E. DE KLERK, (2002) Aspects of Semidefinite Programming: Interior Point Algorithms and Selected Applications, Number 65 in Applied Optimization Series. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 300 pp., ISBN 1-4020-0547-4.
J. PENG, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, (2002) Self-Regularity. A New Paradigm for Primal-Dual Interior-Point Algorithms, Princeton University Press.
Papers in journals and proceedings
E. D. ANDERSEN, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, (2002) Notes on duality in second order and
Y.Q. BAI, M. EL GHAMI, C. ROOS, (2002) A primal-dual interior-point algorithm for linesr optimization based on a new proximity function, Optimization Methods & Software, 17(6):985-1008 (electronic).
Y.Q. BAI, M. EL GHAMI, C. ROOS, (2003) A new efficient large-update primal-dual interior-point method based on a finite barrier, SIAM J. Optim., 13(3):766-782 (electronic).
A. BEN-TAL, A. NEMIROVSKI, C. ROOS, (2002) Robust solutions of uncertain quadratic and conic-quadratic problems, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 13(2):535-560.
A. BLOKHUIS, S. EGNER, H. D. L. HOLLMANN, J. H. VAN LINT, (2001) On codes with covering radius 1 and minimum distance 2, Indag. Math. (N.S.), 12(4):449-452.
A. BLOKHUIS, D. JUNGNICKEL, B. SCHMIDT, (2002) Proof of the prime power conjecture for projective planes of order
A. BLOKHUIS, M. LAVRAUW, (2002) On two-intersection sets with respect to hyperplanes in projective spaces, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 99(2): 377-382.
I.M. BOMZE, E. DE KLERK, (2002) Solving standard quadratic optimization problems via linear, semidefinite and copositive programming, J. Global Optim., 24(2):163-185. Dedicated to Professor Naum Z. Shor on his 65th birthday.
K.M.J. DE BONTRIDDER, J.K.LENSTRA, J.B. ORLIN, L. STOUGIE, (2002) Branch and bound algorithms for the minimum test set problem. In Proceedings of the 10th European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA), 2002, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2461, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 223-233.
B. BREšAR, W. IMRICH, S. KLAVAR, H.M. MULDER, R. ŠKREKOVSKI, (2002) Tiled partial cubes, J. Graph Theory, 40(2):91-103.
M. DEZA, D.V. PASECHNIK, (2001) On equicut graphs, Mult.-Valued Log., 7(5-6):363-377. Ivo G. Rosenberg's 65th birthday, Part 2.
J.B.G. FRENK, S. SCHAIBLE, (2002) Fractional Programming, In Encyclopedia of Optimization, vol II, editor P.M. Pardalos, 162-172, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, ISBN 0-7923-7027-9.
J.B.G. FRENK, G. KASSAY, (2002) Minimax results and finite-dimensional separation, J. Optim. Theory Appl., 113(2):409-421.
J.F. GEELEN, A.M.H. GERARDS, G. WHITTLE, (2002) Branch-width and well-quasi-ordering in matroids and graphs, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 84(2):270-290.
D. GRIGORIEV, E.A. HIRSCH, D.V. PASECHNIK, (2002) Complexity of semi-algebraic proofs, In H. Alt and A. Ferreira, editors, Proceedings STACS 2002, volume 2285 of Lecture Notes on Compter Science, pages 419-430, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag.
D. GRIGORIEV, E.A. HIRSCH, D.V. PASECHNIK, (2002) Complexity of semi-algebraic proofs, Moscow Math. Journal, (2):647-679, Available at
D. GRIGORIEV, E.A. HIRSCH, D.V. PASECHNIK, (2002) Exponential lower bound for static semi-algebraic proofs, In P. Widmayer et al, editor, Proceedings 29-th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, volume 2380 of Lecture Notes on Compter Science, pages 257-268, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag.
M. HALICKA, E. DE KLERK, C. ROOS, (2002) On the convergence of the central path in semidefinite optimization, SIAM J. Optim., 12(4): 1090-1099 (electronic).
D. DEN HERTOG, E. DE KLERK, C. ROOS, (2002) On convex quadratic approximation, Statistica Neerlandica, 56(3):376-385, ISSN 0039-0402.
