Papers in journals and proceedings
I.J.B.F. ADAN, E.A. VAN DOORN, J.A.C. RESING, W.R.W. SCHEINHARDT, Analysis of a single-server queue interacting with a fluid reservoir. Queueing Systems 29 (1998) 313-336.
I.J.B.F. ADAN, G. HOOGHIEMSTRA, The M/M/c with critical jobs. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 47 (1998) 341-353.
I.J.B.F. ADAN, A.G. DE KOK, J.A.C. RESING, A multi-server queueing model with locking. European Journal of Operational Research 116 (1999) 249-258.
I.J.B.F. ADAN, J.A.C. RESING, A class of Markov processes on a semi-infinite strip. 3rd International Meeting on the Numerical Solution of Markov Chains, (1999) 41-57.
I.J.B.F. ADAN, J. VAN DER WAL, Combining make to order and make to stock. OR Spektrum 20 (1998) 73-81.
E. ALTMAN, S. BHULAI, B. GAUJAL, A. HORDIJK. Optimal routing to
E. ALTMAN, B. GAUJAL, A. HORDIJK, Regular ordering and applications in control policies. In: Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (1998) 66-71.
E. ALTMAN, B. GAUJAL, A. HORDIJK, G. KOOLE, Optimal admission, routing and service assignment control: the case of single buffer queues. In: Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (1998) 2119-2124.
E. ALTMAN, B. GAUJAL, A. HORDIJK, Regular sequences and admission control in stochastic (max,
E. ALTMAN, T. JIMÉNEZ, G.M. KOOLE, On optimal call admission control. In: Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (1998).
E. ALTMAN, G.M. KOOLE, On submodular value functions and complex dynamic programming. Stochastic Models 14 (1998) 1051-1072.
M. ANDREWS, S.C. BORST, F. DOMINIQUE, P.R. JELENKOVIC, K. KUMARAN, K.G. RAMAKRISHNAN, P.A. WHITING, Dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithms for high-speed data wireless networks. Bell Labs Techn. J. 3 (1998) 30-49. Also in: Proc. MOMUC '98 Conf.
W. ASPINALL, R.M. COOKE, Expert judgement and the Montserrat volcano eruption. In: Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, (New York, 198) Vol. 3, Springer, London, (1998) 2113-2118.
A. BEDEKAR, S.C. BORST, K. RAMANAN, P.A. WHITING, E.M. YEH, Downlink scheduling in CDMA data networks. In: Proc. Globecom '99, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1999).
T.J. BEDFORD, Sensitivity indices for (tree-) dependent variables. In: SAMO '98 Proceedings. (Venice, Italy, 1998), JRC, EC, ISpra, (1998) 17-20.
T.J. BEDFORD, Multi-attribute decision-making in design choice. In: Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management. (New York, 1998) Vol. 4, Springer, (1998) 2389-2396.
T.J. BEDFORD, On the use of minimally informative copulae in competing risk problems. In: Statistical and Probabilistic Models in Reliability (Statistics for industry and technology). Springer, Boston, (1999) 39-50.
T.J. BEDFORD, E. ATHERTON, S. FRENCH, Time at risk: ALARP trade-offs over time. In: Safety and Reliability: Proceedings of ESREL '99. 10th European Conference on Safety and Reliability Balkema, Rotterdam, (1999) 1441-1446.
T.J. BEDFORD, R.M. COOKE, Applying MAUT for risk-based management of design problems in the aerospace industry. In: Decision Analysis and its Applications in Safety and Reliability. (Espoo, Finland, 1997), ESReDA, Espoo, Finland, (1998) 209-227.
T.J. BEDFORD, R. M. COOKE, A new generic model for applying MAUT. European Journal of Operational Research 118 (1999) 589-604.
T.J. BEDFORD, C. PREYSSL, Industrial applications and theory of decision making under risk. In: Risk Management. (Noordwijk, 1998), ESA, Noordwijk, (1998) 213-216.
