Papers in journals and proceedings
W. ARENDT, B. DE PAGTER, (2002) Spectrum and asymptotics of the Black-Scholes partial differential equation in (L
C. AZIZIEH, P.P.J.E. CL´EMENT, (2002) A priori estimates and continuation methods for positive solutions of p-Laplace equations, Journal of Differential Equations, 179, 213-245.
C. AZIZIEH, P.P.J.E. CL´EMENT, E. MITIDIERI, (2002) Existence and a priori estimates for positive solutions of p-Laplace systems, Journal of Differential Equations, 184, 422-442.
H. BART, T. EHRHARDT, B. SILBERMANN, (2002) Logarithmic residues of analytic Banach algebra valued functions possessing a simply meromorphic inverse, Linear Algebra and its Applications 341,327-344
H. BART, T. EHRHARDT, B. SILBERMANN, (2002) Sums of idempotents in the Banach algebra generated by the compact operators and the identity operator, In: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Vol. 135, BirkhŠuser, 39-60.
C. BELTA, L.C.G.J.M. HABETS, V. KUMAR, (2002) Control of multi-affine systems on rectangles with applications to hybrid biomolecular networks, Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE Press, New York, 534-539.
M. BERTSCH, R. DAL PASSO, R. VAN DER HOUT, (2002) Nonuniqueness for the heat flow of harmonic maps on the disk, Arch.Rat. Anal. 161, 93-112.
R.K. BOEL , J.H. VAN SCHUPPEN, (2002) Decentralized failure diagnosis for discrete-event systems with costly communication between diagnosers, Proceedings 6th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES'02), IEEE Computer Society Press, IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA, U.S.A., 175-181.
P.P.J.E. CL´EMENT, M. GARC´IA-HUIDOBRO, R. MAN´ASEVICH, (2002) Mountain pass type solutions for quasilinear elliptic inclusions, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 4, 607-637.
C. FOIAS, A.E. FRAZHO, M.A. KAASHOEK, (2002) Relaxation of metric constrained interpolation and a new lifting theorem, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 42, 253-310.
C. FOIAS, A.E. FRAZHO, M.A. KAASHOEK, (2002) Contractive liftings and the commutator, C.R.Acad.Sci.Paris Ser. I 335, 1-6.
N.J. FORD, S.M. VERDUYN LUNEL, (2002) Characterising small solutions in delay differential equations through numerical approximations, Applied Mathematics and Computation 131, 253-270.
A.E. FRAZHO, M.A. KAASHOEK, (2002) A band method approach to a positive expansion problem in a unitary dilation setting, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 41, 311-371.
O.W. VAN GAANS, S. VERDUYN LUNEL, (2002) Invariant measures for dichotomous stochastic differential equations in Hilbert spaces, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série I Mathématique, 334, 1083-1088.
I. GOHBERG, M.A. KAASHOEK, A.L. SAKHNOVICH, (2002) Scattering problems for a canonical system with a pseudo-exponential potential, Asymptotic Analysis 29, 1-38.
I. GOHBERG, M.A. KAASHOEK, F. VAN SCHAGEN, (2002) Finite section method for linear ordinary differential equations revisited, In: Toeplitz matrices and singular integral equations. The Bernd Silbermann Anniversary Volume, OT 135, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, pp. 183-191.
I. GOHBERG, M.A. KAASHOEK, F. VAN SCHAGEN, (2002) Finite section method for linear ordinary differential equations on the full line, in: Interpolation theory, Systems Theory and related topics. The Harry Dym Anniversary Volume, OT 134, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, pp. 209-224.
J.J. GROBLER, B. DE PAGTER, (2002) Operators representable as multiplication-conditional expectation operators, Journal of Operator Theory, 48,15-40.
H.-CH. GRUNAU, G.H. SWEERS, (2001) Optimal conditions for anti- maximum principles, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze, XXX(4), 499-513.
H.-CH. GRUNAU, G.H. SWEERS, (2002) Sharp estimates for iterated Green functions, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 132A, 91-120.
L.C.G.J.M. HABETS, J.H. VAN SCHUPPEN, (2002) Reduction of affine systems on polytopes, Proceedings International Symposium MTNS2002, Notre Dame, IN, U.S.A., August 12-16, 2002.
J.K. HALE, S.M. VERDUYN LUNEL, (2002) Strong stabilization of neutral functional differential equations, IMA Journal Math. Control Inform. 19, 5-23.
B. HANZON, R.J. OBER, (2002) State-space calculations for discrete probability densities, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 350, 67-87.
B. HANZON, R. PEETERS, (2002) Aspects of Fisher geometry for stochastic linear systems, in: V.D. Blondel, A. Megretski(eds), Open Problem Book, International Symposium MTNS2002, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, USA, August 2002, 27 - 30.
J. HASTY, M. DOLNIK, V. ROTTSCHÄFER, J.J. COLLINS, (2002) Synthetic gene network for entraining and amplifying cellular oscillations, Physical Review Letters 88, 148101.
D. JIBETEAN, B. HANZON, (2002) Linear matrix inequalities for global optimization of rational functions and H2 optimal model reduction, Proceedings International Symposium MTNS2002, Notre Dame, IN, U.S.A., August 12-16, 2002.
