, H. ROSENGREN, Harmonic analysis on the SU(2) dynamical quantum group, Acta Applic. Math. 69 (2001) 163-220.
E. KOELINK, J.V. STOKMAN, The Askey-Wilson function transform scheme, in: Special Functions 2000: Current Perspective and Future Directions (eds. J. Bustoz, M.E.H. Ismail, S.K. Suslov), NATO Science Series II, Vol. 30, Kluwer (2001) 221-241.
E. KOELINK, J.V. STOKMAN, The Askey-Wilson function transform, Intern. Math. Res. Notices 22 (2001) 1203-1227.
E. KOELINK, J.V. STOKMAN, with an appendix by M. RAHMAN, Fourier transforms on the quantum
T.H. KOORNWINDER, Some details of proofs of theorems related to the quantum dynamical Yang-Baxter equation, Int. J. Math. Sci. 24 (2000) 793-806.
J. KOREVAAR, Tauberian theorem of Erd
J. KOREVAAR, Growth of power series with square root gaps, J. Analyse Math. 85 (2001) 177-194.
J. KOREVAAR, Tauberian theory, approximation and lacunary series of powers, in: Trends in Approximation Theory 2000 (K. Kopotun, T. Lyche and M. Neamtu, eds.), Vanderbilt Univ. Press, Nashville, TN (2001) 167-188.
J. KOREVAAR, M.A. MONTERIE, Fekete potentials and polynomials for continua, J. Approx. Theory 109 (2001) 110-125.
B. KUCKERT, Two Uniqueness Theorems on the Unruh Effect and on PCT-Symmetry, Communications in Mathematical Physics 221 (2001) 77-100, arXiv math-ph/0010008.
N.P. LANDSMAN, Compact quantum groupoids, in: Quantum Theory and Symmetries eds. H.-D. Doebner et al., World Scientific, Singapore, (2000) 421-431, arXiv math-ph/9912006.
N.P. LANDSMAN, Quantized reduction as a tensor product, in: Quantization of Singular Symplectic Quotients, eds. N.P. Landsman, M. Pflaum, M. Schlichenmaier (Birkhäuser, Basel, (2001) 137-180, arXiv math-ph/0008004.
N.P. LANDSMAN, Bicategories of operator algebras and Poisson manifolds, Fields Institute Communications 30 (2001) 271-286, arXiv math-ph/0008003.
N.P. LANDSMAN, The Muhly-Renault-Williams theorem for Lie groupoids and its classical counterpart, Letters in Mathematical Physics 54 (2001) 43-59, arXiv math-ph/0008005.
N.P. LANDSMAN, Operator algebras and Poisson manifolds associated to groupoids, Communications in Mathematical Physics 222 (2001) 97-116, arXiv math-ph/0008036.
N.P. LANDSMAN, M. PFLAUM, M. SCHLICHENMAIER (EDS.), Quantization of Singular Symplectic Quotients, Progress in Mathematics 198, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2001.
N.P. LANDSMAN, B. RAMAZAN, Quantization of Poisson algebras associated to Lie algebroids, Contemporary Mathematics 282 (2001)159-192
N.P. LANDSMAN, K.K. WREN, Hall's coherent states, the Cameron-Martin theorem, and the quantization of Yang-Mills theory on a circle, in: Coherent States, Quantization and Gravity, eds. M. Schlichenmaier et al., (WUW, Warszaw, 2001), 23-36, arXiv math-ph/9812012.
O. LEMMERS, Generators and interpolation in algebras of entire functions, Indag. Math. 12 (2001) 103-111.
O. LEMMERS, J. WIEGERINCK, The Gleason property for
H.G. TER MORSCHE, P.J. OONINCX, Integral representations for metaplectic operators: energy localization problems, Proc. SPIE Adv. Sig. Proc. Alg. X (2000) 125-134.
M. M
P.J. OLVER, J.A. SANDERS, Transvectants, modular forms, and the Heisenberg algebra, Advances in Applied Mathematics, 25, (2000) 252-283.
P.J. OLVER, J.A. SANDERS, J.P. WANG, Classification of Symmetry-Integrable Evolution Equations, CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes, 29, (2001) 363-372.
P.J. OONINCX, P.M. DE ZEEUW, Adaptive wavelet lifting for image retrieval, Proc. SPIE Wavelets IX (2001) 75-86.
E.M. OPDAM, Multivariable hypergeometric functions, Proceedings of the European Congress of Mathematics 2000, volume I, Progress in Math., Birkhäuser, (2001).
E.M. OPDAM, A generating function for the trace of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra, in: Studies in memory of Issai Schur, Joseph, Melnikov and Rentschler (eds.), Progress in Math., Birkhäuser, (2001).
