Papers in journals and proceedings
J.M. AARTS AND L.G. OVERSTEEGEN, Matchbox manifolds, in: Continua with the Houston problem book, H. Cook et al. (eds), Marcel Dekker, Lecture Notes in Pure and applied Mathematics, New York 1995, 3-14.
J.M. AARTS AND L.G. OVERSTEEGEN, The homeomorphism group of the hairy arc, Compositio Mathematica 96 (1995), 283-292.
J.M. AARTS, R.J. FOKKINK AND J. VERMEER, Variations on a theorem of Lusternik and Schnirlmann, Topology 35 (1996), 1051-1056.
Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 25, 1995, 867-886.
H. BRUIN, G. KELLER, T. NOWICKI AND S. VAN STRIEN, Absorbing Cantor sets in dynamical systems: Fibonacci maps, Annals of Math., 143, (1996), 97-130.
R. CAUTY, T. DOBROWOLSKI, H. GLADDINES, J. VAN MILL, Les hyperespaces des rétractes absolus et des rétractes absolus de voisinage du plan, Fundamenta Mathematicae, 148, 1995 257-282.
W.W. COMFORT, H. GLADDINES, J. VAN MILL, Proper pseudocompact subgroups of pseudocompact abelian groups, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 728, 1994 appeared in 1995), 237-247.
A. DOW EN K.P. HART, Cut points in Cech-Stone remainders, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 123, (1995) 909-917.
A non-homogeneous zero-dimensional X such that
is a group,
Proc. of the Amer. Math. Soc. 124 (1996),
A.J.M. VAN ENGELEN, Borel groups of low descriptive complexity, Proc. of the New York Acad. of Sciences 788 (1996), 95-100.
R. GALEEVA AND S. VAN STRIEN, Which families of l-modal maps are full?, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 348, (1996), 3215-3221.
K.P. HART EN J. VERMEER, Fixed-point sets of autohomeomorphisms of compact F-spaces, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 123, (1995) 311-314.
M.A. VAN HARTSKAMP EN J. VERMEER, On colorings of maps, Topology and its Applications 73, (1996), 181-190.
K. KUNEN, J. VAN MILL, Measures on Corson compact spaces, Fundamenta Mathematicae, 147, 1995, 61-72.
J. VAN MILL, R. POL, Baire 1 functions which are not countable unions of continuous functions, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 4, 1995, 289-300.
J. VAN MILL, R. POL, Remark on products of 1-dimensional compacta, Questions and Answers in General Topology, 13, 1995, 97-98.
J. VAN MILL, J. PELANT, R. POL, Selections that characterize topological completeness, Fundamenta Mathematicae, 149, 1996, 127-141.
J. VAN MILL, A. RAN, On a generalization of Lyapounov's theorem, Indagationes Mathematicae, 7, 1996, 227-242.
Is absolutely countably compact?,
Annals New York Academy of Sciences, 767, 1995, 161-164.
S. VAN STRIEN, Real bounds in complex dynamics, In: Real and complex Dynamical Systems, edited by B. Branner and P. Hjorth, published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences - Vol. 464, (1995) 211-229.
S. VAN STRIEN, Transitive rational maps which are not ergodic, Ergod. Theory and Dynam. Syst. 16, (1996), 833-848.
C.H. HOMMES, S. VAN STRIEN AND R.G. DE VILDER, Chaotic dynamics in a two-dimensional overlapping generations model. A numerical investigation, In: Predictability and nonlinear modeling in Natural Sciences and Economics. J. Grasman and G. van Straten (eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, (1995).
Ph.D. Theses
R.G. DE VILDER, Endogeneous Business Cycles, 1995, University of Amsterdam.
Reports and pre-prints
J.M. AARTS AND R.J. FOKKINK, Coincidence and the coloring of maps, Faculteit TWI, TU Delft, Rapport 96-97 (1996).
J.M. AARTS, R.J. FOKKINK AND J. VERMEER, Coincidence theorems for involutions, Faculteit TWI, TU Delft, Rapport 96-108 (1996).
H. BRANDSMA, J. VAN MILL, A Compact HL-Space Need Not Have a Monolithic Hyperspace, Vrije Universiteit, Rapportnr. WS-456, Juli 1996. To appear in Proceedings of the AMS.
H. BRANDSMA, J VAN MILL, Monotone normality, measures and hyperspaces, Vrije Universiteit, Rapportnr. WS-466, October 1996. To appear in Topology and its Applications.
H. BRANDSMA, J VAN MILL, Monotonically normal hyperspaces are metrisable, Vrije Universiteit, Rapportnr. WS-469, December 1996.
EVA COPLAKOVA EN K.P. HART, Crowded rational ultrafilters, Faculteit TWI, TU Delft, Rapport 96-59 (1996).
A new subcontinuum of ,
Faculteit TWI, TU Delft, Rapport 95-114 (1995).
A Universal Continuum of Weight ,
Faculteit TWI, TU Delft, Rapport 96-129.
A. DOW EN K.P. HART, Hereditary indecomposability and the Intermediate Value Theorem, Faculteit TWI, TU Delft, Rapport 96-130.
M.A. VAN HARTSKAMP AND J. VAN MILL, Normal spaces and fixed-points of Cech-Stone extensions, Vrije Universiteit, Rapportnr. WS-454, mei 1996.
M.A. VAN HARTSKAMP AND J. VERMEER, On Colorings of Maps, Vrije Universiteit, Rapportnr. WS-444, september 1995.
G. LEVIN EN S.J. VAN STRIEN, Locally connected Julia sets of real polynomials. (81 pages) preprint.
G. LEVIN EN S.J. VAN STRIEN, Absence of invariant linefields for real unimodal polynomials, (1996) preprint.
G. LEVIN EN S.J. VAN STRIEN, Total disconnectedness of the Julia set of real polynomials, (1996) preprint.