S.C. BORST, R.J. BOUCHERIE, O.J. BOXMA, ERMR: a generalised Equivalent Random Method for overflow systems with Repacking. In: Teletraffic Engineering in a Competitive World, North-Holland Publ. Cy., Amsterdam, (1999) 313-323.
S.C. BORST, O.J. BOXMA, P.R. JELENKOVIC, Generalized Processor Sharing with long-tailed traffic sources. In: Teletraffic Engineering in a Competitive World, North-Holland Publ. Cy., Amsterdam, (1999) 345-354.
S.C. BORST, O.J. BOXMA, P.R. JELENKOVIC, Induced burstiness in Generalized Processor Sharing queues with long-tailed traffic flows. In: Proc. of the 37th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing; Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, (1999).
S.C. BORST, S.A. GRANDHI, C.L. KAHN, K. KUMARAN, B.D. LUBACHEVSKY, D.M. SAND, Simulation of self-organizing spectrum management in wireless networks. In: Proc. MASCOTS '98 Conf., (1998).
S.C. BORST, D. MITRA, Asymptotically achievable performance in ATM networks. Adv. Appl. Prob. 30 (1998) 568-585.
S.C. BORST, D. MITRA, Virtual partitioning for robust resource sharing: computational techniques for heterogeneous traffic. IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 16 (1998) 668-678.
S.C. BORST, K.G. RAMAKRISHNAN, Optimization of template-driven scheduling mechanisms: regularity measures and computational techniques. Journal of Scheduling 2 (1998) 19-33.
O.J. BOXMA, Stochastic Networks. In: Proc. 19th Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux, (Werkgemeenschap Informatie- en Communicatietheorie, Enschede, (1998) 173-175 (invited paper).
O.J. BOXMA, J.W. COHEN, The M/G/1 queue with heavy-tailed service time distribution. IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 16 (1998) 749-763.
O.J. BOXMA, J.W. COHEN, Q. DENG, Heavy-traffic analysis of the
O.J. BOXMA, V. DUMAS, The busy period in the fluid queue. Performance Evaluation Review 26 (1998) 100-110 (Proc. ACM Sigmetrics/Performance '98).
O.J. BOXMA, V. DUMAS, Fluid queues with long-tailed activity period distributions. Computer Communications 21 (1998) 509-529 (Invited survey in the special issue on ``Stochastic Analysis and Optimal Management of Computer Communication Systems").
O.J. BOXMA, D. PERRY, F.A. VAN DER DUYN SCHOUTEN, Fluid queues and mountain processes. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 13 (1999) 407-427.
R.M. COOKE, FN data need supplement of temporal trend analysis. In: Quantified Societal Risk and Policy Making. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, (1998) 126-131.
R.M. COOKE, V.M. BIER, Simulation results for precursor estimates. In: International Workshop Series on Advanced Topics in Reliability and Risk Analysis: Accident Sequence Precursors and Probabilistic Risk Analysis. (Madison, Wisconsin, 1995), Center for Reliability Engineering, College Park, Maryland, (1998) 61-76.
R.M. COOKE, A. BOSMA, F. H¨ARTE, A simple reliability model for Heineken bottle filling lines. In: KONBiN'99 (Informator 1). Materialy na Krajowa Konferencje Bezpieczenstwo i Niezawodnosc (Zakopane, 1999), Instityt Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych, Warszawa, (1999) 205-212.
R.M. COOKE, J.W. DORREPAAL, Evaluation of reliability data and maintenance indicators. In: Handbook on Quality of Reliability Data: an ESReDA Working Group Report (Statistical series 4). Det Norske Veritas, Hovik, (1999) 86-94.
R.M. COOKE, E. JAGER, A probabilistic model for the failure frequency of underground gas pipelines. In: Risk Analysis 18 (1998) 511-527.