P. DE PAEPE, Eva Kallin's lemma on polynomial convexity, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 33 (2001) 1-10.
J.A. SANDERS, Multilinear Hirota operators, modular forms and the Heisenberg algebra, in: Equadiff'99, International Conference on Differential Equations, World Scientific, Singapore, (2000) 812-823,
J.A. SANDERS, J.P. WANG, On the integrability of non-polynomial scalar evolution equations, Journal of Differential Equations, 166, (2000) 132-150.
J.A. SANDERS, J.P. WANG, On recursion operators, Physica D. Nonlinear Phenomena, 149, (2001) 1-10.
J.A. SANDERS, J.P. WANG, Integrable Systems and their Recursion Operators, Nonlinear Analysis, 47, (2001) 5213-5240.
J.A. SANDERS, J.P. WANG, On Integrability of Evolution Equations and Representation Theory, Contemporary Mathematics, 285, (2001) 85-99.
J.A. SANDERS, J.P. WANG, The symbolic method and cosymmetry integrability of evolution equations, in: Equadiff'99, International Conference on Differential Equations, World Scientific, Singapore, (2000) 824-831.
J.V. STOKMAN, On BC type basic hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 352 (2000) 1527-1579.
J.V. STOKMAN, Koornwinder polynomials and affine Hecke algebras, Internat. Math. Res. Notices 19 (2000) 1005-1042.
N.M. TEMME, Numerical and asymptotic aspects of parabolic cylinder functions, J. Comp. Appl. Math. 121 (2000) 221-246.
N.M. TEMME, J. L. L´OPEZ, The Askey scheme for hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials viewed from asymptotic analysis, J. Comp. Appl. Math. 133 (2001) 1183-1194.
J. WIEGERINCK, The pluripolar hull of
J. WIEGERINCK, Graphs of holomorphic functions with isolated singularities are complete pluripolar, Mich. Math. J. 47 (2000) 191-197.
J. WIEGERINCK, Pluripolar Sets: Hulls and Completeness, In: G. Raby et F. Symesak (ed), Actes de rencontres d'analyse complexe, Atlantique, (2000) 209-219.
R.A. ZUIDWIJK, Directional and time-scale wavelet analysis, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 31(2), (2000), 416-430.
R.A. ZUIDWIJK, Simultaneous similarity of pairs of companions to their transposes, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, 122, (2001), 417-425.
Ph.D. Theses
I. CHARCHOV, Harmonic analysis on line bundles over complex hyperbolic spaces, Leiden University, (2000).
P.J. OONINCX, Mathematical signal analysis: wavelets, Wigner distribution and a seismic application, University of Amsterdam, (2000).
Reports and pre-prints
M. CARLEHED, J. WIEGERINCK, Le cône des fonctions plurisousharmoniques négatives et une conjecture de Coman, Beta preprint 17 (2000) Universiteit van Amsterdam.
G. VAN DIJK, On canonical representations and Berezin kernels, Report MI 2000-33.
G. VAN DIJK, A new approach to Berezin kernels and canonical representations, Report MI 2001-21.
G. VAN DIJK, V.F. MOLCHANOV, Berezin forms on line bundles over complex hyperbolic spaces, Report MI 2001-02.
G. VAN DIJK, M. PEVZNER, Berezin kernels and maximal degenerate representations associated with Riemannian symmetric spaces of Hermitian type, Report MI 2000-09.
G. VAN DIJK, M. PEVZNER, Matrix-valued Berezin kernels, Report MI 2000-37.
N. DUNGEY, A.F.M. TER ELST, D.W. ROBINSON, On anomalous asymptotics of heat kernels on groups of polynomial growth, report RANA 00-20, (2000) Eindhoven University of Technology.
A. GIL, J. SEGURA, N.M. TEMME, Computing toroidal functions for wide ranges of the parameters, CWI Report MAS-R0014, (2000).
M.F.E. DE JEU, Subspaces with equal closure, math.CA/0111015.
M.F.E. DE JEU, Multidimensional determinate measures, the extended Carleman theorem and quasi-analytic weights, math.CA/0111019, to appear in Annals of Probability.
E. KOELINK, Lie theory and special functions, preprint 2001, to appear in Recent Advances in Lie Theory, Heldermann Verlag.
E. KOELINK, Spectral theory and special functions, Lecture notes for the 2000 Laredo Summer school of the SIAM Activity Group OP&SF, 40 p., preprint 2001, math.CA/0107036.
E. KOELINK, W. GROENEVELT, Meixner functions and polynomials related to Lie algebra representations, preprint 2001, math.CA/0109201, to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Gen.
