Papers in journals and proceedings
G. AUSIELLO, E. FEUERSTEIN, S. LEONARDI, L. STOUGIE, M. TALAMO, Algorithms for the on-line travelling salesman, Algorithmica, 29(4):560-581, (2001).
Y. BARTAL, S. LEONARDI, A. MARCHETTI-SPACCAMELA, J. SGALL, L. STOUGIE, Multiprocessor scheduling with rejection, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 13(1):64-78 (electronic), (2000).
B. BAUMEISTER, A. A. IVANOV, D. V. PASECHNIK, A characterization of the Petersen-type geometry of the McLaughlin group, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 128(1):21-44, (2000).
A. BEN TAL, A. NEMIRIOVSKI, C. ROOS, Robust versions of convex quadratic and conic-quadratic problems, In D. Li, editor, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Optimization. Techniques and Applications (ICOTA 2001), volume 4, pages 1818-1825, Hong Kong, (2001). Contemporary Development Company, ISBN 962-86475-4-7. Awarded with ICOTA 2001 Best Theoretical Paper Award.
A. BLOKHUIS, R. S. COULTER, M. HENDERSON, C. M. O'KEEFE, Permutations amongst the Dembowski-Ostrom polynomials, In Finite fields and applications (Augsburg, 1999), pages 37-42. Springer, Berlin, (2001).
A. BLOKHUIS, R. FAUDREE, A. GYÁRFÁS, M. RUSZINKÓ, Anti-Ramsey colorings in several rounds, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 82(1):1-18, (2001).
A. BLOKHUIS, W.H. HAEMERS, EDITORS, Special issue dedicated to Dr. Jaap Seidel on the occasion of his 80th birthday, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Hingham, MA, 2000, Papers from the Conference on Geometric and Algebraic Combinatorics held in Oisterwijk, August 15-20, 1999, Des. Codes Cryptogr. 21 (2000) no. 1-3.
A. BLOKHUIS, W.H. HAEMERS, An infinite family of quasi-symmetric designs, J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 95(1-2):117-119, (2001) Special issue on design combinatorics: in honor of S. S. Shrikhande.
A. BLOKHUIS, M. LAVRAUW, Scattered spaces with respect to a spread in
A. BLOKHUIS, P. SZIKLAI, On planes of order
M. BLOM, S.O. KRUMKE, W.E. DE PAEPE, L. STOUGIE, The online-TSP against fair adversaries, In Proceedings of the 4th Italian Conference on Algorithms and Complexity, volume 1767, pages 137-149, (2000).
M. BLOM, S.O. KRUMKE, W.E. DE PAEPE, L. STOUGIE, The online-TSP against fair adversaries, Informs Journal on Computing, 13:138-148, (2001).
I.M. BOMZE, M. D¨UR, E. DE KLERK, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, On copositive programming and standard quadratic optimization problems, Journal on Global Optimization, 18(4):301-320, (2000).
J. BRINKHUIS, Extremal problems and inclusion of perturbations in halfspaces, Pure and Applied Math., 10(2):193-196, (2000).
J. BRINKHUIS, How to spot an optimum, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 5(1):139-149, (2000).
J. BRINKHUIS, On a geometrical construction of the multiplier rule, Indagationes Mathematicae N.S., 11(4):517-524, (2000).
J. BRINKHUIS, Vertical halfspaces as solutions of dual extremal problems, Pure and Applied Math., 10(4):385-390, (2000).
J. BRINKHUIS, On the Fermat-Lagrange principle for mixed smoothly convex extremal problems, Sbornik Math., 192(5):641-649, (2001) Translated from Russian.
P. CARA, S. LEHMAN, D.V. PASECHNIK, On the number of inductively minimal geometries, Theoret. Comput. Sci., 263(1-2):31-35, (2001) Combinatorics and computer science (Palaiseau, 1997).
CHANGAT, M., KLAVAR, S., H.M. MULDER, The all-paths transit function of a graph, Czechoslovak Math. J., 51(126)(2):439-448, (2001).
M. CHANGAT, H.M. MULDER, Route systems on graphs, Mathematica Bohemic, 126:607-612, (2001).
M. CONFORTI, B. GERARDS, A. KAPOOR, A theorem of Truemper, Combinatorica, 20(1):15-26, (2000).
C. DANG, H. VAN MAAREN, Computing an integer point of a simplex with an arbitrary starting homotopy-like simplicial algorithm, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 129(1-2):151-170, (2001) Nonlinear programming and variational inequalities (Kowloon, 1998).
