E. BELITSER, Minimax estimation in regression and random censorship models, CWI Tract 127, CWI, Amsterdam (2000).
S.A VAN DE GEER, Empirical Processes in M-Estimation, Cambridge University Press, (2000).
M.N.M. VAN LIESHOUT, Markov point processes and their applications, Singapore: Imperial College Press/World Scientific Publishing, (2000).
Papers in journals and proceedings
A.A. BALKEMA, E.I. PANCHEVA, Extremal processes with one jump, Extremes 3 (2000) 173-195; MR 2001m:60116.
A.A. BALKEMA, S. VERWIJMEREN, Stability of an M|G|1 queue with thick tails and excess capacity, J. Math. Sci. (New York) 99 (2000) 1386-1392; CMP 1 766 067.
E. BELITSER, Local minimax pointwise estimation of a multivariate density, Statist. Neerl. 54, (2000) 351-365.
E. BELITSER, Recursive estimation of a drifted autoregressive parameter, Ann. Stat. 3, (2000) 860-870.
E. BELITSER, Minimax recovery of blurred signal from discrete noisy data, J. Nonparametr. Statist. (2001)
E. BELITSER, S.A. VAN DE GEER, On robust recursive nonparametric curve estimation, High Dimensional Probability II, Eds. E. Gine, D.M. Mason and J.A. Wellner, 391-404, (2000) Birkhauser.
E. BELITSER, B. LEVIT, Asymptotically local minimax estimation of infinitely smooth density with censored data, Ann. of Inst. Stat. Math. 53, (2001) 289-306.
E.E.M. VAN BERKUM, E.J. HABERS, J.M. VAN DE VEN, J.TH.M. WIJNEN, Fractional factorial designs for multi-step production processes, In: Proceedings of the 4th St. Petersburg Workshop on Simulation (S.M. Ermakov, Y.N. Kashtanov, V.B. Melas, Eds.), (2001) 163-168 St. Petersburg: NII Chemistry St. Petersburg University Publishers.
S.A. BOROVKOVA, R.M. BURTON, H.G. DEHLING, Limit theorems for functionals of mixing processes with applications to
S.A. BOROVKOVA, R.M. BURTON, H.G. DEHLING, From dimension estimation to asymptotics of dependent
S.A. BOROVKOVA, H.P. LOPUHAÄ, B.R. NURANI, S.P. UDIJANNA, S. DARWIS, Random weights in the Space time autoregressive model, Proceedings ISSM, (2001) Manchester.
A. DI BUCCHIANICO, J.H.J. EINMAHL, N.A. MUSHKUDIANI, Smallest nonparametric tolerance regions, Ann. Stat. 29 ( 2001) 1320-1343.
A. DI BUCCHIANICO, D.E. LOEB, A coordinate-free approach to multivariate exponential families, In: M.A.G. Viana and D.St.P. Richards (eds.), Algebraic Methods in Statistics and Probability, Contemporary Mathematics vol. 287, 37-48, Amer. Math. Society, (2001).
A. DI BUCCHIANICO, G. SOTO Y KOELEMEIJER, Solving linear recurrences using functionals, in: H. Crapo and D. Senato (eds.), Algebraic Combinatorics and Computer Science. A tribute to Gian-Carlo Rota, 461-472, Springer, (2001).
L. CHAN, J. ZHANG, Cumulative sum control charts for covariance matrix, Stat. Sinica, 11, (2001) 767-790.
A.M.COHEN, A. DI BUCCHIANICO, E. RICCOMAGNO, Replications with Groebner bases, In: A.C. Atkinson, P. Hackl and W.G. Müller (eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Model-Oriented Data Analysis, 37-44, Physica Verlag, Heidelberg, (2001).
F.P.A. COOLEN, P. VAN DER LAAN, Imprecise predictive selection based on low structure assumptions, J. Stat. Planning and Inference 98 (2001) 259-277.
U. DAVIDOVICH, J. DE WIT, N. ALBRECHT, R. GESKUS, W. STROEBE, R. COUTINHO, Increase in the share of steady partners as a source of HIV infection: a 17-year study of seroconversion among gay men, AIDS, 15(10) 1303-1308.
