Papers in journals and proceedings
H. BART, L.G. KROON, R.A. ZUIDWIJK, Quasicomplete Factorization and the Two Machine Flow Shop Problem, Linear Algebra and its Applications 278 (1998) 195-219.
H. BART, R.A. ZUIDWIJK, Simultaneous Reduction to Triangular Forms after Extension with Zeroes, Linear Algebra and its Applications 281 (1998) 105-135.
H. BAVINCK, R. KOEKOEK Difference operators with Sobolev type Meixner polynomials as eigenfunctions Advances in Difference Equations II. Computers and Mathematics with Applications 36 (1998) 163-177.
P. BENEKER, Strongly exposed points, Helson-Szeg weights and Toeplitz operators, Integral Equations Operator Theory 31 no.3 (1998) 299-306.
P. BENEKER,J. WIEGERINCK, Strongly exposed points in uniform algebras, Proc.Amer.Math.Soc. 127 no.5 (1999) 1567-1570.
F. BEUKERS, J.A. SANDERS, JING PING WANG, One symmetry does not imply integrability, J. Differential Equations 146, No. 1 (1998) 251-260.
M.G. DE BRUIN, A.B. COHEN STUART, C. KAMMINGA, A time-frequency entropy measure of uncertainty, Acoustics Letters 21 (1999) 155-160.
M.G. DE BRUIN, C. KAMMINGA, The effect of signal normalization on entropy sums, Pattern Recognition Letters 19 (1998) 415-423.
M.G. DE BRUIN, K.G. IVANOV, A. SHARMA, A conjecture of Schoenberg, Journal of Inequalities and Applications 4 (1999) 183-213.
M.G. DE BRUIN, A. SHARMA, On a Schoenberg-type conjecture, Journal of Computational and applied Mathematics 105 (1999) 221-228.
M.G. DE BRUIN, A. SHARMA, J. SZABADOS, Birkhoff type interpolation on perturbed roots of unity, In Approximation Theory, Marcel Dekker, New York (1998) 167-179.
A. BULTHEEL, P. GONZÁLEZ-VERA, E. HENDRIKSEN, O. NJåSTAD, Continued fractions and orthogonal rational functions, In: Orthogonal Functions, Moment Theory and Continued Fractions: Theory and Applications, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 199, Marcel Dekker, (1998) 69-100.
A. BULTHEEL, P. GONZÁLEZ-VERA, E. HENDRIKSEN, O. NJåSTAD, Interpolation of Nevanlinna functions by rationals with poles on the real line, In: Orthogonal Functions, Moment Theory and Continued Fractions: Theory and Applications, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 199, Marcel Dekker, (1998) 101-110.
A. BULTHEEL, P. GONZÁLEZ-VERA, E. HENDRIKSEN, O. NJåSTAD, Orthogonal rational functions and interpolatory product rules on the unit circle I. Recurrence and interpolation, Analysis 18 (1998) 167-183.
A. BULTHEEL, P. GONZÁLEZ-VERA, E. HENDRIKSEN, O. NJåSTAD, Orthogonal rational functions and interpolatory product rules on the unitcircle II. Quadrature and convergence, Analysis 18 (1998) 185-200.
A. BULTHEEL, P. GONZÁLEZ-VERA, E. HENDRIKSEN, O. NJåSTAD, A density problem for orthogonal rational functions, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 105 (1999) 199-212.
G. VAN DIJK, Canonical representations associated with hyperbolic spaces II, Indag. Math., N.S. 10 (3) (1999) 357-368.
G. VAN DIJK, V.F. MOLCHANOV, The Berezin form for rank one para-Hermitian symmetric spaces, J. Math. Pures Appl. 77 (1998) 747-799.
G. VAN DIJK, V.F. MOLCHANOV, Tensor products of maximal degenerate series representations of the group
G. VAN DIJK, A. PASQUALE, Canonical representations of
N. DUNGEY, A.F.M. TER ELST, D.W. ROBINSON, Asymptotics of sums of subcoercive operators, Coll. Math. 82 (1999) 231-260.
S.J.L. VAN EIJNDHOVEN, P.J. OONINCX, Multiresolution Analyses in Hilbert Spaces, Indagationes Mathematicae 10 (1999) 369-382.
A.F.M. TER ELST, D.W. ROBINSON, Local lower bounds on heat kernels, Positivity 2 (1998) 123-151.
