Papers in journals and proceedings
P. ALUFFI, C. FABER, A remark on the Chern class of a tensor product, Manuscripta Math. 88, 85-86 (1995).
J. BOCHNAK, W. KUCHARZ, Real algebraic hyperfaces in complex projective varieties, Math. Ann. 301, 381-397 (1995)
J. BOCHNAK, W. KUCHARZ, A. Characterization of dividing real algebraic curves, Topology 35(2), 451-455 (1996)
J. BOCHNAK, W. KUCHARZ, R. SILHOL, Morphismes et espaces de modules en Géometrie Algèbrique Réelle, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 321, 1463-1468 (1995)
R. DIJKGRAAF, Mirror Symmetry and Elliptic Curves, in: The Moduli Space of Curves, Eds. R. Dijkgraaf, C. Faber and G. van der Geer (Birkhauser, 1995).
R. DIJKGRAAF, Lectures on Four-Manifolds and Topological Gauge Theories, in: Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 45B,C (1996) 29-45, and in: Gauge Theories, Applied Supersymmetry, Quantum Gravity, Eds. B. de Wit et al., (Leuven Notes in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics, Vol. 6).
Intersection-theoretical computations on
in: P. Pragacz, editor, Parameter spaces; enumerative geometry, algebra and combinatorics,
Banach Center Publications 36, 71-81, Warszawa, 1996.
G. VAN DER GEER, M. VAN DER VLUGT, Fibre products of Artin-Schreier curves and generalized Hamming weights of codes, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. A, 70, 337-348 (1995).
G. VAN DER GEER, M. VAN DER VLUGT, On the existence of supersingular curves of a given genus, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 458 , 53-61 (1995).
G. VAN DER GEER, M. VAN DER VLUGT, Generalized Hamming Weights of BCH(3) Revisited, IEEE Transactions on Inform. Theory 41, 300-301 (1995).
G. VAN DER GEER, M. VAN DER VLUGT, Generalized Hamming weights of codes and curves over finite fields with many points, In: Proc. of the Hirzebruch 65 Conference on Algebraic Geometry. (M. Teicher Ed.) Israel Math. Conf. Proc.9 pp. 417-432 , 1996.
G. VAN DER GEER, M. VAN DER VLUGT, Quadratic forms, generalized Hamming weights of codes and curves with many points, J. of Number Theory 59, 1996, 20-36
D. VAN DER LENDE AND H.G.J. PIJLS, Super Toda lattices, Acta Appl. Math. 41 (1995) 297-298.
P.G.J. NIJSSE, Clemens' conjecture for octic and nonic curves, Indag. Math., N.S., 6(2), 213-221, 1995.
K. NOWAK, A simple proof of Puiseux's theorem, Univ. Iagel. Acta Math. 32, 199-200 (1995)
K. NOWAK, On proper morphisms between algebraic varieties, Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Math. 43 (3), 231-238 (1995)
K. NOWAK, A simple algebraic proof of Zariski's main theorem on birational transformations, Univ. Iagel. Acta Math. 33, 115-118 (1996)
K. NOWAK, On a universal axiomatization of the real closed fields, Ann. Polon. Math. 65 (1), 95-104 (1996).
CH. OKONEK EN A. VAN DE VEN, Cubic forms and complex 3-folds, Enseign. Math., t. 41, 297-333, 1995.
C. SCHUHMANN, Mapping threefolds onto three-dimensional quadrics, Math. Ann. 306, 571-581 (1996)
M. VAN DER VLUGT, On the weight hierarchy of irreducible cyclic codes, J. Comb. Th. Ser. A 71 (1995), p. 159-167.
M. VAN DER VLUGT, Hasse-Davenport curves, Gauss sums and weight distributions of irreducible cyclic codes, J. Number Th. 55 (1995), p. 145-159.
M. VAN DER VLUGT, An application of elementary algebraic geometry in coding theory, N. Archief voor Wisk. 14 (1996), p. 159-165.
M. VAN DER VLUGT, A note on generalized Hamming weights of BCH(2), IEEE Trans. on Info. Th. 42 (1996), p. 254-256.
M. VAN DER VLUGT, Non-BCH triple-error-correcting codes, IEEE Trans. on Info. Th. 42 (1996), p. 1612-1614.
Ph.D. Theses
C. SCHWEIGERT, Galois and Simple Current Symmetries in Conformal Field Theory, 1995, University of Amsterdam.
Reports and pre-prints
E. AMERIK, On codimension two subvarieties of hypersurfaces, RUL report W95-14.
E. AMERIK, On a problem of Noether-Lefschetz type, RUL report W96-19
J. BOCHNAK, M. BUCHNER, W. KUCHARZ, Equivalence of analytic and rational functions, preprint, to appear in Annales Pol. Math.