X. DESCOMBES, M.N.M. VAN LIESHOUT, R. STOICA, J. ZERUBIA, Parameter estimation by a Markov chain Monte Carlo technique for the Candy model, Proceedings of 11th IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, Orchid Country Club, Singapore, (2001) 22-25.
R.J.M.M. DOES, E.R. VAN DEN HEUVEL, J. DE MAST, J.E. WIERINGA, Experiences with quantitative quality programs in industry, in: Proceedings of the 44th Annual EOQ Congress, Volume S, P. Molnár and F. Boross (eds.), HNC for EOQ, Budapest, (2000) 98-105.
R.J.M.M. DOES, A. TRIP, The impact of statistics in industry and the role of statisticians, Austrian J. Statistics 30 (2001) 7-20.
N.H.T.M. DUKERS, R.B. GESKUS, R.A. COUTINHO, Mucosal shedding of human herpesvirus 8, Correspondence. New Engl J Med, 344(9): 691.
J.H.J. EINMAHL, Functional limit laws for the increments of Kaplan-Meier product-limit processes and applications, Annals of Probability 28, (2000) 1301-1335.
J.H.J. EINMAHL, M. GEILEN, A strong approximation of the shortt process, Mathematical Methods of Statistics 9, (2000) 314 322.
J.H.J. EINMAHL, L. DE HAAN, V.I. PITERBARG, Nonparametric estimation of the spectral measure of an extreme value distribution, Annals of Statistics 29, (2001) 1401-1423.
J.H.J. EINMAHL, E.V. KHMALADZE, The two-sample problem in
J.H.J. EINMAHL, A. ROSALSKY, The functional law of the iterated logarithm for the empirical process based on sample means, Journal of Theoretical Probability 14, (2001) 577-597.
J.H.J. EINMAHL, F.H. RUYMGAART, Some results for empirical processes of locally dependent arrays, Mathematical Method of Statistics 9, (2000) 399-414.
A.J. VAN ES, On the expansion of the mean integrated squared error of a kernel density estimator, Statist. Probab. Lett. 52 (2001) 441-450; CMP 1 841 612.
A.J. VAN ES, R. HELMERS, M. HUSKOV´A, On a crossroad of resampling plans: bootstrapping elementary symmetric polynomials, Statistica Neerlandica, 54, (2000) 100-110; MR 2001a:62052.
A.J. VAN ES, C.A.J. KLAASSEN, K. OUDSHOORN, Survival analysis under cross sectional sampling: length bias and multiplicative censoring, J. Statist. Plann. Inference 91 (2000) 295-312; MR 2001m:62115.
A.J. VAN ES, H.W. UH, Multi bandwidth kernel estimators for nonparametric deconvolution problems: asymptotics and finite sample performance, J. Nonparametr. Statist. 13 (2001) 107-128; MR 2001k:62040.
J. FAN, C. ZHANG, J. ZHANG, Generalized likelihood ratio statistics and Wilks phenomenon, Ann. Stat. 29, (2001) 153-193.
S.A. VAN DE GEER, Least squares estimation with complexity penalties, Mathematical Methods of Statistics 10, (2001) 355-374.
R.B. GESKUS, Methods for estimating the AIDS incubation time distribution when date of seroconversion is censored, Statistics in Medicine, 20(5): 795-812.
R.B. GESKUS, On the inclusion of prevalent cases in HIV/AIDS natural his tory studies through a marker-based estimate of time since seroconversion. Statistics in Medicine, 19, 1(2000) 753-1769.
S. GHOSAL, J.K. GHOSH, A. VAN DER VAART, Convergence rates of posterior distributions, Annals of Statistics, 28, (2000) 500-531.
S. GHOSAL, A.W. VAN DER VAART, Testing monotonicity of a regression function, Annals of Statistics, 28, (2000) 1143-1156.
R.M.P. GOVERDE, I.A. HANSEN, G. HOOGHIEMSTRA, H.P. LOPUHAÄ, Delay distributions in railway stations, Proceedings WCTR 2001, Seoul.