R.M. COOKE, B.C.P. KRAAN, L.H.J. GOOSSENS, Results of the EU-USNRC expert judgement quantification of accident consequence uncertainties. In: Safety and Reliability: Proceedings of ESREL '99. 10th European Conference on Safety and Reliability, Balkema, Rotterdam, (1999) 1205-1210.
R.M. COOKE, J.M. VAN NOORTWIJK, Local probabilistic sensitivity measures for comparing FORM and Monte Carlo calculations illustrated with dike ring reliability calculations. In: Computer Physics Communications 115 (1998) 1-12.
R.M. COOKE, J.M. VAN NOORTWIJK, Generic graphics for uncertainty and sensitivity analysis. In: Safety and reliability: proceedings of ESREL '99. 10th European Conference on Safety and Reliability, Balkema, Rotterdam, (1999) 1187-1192.
N. VAN ELST, T.J. BEDFORD, R. JORISSEN, D. KLAASSEN, A generic risk model for the closing procedure of moveable water barriers. In: Safety and Reliability. Vol. 1. (Trondheim, 1998), Balkema, Rotterdam, (1998) 435-442.
S. FRENCH, E. ATHERTON, T.J. BEDFORD, A comparison of CBA and MAUT for ALARP decision-making. In: Risk Analysis: Facing the New Millennium. Proceedings 9th Annual Conference (Rotterdam, 1999), Delft University Press, Delft, (1999) 550-553.
B. GAUJAL, A. HORDIJK, Regular ordering and applications in control policies. In: Proceedings International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, (1998) 355-360.
L. GOOSSENS, R.M. COOKE, B.C.P. KRAAN, Evaluation of weighton schemes for expert judgment studies. In: Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management. Vol. 3. (New York, 1998), Springer, London, (1998) 1937-1942.
L.H.J. GOOSSENS, R.M. COOKE, B.C.P. KRAAN, F.T. HARPER, Results of the EC/USNRC expert judgement uncertainty analysis of accident consequence models for nuclear power plants: project overview and lessons learned. In: Safety and Reliability: Proceedings of ESREL '99., 10th European Conference on Safety and Reliability, Balkema, Rotterdam, (1999) 1211-1216.
L. GOOSSENS, R.M. COOKE, B.C.P. KRAAN, F. HARPER, M. OUNG, L. MILLER, S.G. HORA, J. PASLER-SAUER, Uncertainty analysis of nuclear accident consequence codes: a formal expert judgement approach. In: Risk Management in Europe: New Challenges for the Industrial World. Vol. 1, nr. 2 (Stuttgart), (1997), 779-793.
L. GOOSSENS, R.M. COOKE, F. WOUDENBERG, P. VAN DER TORN, Expert judgement and lethal toxicity of inhaled chemicals. In: Journal of Risk Research 1 (1998) 117-133.
L. GOOSSENS, B.C.P. KRAAN, R.M. COOKE, J.A. JONES, J. BROWN, J. EHRHARDT, I. HASEMANN, F. FISHER, COSYMA accident consequence uncertainty analysis: Procedure and first results. In: Safety and Reliability. Vol. 2. (Trondheim, Norway, 1998), Balkema, Rotterdam, 1998, 1411-1418.
A. HORDIJK, A. LOEVE, J. TIGGELMAN, Analysis of a finite-source customer assignment model with no state information. Math. Meth. Op. Res. 47 (1998) 317-336.
A. HORDIJK, O. PASSCHIER, F.M. SPIEKSMA, On the existence of the Puiseux expansion of the discounted rewards: a counterexample. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 13 (1999) 229-235.
A. HORDIJK, A.A. YUSKEVICH, Blackwell optimality in the class of stationary policies in Markov decision chains with a Borel state space and unbounded rewards. Math. Meth. Oper. Res. 49 (1999) 1-39.
A. HORDIJK, A.A. YUSKEVICH, Blackwell optimality in the class of all policies in Markov decision chains with a Borel state space and unbounded rewards. Math. Meth. Oper. Res. 50 (1999) 421-448.