A.F.M. TER ELST, D.W. ROBINSON, Weighted subcoercive operators on Lie groups, J. Funct. Anal. 157 (1998) 88-163.
A.F.M. TER ELST, D.W. ROBINSON, A. SIKORA, Riesz transforms and Lie groups of polynomial growth, J. Funct. Anal. 162 (1999) 14-51.
A.F.M. TER ELST, D.W. ROBINSON, Second-order subelliptic operators on Lie groups III, Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 8 (1999) 327-363.
A.F.M. TER ELST, D.W. ROBINSON, Second-order subelliptic operators on Lie groups I: complex uniformly continuous principal coefficients, Acta Appl. Math. 59 (1999) 299-331.
A.F.M. TER ELST, C.M.P.A. SMULDERS, Reduced heat kernels on homogeneous spaces, J. Oper. Theory 42 (1999) 269-304.
J. KOEKOEK, R. KOEKOEK, The Jacobi inversion formula, Complex Variables 39 (1999) 1-18.
J. KOEKOEK, R. KOEKOEK, H. BAVINCK , On differential equations for Sobolev-type Laguerre polynomials, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 350 (1998) 347-393.
H.T. KOELINK, Some basic Lommel polynomials, J. Approx. Theory 96 (1999) 345-365.
H.T. KOELINK, J. VAN DER JEUGT, Convolutions for orthogonal polynomials from Lie and quantum algebra representations, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 29 (1998) 794-822.
H.T. KOELINK, J. VAN DER JEUGT, Bilinear generating functions for orthogonal polynomials, Constr. Approx. 15 (1999) 481-497.
T.H. KOORNWINDER, Identities of nonterminating series by Zeilberger's algorithm, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 99 (1998) 449-461.
T.H. KOORNWINDER, Special functions associated with root systems: a first introduction for non-specialists, in: Special Functions and Differential Equations, Allied Publishers, New Delhi, 1998, 10-30.
T.H. KOORNWINDER, F.A. BAIS, N.M. MULLER, Tensor product representations of the quantum double of a compact group, Comm. Math. Phys. 198 (1998) 157-186.
T. H. KOORNWINDER, B. J. SCHROERS, J. K. SLINGERLAND, F. A. BAIS, Fourier transform and the Verlinde formula for the quantum double of a finite group, J. Phys. A 32 (1999) 8539-8549.
J. KOREVAAR, Chebyshev quadrature recognizes algebraic curves and surfaces, In: Approximation Theory IX, Vol. 1, Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, TN (1999) 165-174.
J. KOREVAAR, On a question of Brézis and Nirenberg concerning the degree of circle maps, Selecta Math., New ser. 5 (1999) 107-122.
J. KOREVAAR, Roots under convolution of sequences, Indag. Math. N.S. 10 (1999) 539-548.
J. KOREVAAR, L. BOS, Characterization of algebraic sets by Chebyshev quadrature, Journal d'Analyse Math. 75 (1998) 233-246.
J. KOREVAAR, M.A. MONTERIE, Approximation of the equilibrium distribution by distributions of equal point charges with minimal energy, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 350 (1998) 2329-2348.
J.L. L´OPEZ, N.M. TEMME, Approximations of orthogonal polynomials in terms of Hermite polynomials, Methods and Applications of Analysis 6 (1999) 131-146.
F. MARCELLAN, H.G. MEIJER, T.E. PEREZ, M.A. PINAR, An asymptotic result for Laguerre-Sobolev orthogonal polynomials J. Comput. Appl. Math. 87 (1997) 87-94.
H.G. MEIJER, M.A. PINAR, Asymptotics of Sobolev orthogonal polynomials for coherent pairs of Jacobi type, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 108 (1999) 87-97.
P.J. OONINCX, The Discrete Wavelet Transform as a Tool for Automatic Phase Pickers, Proceedings IEEE-SP Int. Symposium on Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Analysis, Pittsburgh, (1998) 201-204.
P.J. OONINCX, A Wavelet Method for Detecting S-Waves in Seismic Data, Computational Geosciences 3 (1999) 111-134.
E.M. OPDAM, Cuspidal hypergeometric functions, Methods and Applications of Analysis 6 (1) (1999) 67-80.
A. PASQUALE, Maximal degenerate representations of
J.A. SANDERS, JING PING WANG, On the integrability of homogeneous scalar evolution equations, J. Differential Equations 147, No. 2 (199) 410-434.