B. GRASL-KRAUPP, E.G. LUEBECK, A. WAGNER, A. LOW-BASELLI, M.C.M. DE GUNST, T. WALDH, Quantitative analysis of tumor initiation in rat liver: role of cell replication and cell death (apoptosis), Carcinogenesis, 21, (2000) 1411-1421
P. GROENEBOOM, Ulam's problem and Hammersley's process, Annals of Probability, 29, No.2, (2001) 683-690.
P. GROENEBOOM, G. JONGBLOED, J.A. WELLNER, A canonical process for estimation of convex functions: the `invelope' of integrated Brownian motion
P. GROENEBOOM, G. JONGBLOED, J.A. WELLNER, Estimation of a convex function: characterizations and asymptotic theory, Annals of Statistics, 29, No.6, (2001) 1653-1698.
P. GROENEBOOM, D.R. TRUAX, A monotonicity property of the power function of multivariate tests, Indag. Math. (N.S.) 11, No.2, (2000) 209-218.
P. GROENEBOOM, J.A. WELLNER, Computing Chernoff's distribution, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 10, No.2, (2001) 388-400.
M.C.M. DE GUNST, H.-R. KŸNSCH, J.G. SCHOUTEN, Statistical analysis of ion channel data using hidden Markov models with correlated state-dependent noise and filtering, Journal of the American Statistical Association 96, (2001) 805-815.
R. HELMERS, Inference on rare errors using asymptotic expansions and bootstrap calibration, Biometrika, 87, (2000) 689-694
R. HELMERS, I W. MANGKU, Statistical estimation of Poisson intensity functions, Proceedings of the SEAMS-GMU International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, (2000) 9-21.
D.E. HESS, M.N.M. VAN LIESHOUT, W.A. PAYNE, A. STEIN, A review of spatio-temporal modelling of quadrat count data with application to striga occurrence in a pearl millet field. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 3 (2001) 133-138.
E.R. VAN DEN HEUVEL, Gage R & R studies in nonstandard situations, in: Proceedings of the 54th Annual Quality Conference of the American Society of Quality, ASQ, Wisconsin, (2000) 317-328.
E.R. VAN DEN HEUVEL, C.A.J. KLAASSEN, Bayes Convolution, Internat. Statist. Review 67 (1999) 287-299.
N.L. HJORT, A.J. KONING, Tests for constancy of model parameters over time. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, (1999) to appear.
G. JONGBLOED, Sieved maximum likelihood estimation in Wicksell's problem and related deconvolution problems, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 28, (2001) 161-183.
G. JONGBLOED, Minimax lower bounds and moduli of continuity, Statistics & Probability Letters, 50, (2000) 279-284.
G. JONGBLOED, G.M. KOOLE, Managing Uncertainty in Call Centers Using Poisson mixtures, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 17, (2001) 307-318.
C.A.J. KLAASSEN, Credit in acceptance sampling on attributes, Technometrics 43 (2001) 212-222.
C.A.J. KLAASSEN, Discussion to "Inference for semiparametric models: some questions and an answer" by Peter J. Bickel and Jaimyoung Kwon, Statist. Sinica 11 (2001) 906-909.
C.A.J. KLAASSEN, R.-J. LEE, F.H. RUYMGAART, On efficiency of indirect estimation of nonparametric regression functions, in: Algebraic methods in statistics and probability, M.A.H. Viana, D.St.P. Richards (eds.), Contemporary Mathematics 287, Amer. Math. Soc., (2001) 173-184.
C.A.J. KLAASSEN, R.M. MNATSAKANOV, Consistent estimation of the structural distribution function, Scandinavian J. Statist. 27 (2000) 733-746; MR 2002a:62049.
C.A.J. KLAASSEN, P.J. MOKVELD, A.J. VAN ES, Squared skewness minus kurtosis bounded by 186/125 for unimodal distributions, Statist. Probab. Lett. 50 (2000) 131-135; MR 2001e:60035.
A.J. KONING, R.J.M.M. DOES, Cusum charts for preliminary analysis of individual observations, J. Quality Technology 32 (2000) 122-131.
A.J. KONING, R.J.M.M. DOES, CUSUM charts for preliminary analysis of individual observations, Journal of Quality Technology 32, (2001) 122-132.
M.J. VAN DER LAAN, P. VAN DER LAAN, Subset selection based on order statistics from logistic populations. Statistics 34, (2000) 237-245.
P. VAN DER LAAN, S. CHAKRABORTI, Precedence tests and Lehmann alternatives, Statistical Papers, Volume 42, Issue 3 (2001) 301-312.