G.J. VAN HOUTUM, W.H.M. ZIJM, I.J.B.F. ADAN, J. WESSELS, Bounds for performance characteristics: a systematic approach via cost structures. Stochastic Models 14 (1998) 205-224.
G.M. KOOLE, Structural results for the control of queueing systems using event-based dynamic programming. Queueing Systems 30 (1998) 323-339.
G.M. KOOLE, A transformation method for stochastic control problems with partial observations. Systems and Control Letters 35 (1998) 301-308.
G.M. KOOLE, The deviation matrix of the
G.M. KOOLE, On the static assignment to parallel servers. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 44 (1999) 1588-1592.
G.M. KOOLE, Z. LIU, Stochastic bounds for queueing systems with multiple on-off sources. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 12 (1998) 25-48.
G.M. KOOLE, P. NAIN, On the value function of a priority queue. In: Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (1999).
G.M. KOOLE, R. RIGHTER, Optimal control of tandem reentrant queues. Queueing Systems 28 (1998) 337-347.
G.M. KOOLE, P.D. SPARAGGIS, D. TOWSLEY, Minimizing response times and queue lengths in systems of parallel queues. Journal of Applied Probability 36 (1999) 1185-1193.
B.C.P. KRAAN, R.M. COOKE, L. GOOSSENS, Uncertainty analysis on early health effects modeling in accident consequence codes. In: Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management. Vol. 2. (New York, 1998), Springer, London, (1998) 1077-1082.
V.G. KRYMSKY, R.M. COOKE, A.R. YUNUSOV, The role of expert judgement in hazardous factors influence prognosis: parametric elicitation technique. In: Risk Analysis: Facing the New Millennium. Proceedings 9th Annual Conference, Delft University Press, Delft, (1999) 571-574.
K. KUMARAN, S.E. GOLOWICH, S.C. BORST, Correlated shadow fading in wireless networks and its effect on call dropping. In: Proc. 1998 Conf. Information Sciences and Systems.
M. LITTLE, C. MUIRHEAD, L. GOOSSENS, R.M. COOKE, B.C.P. KRAAN, F. HARPER, Joint EC/USNRC project: results of expert judgement assessment for the late health effects models. In: Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management. Vol. 3. (New York, 1998), Springer, London, (1998) 1925-1930.
N.J.C. LOUS, S.W. RIENSTRA, I.J.B.F. ADAN, Sound transmission through a periodic cascade. Journal of Acoustical Society of America 103 (1998) 2302-2311.
J.G. NORSTROM, R.M. COOKE, T.J. BEDFORD, Statistical methods in design of safety critical software. In: Safety and Reliability. Vol. 2. (Trondheim, Norway, 1998), Balkema, Rotterdam, (1998) 1061-1067.
J.G. NORSTROM, R.M. COOKE, T.J. BEDFORD, Value of information based inspection-strategy of a fault-tree. In: Safety and Reliability: Proceedings of ESREL '99. 10th European Conference on Safety and Reliability, Balkema, Rotterdam, (1999) 621-626.
R. NÚÑEZ QUEIJA, A queueing model with varying service rate for ABR. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Proceedings of TOOLS'98, Springer Verlag (1998) 93-104.
R. NÚÑEZ QUEIJA, J.L. VAN DEN BERG, M.R.H. MANDJES, Performance evaluation of strategies for integration of elastic and stream traffic. In: Teletraffic Engineering in a Competitive World, North-Holland Publ. Cy., Amsterdam, (1999) 1039-1050.
R. NÚÑEZ QUEIJA, O.J. BOXMA, Analysis of a multi-server queueing model of ABR. J. Appl. Math. and Stochastic Analysis 11 (1998) 339-354.
P. RIETVELD, A.P. ZWART, B. VAN WEE, T. VAN DER HOORN, On the relationship between travel time and travel distance of commuters. Annals of Regional Science 33 (1999) 269-287.