A. DEZA, K. FUKUDA, D. V. PASECHNIK, M.SATO, On the skeleton of the metric polytope, In M. Urabe J. Akiyama, M. Kano, editor, Discrete and Computational Geometry, Japanese Conference, JCDCG 2000, Tokyo, volume 2098 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 125-136, Berlin, (2001) Springer-Verlag.
E. FEUERSTEIN, L. STOUGIE, On-line single-server dial-a-ride problems, Theoretical Computer Science, 268(1):91-105, (2001) On-line algorithms (Udine, 1998).
T. FLEINER, W. HOCHSTÄTTLER, M. LAURENT, M. LOEBL, Cycle bases for lattices of binary matroids with no Fano dual minor and their one-element extensions, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 77(1):25-38, 1999.
H. FRENK, E.M. BASZA, P.W DEN IESEGER, Modelling of inventory control with regenerative processes, International Journal iof Production Economics, 71:263-276, (2001).
H. FRENK, R. DEKKER, T. DE KOK, M.J. KLEIJN, On the newsboy problem with a cutoff transaction size, IIE transactions, 32:461-469, (2000).
H. FRENK, R.E. DEKKER, R.E. WILDEMAN, R. VAN EGMOND, A general approach for the coordination of maintenance activities, In S.O.Duffuaa and A.Raouf, editors, In Maintenance Modeling and Optimization, pages 245-282. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, (2000).
H. FRENK, S. SCHAIBLE, Fractional programming, In C.A. Floudas and P.M. Pardalos, editors, Encyclopedia of Optimization, volume III, pages 162-172. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, (2001) ISBN 0-7923-707027-9.
J. F. GEELEN, A. M. H. GERARDS, A. KKAPOOR, The excluded minors for GF
T. ILLÉS, J. PENG, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, A strongly polynomial rounding procedure yielding a maximally complementary solution for
M.S. JACOBSON, F.R. MCMORRIS, H.M. MULDER, Intersection graphs of short paths in a tree, Bulletin of the ICA, 33:49-55, (2001).
R.E. JAMISON, H.M. MULDER, Constant tolerance representations of graphs in trees, In Proceedings of the Thirty-first Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing (Boca Raton, FL, 2000), volume 143, pages 175-192, (2000).
R.E. JAMISON, H.M. MULDER, Tolerance intersection graphs on binary trees with constant tolerance 3, Discrete Mathematics, 215(1-3):115-131, (2000).
J. KEIJSPER, R. PENDAVINGH, A. SCHRIJVER, Adjacency, inseparability, and base orderability in matroids, European J. Combin., 21(4):487-502, (2000).
E. DE KLERK, H. VAN MAAREN, J.P. WARNERS, Relaxations of the satisfiability problem using semidefinite programming, J. Automat. Reason., 24(1-2):37-65, (2000).
E. DE KLERK, J. PENG, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, A scaled Gauss-Newton primal-dual search direction for semidefinite optimization, SIAM J. Optim., 11(4):870-888, (2001).
E. DE KLERK, T. TERLAKY, C. ROOS, Self-dual embeddings, In H. Wolkowicz, R. Saigal, and L. Vandenberghe, editors, Handbook on Semidefinite Programming. Theory, Algorithms and Applications, International Series in Operations Research & Management Sciences, pages 111-138, Boston, USA, (2000). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
J. KOOLEN, M. LAURENT, A. SCHRIJVER, Equilateral dimension of the rectilinear space, Des. Codes Cryptogr., 21(1-3):149-164, (2000) Special issue dedicated to Dr. Jaap Seidel on the occasion of his 80th birthday (Oisterwijk, 1999).
S.O. KRUMKE, W.E. DE PAEPE, D. POENSGEN, L. STOUGIE, News from the online traveling repairman, In Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, volume 2136, pages 487-499, (2001).
M. LAURENT, Polynomial instances of the positive semidefinite and Euclidean distance matrix completion problems, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 22(3):874-894, (2000).
M. LAURENT, Matrix completion problems, In C.A. Floudas and P.M. Pardalos, editors, Encyclopedia of Optimization, volume III, pages 221-229. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, (2001).