S. KLAVAR, H.M. MULDER, (2002) Partial cubes and crossing graphs, SIAM J. Discrete Math., 15(2):235-251 (electronic).
E. DE KLERK, D. V. PASECHNIK, (2002) Approximation of the stability number of a graph via copositive programming, SIAM J. Optim., 12(4):875-892 (electronic).
E. DE KLERK, J.P. WARNERS, (2002) Semidefinite programming approaches for MAX-2-SAT and MAX-3-SAT: computational perspectives, In P.M. Pardalos, A. Migdalas, and R.E. Burkard, editors, Combinatorial and Global Optimization, volume 14 of Series on Applied Mathematics, pages 161-176. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore,.
S.O. KRUMKE, M. LIPMANN, W. E. DE PAEPE, D. POENSGEN, J. RAMBAU, L. STOUGIE, G. WOEGINGER, (2002) How to cut a cake almost fairly, In Proceedings of the 13th ACM-SIAM Annual Symposium on Discrete Algorithms.
S.O. KRUMKE, L. LAURA, M. LIPMANN, A. MARCHETTI SPACCAMELA, W. E. DE PAEPE, D. POENSGEN, L. STOUGIE, (2002) Non-Abusiveness Helps: An O(1)-Competitive Algorithm for Minimizing the Maximum Flow Time in the Online Traveling Salesman Problem, In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization (APPROX).
M. LAURENT, (2002) Tighter linear and semidefinite relaxations for max- cut based on the Lovász-Schrijver lift-and-project procedure, SIAM J. Optim., 12(2):345-375 (electronic), 2001/02.
M. LIPMANN, X. LU, W.E. DE PAEPE, R.A. SITTERS, L. STOUGIE, (2002) On-line dial-a-ride problems under a restricted information model, In Proceedings of the 10th European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA).
H. VAN MAAREN, C. DANG, (2002) Simplicial pivoting algorithms for a tractable class of integer programs, J. Comb. Optim., 6(2):133-142.
M.A. MORGANA, H.M. MULDER, (2002) The induced path convexity, betweenness, and svelte graphs, Discrete Math., 254(1-3):349-370.
L. VAN NORDEN, H. VAN MAAREN, (2002) A linear programming based SAT-solver, In P. van Hentenryck, editor, Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming. 8-th International Conference - Proceedings CP 2002, volume 2470 of Lecture Notes on Compter Science, pages 775-776, Berlin Heidelberg New York, Springer-Verlag.
J. PENG, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, (2002) A new class of polynomial primal-dual methods for linear and semidefinite optimization, European Journal of Operations Research, 143(2):234-256.
J. PENG, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, (2002) Primal-dual interior-point methods for second-order conic optimization based on self-regular proximities, SIAM J. Optim., 13(1):179-203 (electronic).
J. PENG, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, (2002) Self-regular functions and new search directions for linear and semidefinite optimization, Mathematical Programming, 93:129-171.
V. PROTASSOV, (2002) The correlation between the convergence of subdivision processes and solvability of refinement equations, In J. Levesley, I.J. Anderson, & J.C. Mason (Eds.), Algorithms for approximation IV - Proceedings of the 2001 International Symposium, England - UK: University of Huddersfield, 2002, pp. 394-401.
A.J. QUIST, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, R. VAN GEEMERT, J.E. HOOGENBOOM, (2002) Reloading nuclear reactor fuel using mixed-integer nonlinear optimization, Optimization and Engineering, 2:251-276.
C. ROOS, (2002) Interior-point methods for linear optimization, In P. Pardalos and M. Resende, editors, Handbook of Applied Optimization, pages 21-39, New York, USA, Oxford University Press.
C.ROOS, D.CHAERANI, (2002) Conic Optimization with Applications to (Robust) Trust Topology Design, Proceedings ITB, Vol. 34 No 2& 3, pp 343-380, Bandung, Indonesia.
A. SCHRIJVER, (2002) On the history of the transportation and the maximum flow problems, Mathematical Programming 91 437-445.
A. SCHRIJVER, (2002) A short proof of Guenin's characterization of weakly bipartite graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 85 255-260.
