Papers in journals and proceedings
J.M. AARTS, G.A. BROUWER, R.J. FOKKINK, J. VERMEER, (2002) Intersection properties for coverings of
J.M. AARTS, R.J. FOKKINK, J. VERMEER, (2002) Coloring maps of period three, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 202 257-266.
J.M. AARTS, R.J. FOKKINK, J. VERMEER, (2002) A dynamical decomposition theorem, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 94 191-196.
M. EL BACHRAOUI, M. VAN DE VEL, (2002) Matrix relation algebras, Algebra Universalis, 48 273-299.
S. BAROV, J. COBB, J.J. DIJKSTRA, (2002) On closed sets with convex projections, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series, 65 154-166.
S. BAROV, J.J. DIJKSTRA, (2002) On boundary avoiding selections and some extension theorems, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 203 79-87.
A. CLARK, R. FOKKINK, (2002) Bihomogeneity of solenoids, Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 2 1-9.
J.J. DIJKSTRA, J. VAN MILL, (2002) Topological equivalence of discontinuous norms, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 128 177-196.
J.J. DIJKSTRA, J. VAN MILL, (2002) On sets that meet every hyperplane in
J.J. DIJKSTRA, J. VAN MILL, (2002) Infinite-dimensional topology, in M. Hušek, J. van Mill (eds.), Recent Progress in General Topology II, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 115-130
T. DOBROWOLSKI, W. MARCISZEWSKI, (2002) Failure of the Factor Theorem for Borel pre-Hilbert spaces, Fundamenta Mathematicae, 175 53-68.
A. DOW, K.P. HART, (2002) Applications of another characterization of
R.J. FOKKINK, (2002)
R.J. FOKKINK, L. OVERSTEEGEN, (2002) Homogeneous weak solenoids, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 354 3743-3755.
K.P. HART, J. VAN MILL, R. POL, (2002) Remarks on hereditarily indecomposable continua, Topology Proceedings, 25 179-206.
K.P. HART, B.J. VAN DER STEEG, (2002) A small transitive family of continuous functions on the Cantor set, Topology and its Applications, 123 409-420.
J. VAN MILL, (2002) A locally connected continuum without convergent sequences, Topology and its Applications, 126 273-280.
M. VAN DE VEL, (2002) Interpreting First-order Theories into a Logic of Records, Studia Logica, 72 411-432.
Ph.D. Theses
K. BOUJHAR, (2002) On the structure of
M. EL BACHRAOUI, (2002) Relation algebras, multigroupoids, and degree, Free University, Amsterdam
Other publications
J.M. AARTS, R.J. FOKKINK, (2002) Speed measurement from video using projective geometry, Report Nederlands Forensisch Instituut.
J.M. AARTS ET AL, (2002) A century of Doctorates at Delft, Delft University of Technology.
I.H. STAMHUIS, T. KOETSIER, C. DE PATER, A. VAN HELDEN, (2002) The changing image of the sciences, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London.