S.A.E. SASSEN, J. VAN DER WAL, Two approximations for the steady state probabilities and the sojourn time distribution of the
K.A.H. SLIJKHUIS, M.P.C. FRIJTERS, R.M. COOKE, A.C.W.M. VROUWENVELDER, Probability of flooding: an uncertainty analysis. In: Safety and Reliability. Vol. 2. (Trondheim, Norway, 1998), Balkema, Rotterdam, (1998) 1419-1426.
J. VERRIJDT, I.J.B.F. ADAN, A.G. DE KOK, A tradeoff between emergency repair and inventory investment. IIE Transactions 30 (1998) 119-132.
J.A.M. VAN DER WEIDE, T.J. BEDFORD, Competing risks and eternal life. In: Safety and Reliability. Vol. 2 (Trondheim, 1998), Balkema, Rotterdam, (1998) 1359-1362.
A.R. YUNUSOV, R.M. COOKE, V.G. KRYMSKY, Rexcalibr - integrated system for processing expert judgements. In: Risk Analysis: Facing the New Millennium. Proceedings 9th Annual Conference, Delft University Press, Delft, (1999) 587-590.
A.P. ZWART, Sojourn times in a multiclass processor sharing queue. In: Teletraffic Engineering in a Competitive World., proceedings of ITC 16, North-Holland Publ. Cy., Amsterdam, (1999) 335-344.
Ph.D. Theses
S.A.E. SASSEN, Multi-server feedback queues for optimistic concurrency control. Eindhoven University of Technology, (1998).
Reports and pre-prints
S. AALTO, W.R.W. SCHEINHARDT, Tandem fluid queues fed by homogeneous on-off sources. Eurandom report 99-022, Eindhoven, (1999). To appear in Operations Research Letters.
I.J.B.F. ADAN, A.G. DE KOK, J.A.C. RESING, A multi-server queueing model with locking. COSOR memorandum 98-03, Eindhoven University of Technology, (1998).
I.J.B.F. ADAN, J.A.C. RESING, A class of Markov processes on a semi-infinite strip. COSOR memorandum 99-03, Eindhoven University of Technology, (1999).
I.J.B.F. ADAN, J.A.C. RESING, A two-level traffic shaper for an on-off source. COSOR memorandum 99-07, Eindhoven University of Technology, (1999).
I.J.B.F. ADAN, J.W.C.H. VISSCHERS, J. WESSELS, Sum of product form solutions to MSCCC queues with job type dependent processing times. COSOR memorandum 98-19, Eindhoven University of Technology, (1998).
I.J.B.F. ADAN, J.W.C.H. VISSCHERS, J. WESSELS, Two-dimensional Markov chains with geometric jumps. COSOR memorandum 99-01, Eindhoven University of Technology, (1999).
E. ALTMAN, S. BHULAI, B. GAUJAL, A. HORDIJK, Optimal routing problems and multimodularity. INRIA report RR-3727.
E. ALTMAN, S. BHULAI, B. GAUJAL, A. HORDIJK, Open-loop routing to M parallel servers with no buffers. Preprint.
E. ALTMAN, B. GAUJAL, A. HORDIJK, Regular ordering of applications in control policies. Preprint.
E. ALTMAN, B. GAUJAL, A. HORDIJK, Optimal open-loop control of vacations, polling and service assignment. INRIA research report No. 3261.
E. ALTMAN, B. GAUJAL, A. HORDIJK, Simplex convexity, with an application to open loop stochastic control in networks. Preprint.
E. ALTMAN, T. JIMÉNEZ, G.M. KOOLE, On optimal call admission control. Technical Report WS-503, Free University Amsterdam, (1998).
M. ANDREWS, S.C. BORST, F. DOMINIQUE, P.R. JELENKOVIC, K. KUMARAN, K.G. RAMAKRISHNAN, P.A. WHITING, Dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithms for high-speed data wireless networks. Technical Memorandum BL0112120-980630-13TM, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, USA.