A. SCHRIJVER, (2002) Strong t-perfection of bad-
L. STOUGIE, A.P.A. VESTJENS, (2002) Randomized algorithms for on-line scheduling problems: how low can't you go? Oper. Res. Lett., 30(2):89-96.
Reports and pre-prints
Y. Q. BAI, C. ROOS, (2002) A primal-dual interior-point method based on a new kernel function with linear growth rate, To appear in Proceedings of 9th Australian Optimisation Day, Perth, Australia (October 3, 2002).
K.M.J. DE BONTRIDDER, B. HALDERSSON, M. HALDERSSON, C.A.J. HURKENS, J.K.LENSTRA, R. RAVI, L. STOUGIE, (2002) Approximation Algorithms for the test cover problem, SPOR-report 2002-10, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.
J. BRINKHUIS, S. ZHANG, (2002) A D-induced duality and its applications, Econometric Institute Report EI 2002-34, (21 pages).
M. CRYAN, M. DYER, H. M¨ULLER, L. STOUGIE, (2002) Random walks on the vertices of transportation polytopes with constant number of sources, SPOR-report 2002-14, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.
M. DYER, R. KANNAN, L. STOUGIE, (2002) A simple randomised algorithm for convex optimisation: Application to two-stage stochastic programming, SPOR-Report 2002-05, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.
J.B.G. FRENK, G. KASSAY, J. KOLUMBAN, (2002) Equivalent results in minimax theory, Report series ERIM, ERS-2002-08-LIS, 20 pages, to appear in European Journal of Operational Research.
J.B.G. FRENK, G. KASSAY, V. PROTASSOV, (2002) On Borel Probability Measures and Noncooperative Game theory, Report Series ERIM, ERS-2002-85-LIS, 32 pages, 2002.
J.F. GEELEN, A.M.H. GERARDS, N. ROBERTSON, G. WHITTLE, (2002) On the excluded minors for the matroids of branch-width k, preprint, to appear in Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B.
J.F. GEELEN, A.M.H. GERARDS, G. WHITTLE, (2002) Disjoint cocircuits in matroids with large rank, (preprint, to appear in Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B).
A.M.H. GERARDS, G. MAROTI, A. SCHRIJVER, (2002) Note on: N.E. Aguilera, M.S. Escalante, G.L. Nasini, "A Generalization of the Perfect Graph Theorem under the Disjunctive Index", (preprint).
J. VAN DEN HEUVEL, L. STOUGIE, (2002) A quadratic bound on the diameter of the transportation polytope, SPOR-report 2002-17 , Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.
S.O. KRUMKE, W.E. DE PAEPE, D. POENSGEN, L. STOUGIE, (2002) News from the online traveling repairman, SPOR-Report 2002-02, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.
M. LAURENT, F. RENDL, Semidefinite programming and integer programming, Technical Report PNA-R0210, CWI, Amsterdam, April 2002. [To appear as chapter of the Handbook on Discrete Optimization edited by K.Aardal, G. Nemhauser and R. Weismantel.]
M. LAURENT, (2002) A comparison of the Sherali-Adams, Lovász-Schrijver and Lasserre relaxations for 0-1 programming, To appear in Mathematics of Operations Research.
M. LAURENT, (2002) Lower bound for the number of iterations in semidefinite relaxations for the cut polytope, Preprint, July 2002.
M. LAURENT, (2002) Semidefinite representations for finite varieties, Preprint, December 2002.
M. LIPMANN, X. LU, W. DE PAEPE, R. SITTERS, L. STOUGIE, (2002) On-line dial-a-ride problems under a restricted information model, SPOR-Report 2002-07, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.
X. LU, R. SITTERS, L. STOUGIE, (2002) A class of on-line scheduling algorithms to minimize total completion time, SPOR-report 2002-11, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.
L. STOUGIE, (2002) A polynomial bound on the diameter of the transportation polytope, SPOR-report 2002-15 , Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.
Other publications
J.B.M. MELISSEN, (2002) De laatste drup, Pythagoras, pages 6-8, 2002. ISSN 0033-4766.
J.B.M. MELISSEN AND R. VAN OORD, (2001) Schuiven met auto's, munten en bollen, Number 11 in Zebra reeks. Epsilon Uitgaven, Utrecht, NL, 2001. ISBN 90-5041-073-1.