J. BOCHNAK, W. KUCHARZ, Complete intersections in differential topology and analytic geometry, preprint, to appear in Boll. Unione Mat. Ital. (7)10-B
J. BOCHNAK, W. KUCHARZ, On dividing real algebraic varieties, preprint, to appear in Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc.
J. BOCHNAK, W. KUCHARZ, R. SILHOL, Morphisms, moduli spaces and vector bundles in real algebraic geometry, preprint Université de Montpellier, 92 p. (1996)
R. DIJKGRAAF, Chiral Deformations of Conformal Field Theories, hep-th/9609022.
R. DIJKGRAAF AND G. MOORE, Balanced Topological Field Theories, hep-th/9608169.
R. DIJKGRAAF, G. MOORE, E. VERLINDE AND H. VERLINDE, Elliptic Genera of Symmetric Products and Second Quantized Strings, hep-th/9608095.
R. DIJKGRAAF, E. VERLINDE AND H. VERLINDE, BPS Spectrum of the Five-Brane and Black Hole Entropy, hep-th/9603126
R. DIJKGRAAF, E. VERLINDE AND H. VERLINDE, BPS Quantization of the Five-Brane, hep-th/9604055.
R. DIJKGRAAF, E. VERLINDE AND H. VERLINDE, Counting Dyons in N=4 String Theory, hep-th/9607026.
C. FABER, A conjectural description of the tautological ring of the moduli space of curves, preprint, to appear in Amsterdam-Utrecht seminar on moduli spaces of curves. C. Faber and E. Looijenga, editors, A. and K. Peters Inc.
A non-vanishing result for the tautological ring of ,
G. VAN DER GEER, Cycles on the Moduli Space of Abelian Varieties, Preprint May 1996. alg-geom/ 9605011.
G. VAN DER GEER, M. VAN DER VLUGT, How to construct curves over finite fields with many points, Preprint November 1995, alg-geom/9511005. To appear in: Proceedings Cortona.
J. VAN HAMEL, Real algebraic cycles on complex projective varieties, Math. Z. (to appear)
E. MANGOLTE, J. VAN HAMEL, Algebraic cycles on real Enriques surfaces, preprint, to appear in Compositio Math.
C.O.B. DE MIRLEAU, Combinatorical aspects of the Schwinger-Dyson equation, hep-th/9507039.
C.O.B. DE MIRLEAU, Concerning a natural compatibility condition between the action and the renormalized operator product, hep-th/9608120.
C.D.D. NEUMANN, The elliptic genus of Calabi-Yau 3- and 4-folds, product formulae and generalized Kac-Moody, hep-th/9607029.
P.G.J. NIJSSE, The irreducibility of the moduli space of stable vector bundles of rank 2 on a quintic in P3, RUL report W95-02.
C. SCHUHMANN, Mapping threefolds onto three-quadrics, RUL report W95-03.
C. SCHUHMANN, Morphisms between Fano threefolds, RUL report W96-18
Other publications
R. DIJKGRAAF, Het Witten vermoeden, Jaarverslag SMC 1995.
R. DIJKGRAAF, Een Nieuwe Revolutie in Stringtheorie, Afleiding 1 (1996) 7-11.
R. DIJKGRAAF, De Onredelijke Effektiviteit van de Fysica in de Moderne Wiskunde, Ned. Tijd. v. Nat. 62/11 (1996) 255-257.
R. DIJKGRAAF ET AL (eds), String Theory, Gauge Theory and Quantum Gravity, Trieste Spring School and Workshop 1994, Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl. 41 (1995).
R. DIJKGRAAF ET AL (eds), String Theory, Gauge Theory and Quantum Gravity, Trieste Spring School and Workshop 1995, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 45B,C (1996).
R. DIJKGRAAF, C. FABER AND G. VAN DER GEER (eds), The Moduli Space of Curves, (Birkhauser, 1995).
M. L¨UBKE EN A. TELEMAN, The Kobayashi-Hitchin Correspondence, Singapore, World Scientific 1995.