A. BEDEKAR, S.C. BORST, K. RAMANAN, P.A. WHITING, E.M. YEH, Downlink scheduling in CDMA data networks. Report PNA-R9910, CWI, Amsterdam.
S.C. BORST, O.J. BOXMA, P.R. JELENKOVIC, Coupled processors with regularly varying service times. Memorandum COSOR 99-11, Eindhoven University of Technology, (1999).
S.C. BORST, O.J. BOXMA, P.R. JELENKOVIC, Asymptotic behavior of Generalized Processor Sharing with long-tailed traffic sources. Report PNA-R9916, CWI, Amsterdam.
S.C. BORST, P.A. WHITING, Achievable performance of dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithms in high-speed data wireless networks. Technical Memorandum BL0112120-980831-19TM, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, USA.
O.J. BOXMA, Q. DENG, Asymptotic behaviour of the tandem queueing system with identical service times at both queues. Memorandum COSOR 99-02, Eindhoven University of Technology, (1999).
O.J. BOXMA, Q. DENG, J.A.C. RESING, Polling systems with regularly varying service and/or switchover times. Memorandum COSOR 99-10, Eindhoven University of Technology (1999).
O. J. BOXMA, Q. DENG, A.P. ZWART, Waiting-time asymptotics for the M/G/2 queue with heterogeneous servers. Memorandum COSOR 99-20, Eindhoven University of Technology, (1999).
O.J. BOXMA, I. KURKOVA, The M/G/1 queue with two service speeds. EURANDOM Report 99-57, Eindhoven, (1999).
O.J. BOXMA, D. PERRY, A queueing model with dependence between service and interarrival times. Memorandum COSOR 98-27, Eindhoven University of Technology, (1998).
R.M. COOKE, J.M. VAN NOORTWIJK, Uncertainty Analysis of Inundation Probabilities. Phase 1. Report for: Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat. Technische Universiteit Delft, Delft, 1997, 122 Report 37-97.
M. FRIJTERS, R.M. COOKE, K. SLIJKHUIS, J.M. VAN NOORTWIJK, Expertmeningen onzekerheidsanalyse: kwalitatief en kwantitatief verslag. Report for: DWW, Richard Jorissen. Rijkswaterstaat, Utrecht, (1999) 114 ONIN-1-99006.
A. GAJRAT, A. HORDIJK, Fluid approximation of a controlled multiclass tandem network. Technical report TW-98-12, Leiden University, (1998).
A. GAJRAT, A. HORDIJK, Optimal service control of multiclass fluid tandem networks. Technical report MI-99-39, Leiden University, (1999).
I. HALACHMI, I.J.B.F. ADAN, J. VAN DER WAL, J.A.P. HEESTERBEEK, P. VAN BEEK, Dairy barns and queueing networks. COSOR memorandum 98-15, Eindhoven University of Technology, (1998). To appear in EJOR.
A. HORDIJK, Comparison of queues with different discrete-time arrival processes. Technical report MI-99-35, Leiden University, (1999).
A. HORDIJK, Z. LIU, D. TOWSLEY, Smoothing effect of the superposition of homogeneous sources in tandem networks. INRIA report RR-3839.
A. HORDIJK, A. SHWARTZ, Performance bounds for queues via generating functions. Technical report TW-98-13, Leiden University, (1998).
A. HORDIJK, A.A. YUSKEVICH, A survey of Blackwell optimality. Technical report MI-99-42, Leiden University, (1999).
L.C.M. KALLENBERG, Combinatorial problems in MDPs. Technical report MI-99-41, Leiden University, (1999).
J. KEIZERS, I.J.B.F. ADAN, J. VAN DER WAL, A queueing model for due date control in a multi server repair shop with subcontracting. COSOR memorandum 98-29, Eindhoven University of Technology, (1998).
G.M. KOOLE, Convexity in tandem queues. Technical Report WS-516, Free University Amsterdam, (1999).