P. VAN DER LAAN, C. VAN EEDEN, Sample size and the accuracy of a consistent estimator, SPOR-Report 2000-01. Dept of Math. and Computing Science, TU/e.
P. VAN DER LAAN, C. VAN EEDEN, Does increasing the sample size always increase the accuracy of a consistent estimator? The Mathematical Scientist, 25, (2000) 105-109.
P. VAN DER LAAN, C. VAN EEDEN, On selecting the best of two normal populations using a loss function. J. It. Statist. Soc. Vol. 7, No. 2, (1998) 159-170.
P. VAN DER LAAN, Some Remarks on Statistical Selection Procedures, Proceedings of the XXth International Biometric Conference, University of California, Berkeley, (2000) Volume I, p.71.
A.J. LENSTRA, Elbers & Ridder for random covariates, in: Circumspice: Liber Amicorum for Arnoud van Rooij, D. Beckers, O. van Gaans, W. Schikhof and S. Teerenstra (eds.), Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, (2001) 185-188.
M.N.M. VAN LIESHOUT, Propagation of spatial interaction under superposition, In Accuracy 2000, Proceedings of the 4th international symposium on spatial accuracy assessment in natural resources and environmental sciences, G.B.M. Heuvelink and M.J.P.M. Lemmens (Eds.), Delft University Press, (2000) 687-694.
M.N.M. VAN LIESHOUT, An introduction to stochastic geometry, In: A Forum of Methodology: Proceedings of a PE & RC seminar series 2001, A. Stein, T.H. Jetten and A.G.T. Schut (Eds.), Quantitative Approaches to System Analysis, 23 (2001) 63-71.
M.N.M. VAN LIESHOUT, I.S. MOLCHANOV, S.A. ZUYEV, Clustering methods based on variational analysis in the space of measures, Biometrika 88 (2001) 1021-1033.
M.N.M. VAN LIESHOUT, E.W. VAN ZWET, Exact sampling from conditional Boolean models with applications to maximum likelihood inference, Advances in Applied Probability (SGSA) 33 (2001) 339-353.
A. LUCAS, P. KLAASSEN, P. SPREIJ, S. STRAETMANS, An analytic approach to credit risk of large corporate bond and loan portfolios, J. of Banking and Finance 25 (2001) 1635-1664.
E.G. LUEBECK, M.C.M. DE GUNST, A stereological method for the analysis of cell counts in tissue sections using 3-dimensional cellular automata, Mathematical and Computer Modelling 33, (2001) 1387-1400.
E. MAMMEN, S.A. VAN DE GEER, Discussion of the paper ``local extremes, runs, strings and multiresolution", by P.L. Davies and A. Kovac, Annals of Statistics 29, (2001) 1-65.
J. DE MAST, C.B. ROES, R.J.M.M. DOES, The multi-vari chart: a systematic approach, Quality Engineering13 (2001) 437-447.
J. DE MAST, W.A.J. SCHIPPERS, R.J.M.M. DOES, E.R. VAN DEN HEUVEL, Steps and strategies in reducing process variation, Quality and Reliability Engineering International 16 (2000) 301-311.
B. MCNENEY, A.W. VAN DER VAART, J.A. WELLNER, Consistency of semiparametric maximum likelihood estimators for two-phase, outcome dependent sampling, Canadian Journal of Statistics 2 269-288.
S.A. MURPHY, A.W. VAN DER VAART, Semiparametric mixtures in case-control studies, Journal of Multivariate Analysis 79 1-32.
S.A. MURPHY, A.W. VAN DER VAART, On Profile Likelihood, Journal of t he American Statistical Association, 95 (2000) 449-465.
S.A. MURPHY, A.W. VAN DER VAART, Rejoinder to discussion of ``On Profile Likelihood'', Journal of the American Statistical Association, 95 (2000) 482-485.
H. NGAI, J. ZHANG, Multivariate cumulative sum control charts based on projection pursuit, Stat. Sinica, 11 (2001) 747-766.
M. PRINS, R.B. GESKUS, R.A. COUTINHO, Dwalingen in de epidemiologie. XXXV. Bias in het prevalentiecohort-onderzoek naar het natuurlijke ziektebeloop, Ned Tijdschr Geneesk, 145(45): 2170-2172.