J.A. SANDERS, JING PING WANG, Combining Maple and Form to decide on integrability questions, Comput. Phys. Comm. 115, No. 2-3 (1998) 447-459.
J.A. SANDERS, JING PING WANG, On the classification of integrable systems, Mathematical and numerical aspects of wave propagation (Golden, CO), SIAM (1998) 393-397.
J.V. STOKMAN, T.H. KOORNWINDER, On some limit cases of Askey-Wilson polynomials, J. Approx. Theory. 95 (1998) 310-330.
N.M. TEMME, Recent Problems from Uniform Asymptotic Analysis of Integrals In Particular In Connection with Tricomi's
R.A. ZUIDWIJK, P.M. DE ZEEUW, Fast algorithm for directional time scale analysis using wavelets, SPIE proceedings 3458, Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing VI, July 1998, 222-231.
Ph.D. Theses
S.C. HILLE, Canonical Representations, Leiden University, (1999).
J.V. STOKMAN, Multivariable orthogonal polynomials and quantum Grassmannians, University of Amsterdam, (1998).
JING PING WANG, Symmetries and Conservation Laws of Evolution Equations, Free University Amsterdam, (1998).
Reports and pre-prints
P. BENEKER, J. WIEGERINCK, Strongly exposed points in function algebras, report 98-04, Universiteit of Amsterdam (1998).
F. BEUKERS, J.A. SANDERS, JING PING WANG, On Integrability of Systems of Evolution Equations, Report, WS-526 Free University Amsterdam (1999).
M. CARLEHED, J. WIEGERINCK, Exemples de fonctions plurisousharmoniques extrémales, Prepublication 176 (1999) Lab. de Math. E. Picard, Univ. Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III.
M. CARLEHED, J. WIEGERINCK, The Lempert function and the pluricomplex Green function are not equal in the bidisc, Report 99-24 Fac. WINS, University of Amsterdam (1999).
G. CARNOVALE, T. H. KOORNWINDER, A q-analogue of convolution on the line, preprint htttp:// (1999), to appear in Methods Appl. Anal.
G. VAN DIJK, Canonical representations and Berezin kernels, preprint, MI Leiden University (1999), to appear in Tunesian Math. Congress Proceedings (1999).
G. VAN DIJK, M. PEVSNER, Berezin kernels on tube domains, report 99-34, MI Leiden University (1999).
G. VAN DIJK, Y. SHARSHOV, The Plancherel formula for line bundles on complex hyperbolic spaces, report 99-03, MI Leiden University (1999), (to appear in J. Math. Pures Appl.)
N. DUNGEY, A.F.M. TER ELST, D.W. ROBINSON, A. SIKORA, Asymptotics of subcoercive semigroups on nilpotent Lie groups, RANA 98-08 (1998) (to appear in J. Operator Theory.)
A.F.M. TER ELST, H. PRADO, Gaussian bounds for reduced heat kernels of subelliptic operators on nilpotent Lie groups, RANA 99-15, (1999) (To appear in Math. Scand.)
A.F.M. TER ELST, D.W. ROBINSON, A. SIKORA, On second-order periodic elliptic operators in divergence form, RANA 99-14 (1999).
A.F.M. TER ELST, D.W. ROBINSON, On anomalous asymptotics of heat kernels, RANA 99-26 (1999) (To appear in ``Evolution equations and their applications to Physical and Life Sciences'', Marcel Dekker, 2000.)
A. HEINIS, J. WIEGERINCK, Extremal representing measures for the disk algebra, Report 98-22 Fac. WINS, University of Amsterdam (1998), (to appear in Ann. Polon. Math.)
S.C. HILLE, Decomposition of tensor products of scalar holomorphic and anti-holomorphic representations of the universal covering group of
R. KOEKOEK, R.F. SWARTTOUW, The Askey-scheme of hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials and its
J. KOEKOEK, R. KOEKOEK, Differential equations for generalized Jacobi polynomials, report 98-42 (1998) Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology and Systems.
E. KOELINK, J.V. STOKMAN, WITH AN APPENDIX BY M. RAHMAN, Fourier transforms on the quantum
E. KOELINK, J.V. STOKMAN, The Askey-Wilson function transform scheme, preprint 1999, math.CA/9912140.
J. KOREVAAR, Quadratic Tauberian theorem of Erdös revisited, Math. Preprint Series, Fac. WINS, University of Amsterdam, report 98-29 (1998) to appear in Hungary in connection with Conf. Erdös '99.