B. KAWOHL, G.H. SWEERS, (2002) Among all two-dimensional convex domains the disk is not optimal for the lifetime of a conditioned Brownian motion, Journal d' Analyse Mathematique, 86, 335-357.
B. KAWOHL, G.H. SWEERS, (2002) On 'anti'-eigenvalues for elliptic systems and a question of McKenna and Walter, Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 1023-1040.
B. KAWOHL, G.H. SWEERS, (2002) Inheritance of symmetry for positive solutions of semilinear elliptic boundary value problems, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré-analyse non linéaire, 19(5), 705-714.
J. KOMENDA, (2002) Coalgebra and supervisory control of discrete-event systems with partial observations, Proceedings International Symposium MTNS2002, Notre Dame, IN, U.S.A., August 12-16, 2002.
J. KOMENDA, (2002) Computation of supermal sublanguages of supervisory control using coalgebra, Proceedings 6th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES'02), IEEE Computer Society Press, IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA, U.S.A., 26-33.
W.A.J. LUXEMBURG, B. DE PAGTER, (2002) Maharam extensions of positive operators and f-modules, Positivity, 6,147-190.
J.P. MARMORAT, M. OLIVI, B. HANZON, R. PEETERS, (2002) Matrix rational
C.V.M. VAN DER MEE, A.C.M. RAN, L. RODMAN, (2002) Polar Decomposition and Related Classes of Operators in Spaces
J.M.A.M. VAN NEERVEN, (2002) Lower semicontinuity and the theorem of Datko and Pazy, Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 42, 482-492.
J.M.A.M. VAN NEERVEN, (2002) On individual stability of [C0]- semigroups, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 130(8), 2325-2333.
J.M.A.M. VAN NEERVEN, (2002) Approximating Bochner integrals by Riemann sums, Indagationes Mathematicae-New Series, 13(2), 197-208.
J.M.A.M. VAN NEERVEN, (2001) Uniqueness of invariant measures for the stochastic Cauchy problem in Banach spaces, In Kérchy, L, Gohberg, I & Langer, H (Ed.), Recent advances in operator theory and related topics, The Béla Szõkefalvi-Nagy Memorial Volume, (Operator Theory: advances and applications, 127, pp. 491-517). Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag.
T.L. VAN NOORDEN, S.M. VERDUYN LUNEL, A. BLIEK, (2002) Acceleration of the determination of periodic states of cyclically operated reactors, Chemical Engineering Science 57, 1041-1055.
B. DE PAGTER, H. WITVLIET, F. SUKOCHEV, (2002) Double operator integrals, Journal of Functional Analysis, 192, 52-111.
R. PEETERS, M. OLIVI, B. HANZON, (2002) On a recursive state-space method for discrete-time
M.A. PETERSEN, A.C.M. RAN, (2002) Minimal nonsquare spectral factors, Linear Algebra and its Applications 351-352, 553-565
M.A. PETERSEN, A.C.M. RAN, (2002) Minimal nonsquare spectral factors via factorizations of unitary functions, Linear Algebra and its Applications 351-352, 567-583
A.C.M. RAN, M.C.B. REURINGS, (2002) On the Nonlinear Matrix Equation
A.C.M. RAN, M.C.B. REURINGS, (2002) The symmetric linear matrix equation, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 9 93-107.
A.C.M. RAN, L. RODMAN, (2002) A Class of Robustness Problems in Matrix Analysis, In: Interpolation Theory, Systems Theory and related topics. The Harry Dym Anniversary Volume, D. Alpay, I. Gohberg, and V. Vinnikov, editors, OT 134, Birkhäuser, Basel, 337-383.
T. RIBARITS, M. DEISTLER, B. HANZON, (2002) Data driven local coordinates, Proceedings International Symposium MTNS2002, Notre Dame, IN, U.S.A., August 12-16, 2002
J.H. VAN SCHUPPEN, (2002) Control and algebra - An introduction, Proceedings International Symposium MTNS2002, Notre Dame, IN, U.S.A., August 12-16, 2002.
J.H. VAN SCHUPPEN, (2002) Decentralized control and decentralized failure diagnosis with communication between controllers and diagnosers, in: V.D. Blondel, A. Megretski(eds), Open Problem Book, International Symposium MTNS2002, Notre Dame, IN, U.S.A., August 12-16, 2002.
G.H. SWEERS, (2002) No Gidas-Ni-Nirenberg type result for semilinear biharmonic problems, Mathematische Nachrichten, 246-247, 202-206.
G.H. SWEERS, W.C. TROY, (2002) On the bifurcation curve for an elliptic system of FitzHugh-Nagumo type, Physica d, 3061,1-22.
Ph.D. Theses
T.L. VAN NOORDEN, (2002) New Algorithms for Parameter-Swing Reactors, Free University Amsterdam
Other publications
B. HANZON, R. PEETERS, (2002) Aspects of Fisher geometry for stochastic linear systems, in: V.D. Blondel, A. Megretski (eds), Open Problem Book of the 15th MTNS, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, USA, August 2002, pp. 27-30 mtns/OPMTNS.pdf.
M.A. KAASHOEK, (2002) Wiskunde: inspirerend, vernieuwend, betrokken, Afscheidsrede, Vrije Universiteit, 29 november.
N. OVENDEN, V. ROTTSCHÄFER, (2002) A greenhouse growth model for unselfish roses, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 5/3.