J.M. ROBINS, A.W. VAN DER VAART, F.V. VENTURA, Rejoinder to discussion of ``The asymptotic distribution of P-values in composite null models'', Journal of the American Statistical Association, 95 (2000) 1171-1172.
J.M. ROBINS, A.W. VAN DER VAART, F.V. VENTURA, The asymptotic distribution of P-values in composite null models, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 95 (2000) 1143-1156.
A. STEIN, M.N.M. VAN LIESHOUT, H.W.G. BOOLTINK, Spatial interaction of methylene-blue stained soil pores, Geoderma 102 (2001) 101-121.
A.W. VAN DER VAART, Entropies and rates of convergence for maximum likelihood and Bayes estimation for mixtures of normal densities, Annals of Statistics 29, No. 5, 1233-1263.
A.W. VAN DER VAART, J.A. WELLNER, Preservation theorems for Glivenko-Cantelli and uniform Glivenko-Cantelli theorems, High Dimensional Probability II Birkhauser, Boston, (2000) 115-134.
M.A. VAN DE WIEL, A. DI BUCCHIANICO, Fast computation of the exact null distribution of Spearman's rho and Page's L statistic for samples with and without ties, J. Stat. Plann. Inf. 92 (2001) 133-145.
H. VAN ZANTEN, A note on consistent estimation of multivariate parameters in ergodic diffusion models, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 28(4) (2001) 617-623.
H. VAN ZANTEN, A multivariate central limit theorem for continuous local martingales, Statist. Probab. Lett. 50 (2000) 229-235; MR 2001k:60034.
J.H. VAN ZANTEN, On the uniform convergence of the empirical density of an ergodic diffusion, Stat. Inference Stoch. Process. 3 (2000) 251-262, MR 1 819 398.
J.H. VAN ZANTEN, A note on consistent estimation of multivariate parameters in ergodic diffusion models, Scand. J. Stat. 28 (2001) 617-623; CMP 1 876 503.
J.H. VAN ZANTEN, A note on consistent estimation of multivariate parameters in ergodic diffusion models, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 28(4) (2001) 617-623.
J.H. VAN ZANTEN, A multivariate central limit theorem for continuous local martingales, Statistics and Probability Letters 50(3) (2000) 229-235.
H. VAN ZANTEN, K. DZHAPARIDZE, On Bernstein-type inequalities for martingales, Stochastic Processes and their Applications 93(1) (2001) 109-117.
Ph.D. Theses
R.A. ION, Nonparametric Statistical Process Control, University of Amsterdam (2001).
M.A. JONKER, Statistical Estimation on Life-length in Historical Demography, Free University Amsterdam (2000).
J.J. LOK, Statistical Modelling of casual effects in time, Free University Amsterdam (2001).
I.W. MANGKU, Estimating the Intensity of a Cyclic Poisson Process, University of Amsterdam (2001).
N.A. MUSHKUDIANI, Statistical applications of generalized quantiles - Non-parametric tolerance regions and P-P plots, Eindhoven University of Technology (2000).
J.G. SCHOUTEN, Stochastic modeling of ion channel kinetics, Free University Amsterdam (2000).
M.A. VAN DE WIEL, Exact Distributions of Distribution-Free Test Statistics, Eindhoven University of Technology (2000).
Reports and pre-prints
G.R.J. ARTS, F.P.A. COOLEN, P. VAN DER LAAN, Nonparametric predictive inference in statistical process control, SPOR-Report 2000-16. Dept of Math. and Computing Science, TU/e.
D.H. BAILLIE, C.A.J. KLAASSEN, Credit-based accept-zero sampling schemes for the control of outgoing quality, KdV Math. Preprint Series 00-04, (2000).
E. BELITSER, S. GHOSAL, Adaptive Bayesian inference on the mean of an infinite dimensional normal distribution, Technical Report MI 2000-06, Leiden University.
T. BLOMSTER, K. DZHAPARIDZE, On Cobb-Douglas dynamical exchange economies, Preprint 303, Reports of the Department of Mathematics University of Helsinki (2001) (submitted to Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (sec.B)).