J. KOREVAAR, M.A. MONTERIE, Fekete polynomials and potentials for continua, Math. Preprint Series, Fac. WINS, University of Amsterdam, report 99-07 (1999) to appear in J. Approx. Theory.
O. LEMMERS, Generators for certain rings of entire functions, Math. Preprint Serie, Fac. WINS, University of Amsterdam, report 98-31 (1998).
J.L. L´OPEZ, N.M. TEMME, Uniform approximations of Bernoulli and Euler polynomials in terms of hyperbolic functions. CWI Report MAS-R9828 (1998).
J.L. L´OPEZ, N.M. TEMME, Hermite polynomials in asymptotic representations of generalized Bernoulli, Euler, Bessel and Buchholz polynomials, CWI Report MAS-R9927 (1999).
H.G. TER MORSCHE, P.J. OONINCX, Integral representations of affine transformations in phase space with an application to energy localization problems, CWI Report, PNA-9919 (1999).
H.G. TER MORSCHE, P.J. OONINCX, On the Integral representations for metaplectic operators, Eindhoven University of Technology, RANA 99-44 (1999).
P.J. OLVER, J.A. SANDERS, Modular Forms and Representations of the Heisenberg Algebra, Report, WS-527 Free University Amsterdam (1999).
P.J. OLVER, J.A. SANDERS, Classification of Symmetry-Integrable Evolution Equations, Report, WS-537 Free University Amsterdam (1999).
P.J. OLVER, JING PING WANG, Classification of Integrable One-Component Systems on Associative Algebras, Report UMN (1999).
P.J. OONINCX, Automatic Phase Detection in Seismic Data using the Discrete Wavelet Transform, CWI-Report, PNA-9811 (1998).
E.M. OPDAM, Complex reflection groups and fake degrees, Preprint (1998) (to appear in Memoirs of the Math. Soc. Japan.)
E.M. OPDAM, Lectures on Dunkl operators, Preprint (1998) (to appear in Memoirs of the Math. Soc. Japan.)
E.M. OPDAM, A generating function for the trace of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra, Pre-print 99-21 University of Amsterdam (1999),
P. DE PAEPE, Eva Kallin's lemma on polynomial convexity, Report 98-30 Fac. WINS, University of Amsterdam (1998), (to appear in Bulletin London Math. Soc.).
P. DE PAEPE, Examples of infinitely generated function algebras, Report 99-22 Fac. WINS, University of Amsterdam (1999).
J.A. SANDERS, JING PING WANG, On the Integrability of Homogeneous Scalar Evolution Equations II, Report, WS-505 Free University Amsterdam (1998).
J.A. SANDERS, JING PING WANG, The symbolic method and cosymmetry integrability of evolution equations, Report, WS-524 Free University Amsterdam (1999).
J.A. SANDERS, Multilinear Hirota operators, modular forms and the Heisenberg algebra, Report, WS-525 Free University Amsterdam (1999).
J. WIEGERINCK, The pluripolar hull of
J. WIEGERINCK, Graphs of holomorphic functions with isolated singularities are complete pluripolar, Prepublication 161 Lab. de Math. E. Picard, Univ. Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III (1999), (to appear in Mich. Math. J.)
J. WIEGERINCK, Pluripolar Sets: Hulls and Completeness, Report 99-25 Fac. WINS, University of Amsterdam (1999).
R.A. ZUIDWIJK, P.M. DE ZEEUW, The fast wavelet X-ray transform, CWI Report PNA-R9908 (1999)
Other publications
A. BULTHEEL, P. GONZÁLEZ-VERA, E. HENDRIKSEN, O. NJåSTAD, Orthogonal rational functions, volume 5 of Cambridge Monographs on Applied and Computational Mathematics, Cambridge University Press (1999).
R. KOEKOEK, R.F. SWARTTOUW, Online (World Wide Web) version of the report The Askey-scheme of hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials and its
E. KOELINK, T.H. KOORNWINDER, Review of Representation of Lie Groups and Special Functions, Vols. 1,2,3 (by N.Ja. Vilenkin and A.U. Klimyk) Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 35 (1998) 265-270.
W. KOEPF, T. H. KOORNWINDER, R. ASKEY (EDS.), Special Issue on Orthogonal Polynomials and Computer Algebra, J. Symbolic Comput. 28 (1999) No.6.