G.M. KOOLE, Z. LIU, R. RIGHTER, Optimal transmission policies for noisy channels. Technical Report WS-515, Free University Amsterdam, (1999).
G.M. KOOLE, P NAIN. On the value function of a priority queue with an application to a controlled polling model. Technical Report WS-513, Free University Amsterdam, (1998).
G.M. KOOLE, E. VAN DER SLUIS, An optimal local search procedure for manpower scheduling in call centers. Technical Report WS-501, Free University Amsterdam, (1998).
D.P. KROESE, W.R.W. SCHEINHARDT, Joint distributions for interacting fluid queues. Accepted for publication in Queueing Systems.
K. KUMARAN, S.E. GOLOWICH, S.C. BORST, Correlated shadow fading in wireless networks and its effect on call dropping. Technical Memorandum BL0112120-980306-05TM, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, USA.
R.B. LENIN, P.R. PARTHASARATHY, W.R.W. SCHEINHARDT, E.A. VAN DOORN, Families of birth-processes with similar time-dependent behaviour. Memorandum COSOR 99-14, Eindhoven University of Technology, (1999). To appear in Journal of Applied Probability.
N. LITVAK, I. ADAN, J. WESSELS, W.H.M. ZIJM, The nearest item heuristic for carousel systems. EURANDOM report 99-059, Eindhoven, (1999).
V.A. MALYSHEV, F.M. SPIEKSMA, Fluid Model with Two Time Scales. Technical report TW-98-07, Leiden University, (1998).
M.R.H. MANDJES, S.C. BORST, Overflow behavior in queues with many long-tailed inputs. Report PNA-R9911, CWI, Amsterdam.
R. NÚÑEZ QUEIJA, Sojourn times in a processor sharing queue with service interruptions. Report PNA-R9807, CWI, Amsterdam.
R. NÚÑEZ QUEIJA, Sojourn times in non-homogeneous QBD processes with processor sharing. Report PNA-R9901, CWI, Amsterdam.
R. NÚÑEZ QUEIJA, J.L. VAN DEN BERG, M.R.H. MANDJES, Performance evaluation of strategies for integration of elastic and stream traffic. Report PNA-R9903, CWI, Amsterdam.
E.L. ÖRMECI, A. BURNETAS, J. VAN DER WAL, Admission policies for a two class loss system. Eurandom Report, (1999).
J.W.C.H. VISSCHERS, I.J.B.F. ADAN, J. WESSELS, Product form solutions to production systems with simultaneous resource possession. COSOR memorandum 99-15, Eindhoven University of Technology, (1999).
J.W.C.H. VISSCHERS, I.J.B.F. ADAN, J. WESSELS, Product form solution to production systems wih job type restricted machines. COSOR memorandum 99-22, Eindhoven University of Technology, (1999).
A.P. ZWART, Sojourn times in a multiclass processor sharing queue. COSOR memorandum 98-22, Eindhoven University of Technology, (1998).
A.P. ZWART, A fluid queue with a finite buffer and subexponential input. COSOR memorandum 98-25, Eindhoven University of Technology, (1998). Accepted for publication in Advances in Applied Probability.
A.P. ZWART, Tail asymptotics for the busy period in the GI/G/1 queue. COSOR memorandum 99-12, Eindhoven University of Technology, (1999).
Other publications
I.J.B.F. ADAN, J. VAN DER WAL, I. HALACHMI, P. VAN BEEK, Koeienstallen, robots, en wachtrijen. ITW Nieuws 8 (1999) 7-11.
O.J. BOXMA, J.W. COHEN, The single server queue: Heavy tails and heavy traffic. Internal report CWI; to appear in: Self-similar Network Traffic and Performance Evaluation, (Wiley, New York, 2000).
S.A.E. SASSEN, J. VAN DER WAL, Real-time databases and optimistic concurrency control. Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium: Wiskunde Toegepast.