E. KOELINK, J. KUSTERMANS, A locally compact quantum group analogue of the normalizer of
E. KOELINK, H. ROSENGREN, Transmutation kernels for the little
T.H. KOORNWINDER, N. TOUHAMI, QDYBE: some explicit formulas for exchange matrix and related objects in case of sl(2), q=1, aeXiv:math.QA/0007086, 2000.
B. KUCKERT, Covariant Thermodynamics of Quantum Systems, arXiv hep-th/0107236.
N.P. LANDSMAN, Quantization as a functor, arXiv math-ph/0107023.
O. LEMMERS, J. WIEGERINCK, Solving the Gleason problem on linearly convex domains, Math.ArXiv math.CV/0106235 & University of Amsterdam, Math Pre-prints 01-13.
O. LEMMERS, J. WIEGERINCK, Reinhardt domains with a cusp at the origin, Math.ArXiv math.CV/0112302 & University of Amsterdam, Math Pre-prints 01-27.
G. MAR´i BEFFA, J.A. SANDERS, J.P. WANG, On integrable systems in 3-dimensional Riemannian Geometry, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, WS-558, (2001) to be published in Journal of Nonlinear Science.
M. M
M. M
M. M
M. NOUMI, J.V. STOKMAN, Askey-Wilson polynomials: an affine Hecke algebra approach, (2000) 35 pages, QA0001033. To appear in Proceedings of the 2000 SIAF OP-SF summer school on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions (Laredo, Spain), eds. F. Marcellan, W. Van Assche and R. Alvarez-Nodarse, Nova Science.
P.J. OLVER, J.A. SANDERS, J.P. WANG, Ghost Symmetries, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, WS-559, (2001) to be published in Journal of Nonlinear Science.
E.M. OPDAM, C.F. DUNKL, Dunkl operators for complex reflection groups, Newton Institute preprint series NI01031-SFM, (2001).
P. DE PAEPE, QUANG DIEU NGUYEN, Function algebras on disks, University of Amsterdam, Math Preprints 00-20.
J.A. SANDERS, J.P. WANG, On the Integrability of Systems of second order Evolution Equations with two Components, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, WS-557, (2001).
J.A. SANDERS, J.P. WANG, On a family of operators and their Lie algebras, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, WS-560, (2001) to be published in Journal of Lie Theory,
C.M.P.A. SMULDERS, Functional calculus, regularity and Riesz transforms of weighted subcoercive operators on
J.V. STOKMAN, Lecture notes on Koornwinder polynomials, (2000) 66 pages. To appear in proceedings of the SIAG OP-SF summer school on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions (Laredo, Spain), eds. F. Marcellan, W. Van Assche and R. Alvarez-Nodarse, Nova Science.
J.V. STOKMAN, An expansion for the Askey-Wilson function, (2001), 24 pages, QA0105093. To appear in J. Approx. Theory.
J.V. STOKMAN, Difference Fourier transforms for nonreduced root systems, (2001), 68 pages, QA0111221.
R. VIDUNAS, A generalization of Kummer's identity, arXiv:math.CA/0005095, (2000).
R. VIDUNAS, Contiguous relations of hypergeometric series, arXiv:math.CA/0109222, (2001).
R. VIDUNAS, N.M. TEMME, Symbolic evaluation of coefficients in Airy-type asymptotic expansions, CWI Report MAS-R0116, (2001).
Other publications
A.F.M. TER ELST, Separate and joint Gevrey vectors for representations of Lie groups, In: Circumspice. Various papers in and around Mathematics in honor of Arnoud van Rooij, Nijmegen (2001), 221-232.
G. GASPER, M.E.H. ISMAIL, T. KOORNWINDER, P. NEVAI, D. STANTON, The mathematical contributions of Richard Askey, in: q-Series from a contemporary perspective, M.E.H. Ismail and D.W. Stanton (eds.), Contemporary Mathematics 254, American Mathematical Society, (2000) 1-18.
N.P. LANDSMAN, Heisenberg en de Duitse atoombom, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde 67 (2001) 178-181.
N.P. LANDSMAN, Wiskunde wordt het enige criterium (interview), Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde 67 (2001) 276-278.
N.P. LANDSMAN, Hoe geef ik een wiskundige voordracht, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 5/2 (2001) 351-355.
P.J. OONINCX, T. VAN ECK, R. SLEEMAN, An application of the DWT in seimic data analysis, in: Wavelets in Signal and Image Analysis, A. Petrosian, F. Meyer (eds.), 479-500, Kluwer, Dordrecht, (2001) (ISBN 1-4020-0053-7).