A. DI BUCCHIANICO, J.H.J. EINMAHL, N.A. MUSHKUDIANI, Small nonparametric tolerance regions, EURANDOM report 2000-011
S. CHAKRABORTI, P. VAN DER LAAN, M.A. VAN DE WIEL, A Class of Distribution-free Control Charts, SPOR-Report 2000-11. Dept of Math. and Computing Science, TU/e.
J.H.J. EINMAHL, I.W. MCKEAGUE, Empirical likelihood based hypothesis testing, SPOR-report, TUE (2000) to appear in: Bernoulli.
A.J. VAN ES, On the expansion of the mean integrated squared error of a kernel density estimator, KdV Math. Preprint Series 00-13, (2000); Statist. Probab. Lett. 52 (2001) 441-450.
A.J. VAN ES, P. SPREIJ, H. VAN ZANTEN, Nonparametric volatility density estimation, arXiv:math.PR/0107135, (2001).
A.J. VAN ES, H.-W. UH, Asymptotic normality of kernel type deconvolution estimators, arXiv:math.PR/0112032, (2001).
M. FIOCCO, W.R. VAN ZWET, Decaying correlations for the supercritical contact process conditioned on survival, to appear in: Bernoulli (2000).
M. FIOCCO, W.R. VAN ZWET, Statistical estimation of the parameter of the supercritical contact process, to appear in: Bernoulli (2000).
M. FIOCCO, W.R. VAN ZWET, Statistics for the contact process, to appear in Statistica Neerlandica (2000).
S.A. VAN DE GEER, M-estimation using penalties or sieves, Revised version of Technical Report MI 31-99, University of Leiden (2000) (to appear in JSPI).
S.A. VAN DE GEER, On Hoeffding's inequality for dependent random variables, Report MI 2001-03, University of Leiden. To appear in: Empirical Process Techniques for Dependent Data, eds. H. Dehling, T. Mikosch and M. Sørensen, Birkhäuser, Boston.
S.A. VAN DE GEER, Discussion of the paper ``Random rates in anisotropic regression", by M. Hoffmann and O. Lepski, To appear in The Annals of Statistics.
S.A. VAN DE GEER, Maximum likelihood for nonparametric mixture models, Report MI 2001-23, University of Leiden (To appear in Computational Methods and Data Analysis)
M.C.M. DE GUNST, J.G. SCHOUTEN, Model selection and parameter estimation for single-channel recordings of the K+ outward-rectifier in barley leaf protoplasts, WS (Int. r. no. 547). Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen, (2000).
M.C.M. DE GUNST, J.G. SCHOUTEN, The selection of a Markov model for the gating mechanism of an ion channel using reversible jump MCMC, WS (Int. r. n o. 543). Stochastiek, (2000).
U. HAHN, E.B.V. JENSEN, M-C. VAN LIESHOUT, L.S. NIELSEN, Inhomogeneous spatial point processes by location dependent scaling, Research Report 16, Laboratory for Computational Stochastics, University of Aarhus, (2001).
R. HELMERS, I.W. MANGKU, R. ZITIKIS, Consistent estimation of the intensity function of a cyclic Poisson process, to appear in Journal of Multivariate Statistics (2001).
R. HELMERS, I.W. MANGKU, R. ZITIKIS, Statistical properties of a kernel type estimator of the intensity function of a cyclic Poisson process, CWI report PNA-R0102.
N.L. HJORT, A.J. KONING, Constancy of distributions: nonparametric monitoring of probability distributions over time, EI Report 2001-50
R.A. ION, R.J.M.M DOES, C.A.J. KLAASSEN, A comparison of Shewhart control charts based on normality, nonparametrics, and extreme-value theory, KdV Math. Preprint Series 00-08 (2000).
G. JONGBLOED, P. GROENEBOOM, J.A. WELLNER, A canonical process for estimation of convex functions: the "invelope" of integrated Brownian motion
G. JONGBLOED, P. GROENEBOOM, J.A. WELLNER, Estimation of a convex function: characterizations and asymptotic theory, Technical Report 372 (2000) Seattle: University of Washington.
G. JONGBLOED, G.M. KOOLE, Managing uncertainty in call centers using Poisson mixtures, Technical Report 2000 (Int. r. no. 3). Stochastiek.
C.A.J. KLAASSEN, Credit in acceptance sampling on attributes, KdV Math. Preprint Series 00-02, (2000); Technometrics 43 (2001) 212-222.
C.A.J. KLAASSEN, A.J. LENSTRA, Zero information in the two-sample mixed proportional hazards model, KdV Math. Preprint Series 00-05 (2000).
C.A.J. KLAASSEN, H. PUTTER, Efficient estimation of Banach parameters in semiparametric models, KdV Math. Preprint Series 00-03 (2000).
C.A.J. KLAASSEN, J.TH. RUNNENBURG, Discrete spacings, arXiv:math.PR/0112056, (2001).
A.J. KONING, V. PROTASOV, Tail behaviour of Gaussian processes with applications to the Brownian pillow, EI Report 2001-49
P. VAN DER LAAN Subset Selection, SPOR-Report 2000-10. Dept of Math. and Computing Science, TU/e.
P. VAN DER LAAN, Subset selectie aanpak, SPOR-Report 2001-01. Dept of Math. and Computing Science, TU/e.
M.N.M. VAN LIESHOUT, A.J. BADDELEY, Extrapolating and interpolating spatial patterns, CWI Report PNA-R0117, (2001).
M.N.M. VAN LIESHOUT, I.S. MOLCHANOV, S.A. ZUYEV, Clustering methods based on variational analysis in the space of measures, Preprint, Glasgow University, (2000).
M.N.M. VAN LIESHOUT, R.S. STOICA, The Candy model revisited: Markov properties and inference, CWI Report PNA-R0115, (2001).
M.N.M. VAN LIESHOUT, E.W. VAN ZWET, Maximum likelihood estimation for the bombing model, CWI Report PNA-R0008, (2000).
O.B. LINTON, J.P. NIELSEN, S.A. VAN DE GEER, Estimating multiplicative and additive marker dependent hazard functions by backfitting with the assistance of marginal integration, (2000).
O.B. LINTON, J.P. NIELSEN, S.A. VAN DE GEER, Estimating multiplicative and additive hazrd functions by kernel methods, Discussion paper EM/010411, London School of Economics and Political Science (2001).
J.-M. LOUBES, S.A. VAN DE GEER, Adaptive estimation in regression, using soft thresholding type penalties, Techn. Report MI 2000-18, University of Leiden.
A. LUCAS, P. KLAASSEN, P. SPREIJ, S. STRAETMANS, Tail behavior of credit loss distributions for general latent factor models, Discussion Paper 01-023/2, Tinbergen Insititute, (2001).
L. MOHAMMADI, S.A. VAN DE GEER, On more or less simple classifiers, Report MI 2001-27, University of Leiden.
J.H. VAN ZANTEN, New limit theorems for regular diffusion processes with finite speed measure, Report PNA-R0013, CWI, Amsterdam, (2000).
J.H. VAN ZANTEN, Rates of convergence and asymptotic normality of curve estimators for ergodic diffusion processes, Report PNA-R0011, CWI, Amsterdam, (2000).
J.H. VAN ZANTEN, Uniform convergence of curve estimators for ergodic diffusion processes, Report PNA-R0006, CWI, Amsterdam, (2000).
J.H. VAN ZANTEN, The stable central limit theorem for local martingales with bounded jumps via Skorochod embedding, Report PNA-R0001, CWI, Amsterdam, (2000).
Other publications
F. BOSHUIZEN, P. SPREIJ, Risicomanagement in financiële instellingen, StatOR 2 (2001) no. 2, 22-25.
K. DZHAPARIDZE, Introduction to Option Pricing in a securities market, Amsterdam: CWI Syllabus 47, (2000).
R.J.M.M. DOES, Black Belt: gevraagd statistici, STAtOR 1(2) (2000) 15-16.
R.J.M.M. DOES, Geen plaats meer voor watjes, SIGMA Actueel 00/11 (2000) p.3.
R.J.M.M. DOES, Gissen is missen, STAtOR 1(3) (2000) 19-20.
R.J.M.M. DOES, Goed geregeld, STAtOR 1(2001) no. 4, 17-19.
R.J.M.M. DOES, Nederlandse bedrijfsleven in de ban van Zes Sigma, Chemisch Weekblad 9 (2001) 16-17.
R.J.M.M. DOES, Kwaliteit & verbeterprogramma's, STAtOR 2 (2001) no. 2, 19-21.
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