M. LAURENT, On the sparsity order of a graph and its deficiency in chordality, Combinatorica, 21(4):543-570, (2001).
M. LAURENT, Tighter linear and semidefinite relaxations for max-cut based on the Lovász-Schrijver lift-and-project procedure, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 12:345-375, (2001).
L. LOVÁSZ, M. SAKS, A. SCHRIJVER, A correction: ``Orthogonal representations and connectivity of graphs'' [Linear Algebra Appl. 114/115 (1989), 439-454; MR 90k:05095], Linear Algebra Appl., 313(1-3):101-105, (2000).
H. VAN MAAREN, Preface, In I. Gent, H. van Maaren, and T. Walsh (Eds.), editors, SAT2000. Highlights of Satisfiability esearch in the year 2000, volume 63 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pages 1-13, IOS Press, Omsha, Amsterdam, (2000).
H. VAN MAAREN, A short note on some tractable cases of the satisfiability problem, Inform. and Comput., 158(2):125-130, (2000).
H. VAN MAAREN, Simplicial pivoting algorithms for integer programming, In C.A. Floudas and P.M. Pardalos, editors, Encyclopedia of Optimization, volume III, pages 181-184. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, (2001).
H. VAN MAAREN, J.P. WARNERS, Bounds and fast approximation algorithms for binary quadratic optimization problems with application to MAX 2SAT, Discrete Appl. Math., 107(1-3):225-239, (2000) Boolean functions and related problems.
F.R. MCMORRIS, H.M. MULDER, R.C. POWERS, The median function on median graphs and semilattices, Discrete Appl. Math., 101(1-3):221-230, (2000).
D.V. PASECHNIK, On computing Hilbert bases via the Elliot-MacMahon algorithm, Theoret. Comput. Sci., 263(1-2):37-46, (2001) Combinatorics and computer science (Palaiseau, 1997).
J. PENG, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, New complexity analysis of the primal-dual Newton method for linear optimization, Ann. Oper Res., 99:23-39 (2001) (2000) Applied mathematical programming and modeling, IV (Limassol, 1998).
J. PENG, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, A new and efficient large-update interior-point method for linear optimization, Journal of Computational Technologies, 6(4):61-80, (2001) ISSN 1560-7534.
J. PENG, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, New complexity analysis of the primal-dual method for semidefinite optimization based on NT-direction, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 109(2):327-343, (2001).
F. POTRA, T. TERLAKY, C. ROOS, EDITORS, Interior point methods, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Yverdon, 1999, Optim. Methods Softw. 11/12 (1999), no. 1-4.
V. PROTASOV, A complete solution characterizing smooth refinable functions, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 31(6):1332-1350 (electronic), (2000).
V. PROTASOV, Refinement equations with nonnegative coefficients, J. Fourier Anal. Appl., 6(1):55-78, (2000).
V. PROTASOV, The stability of subdivision operator at its fixed point, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 33(2):448-460 (electronic), (2001).
V. YU. PROTASOV, Asymptotics of the partition function, Mat. Sb., 191(3):65-98, (2000).
C. ROOS, Proximity functions for linear and semidefinite optimization, In X.Q. Yang, L.Q. Qi, and K.L. Teo, editors, A collection of presentations in the International Workshop on Optimization with High Technology Applications (OHTA 2000), pages 530-538, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, (2001). Dpt. of Applied Mathematics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, ISBN 962-367-307-8.
A. SCHRIJVER, A combinatorial algorithm minimizing submodular functions in strongly polynomial time, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 80(2):346-355, (2000).
A. SCHRIJVER, Total dual integrality of matching forest constraints, Combinatorica, 20(4):575-588, (2000).
A. SCHRIJVER, A short proof of Mader's
J.P. WARNERS, H. VAN MAAREN, Recognition of tractable satisfiability problems through balanced polynomial representations, In Proceedings of the 5th Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization (Enschede, 1997), volume 99 (1-3), pages 229-244, (2000).
J.P. WARNERS, H. VAN MAAREN, Solving satisfiability problems using elliptic approximations-effective branching rules, Discrete Appl. Math., 107(1-3):241-259, (2000) Boolean functions and related problems.
Ph.D. Theses
T. FLEINER, Stable and Crossing Structures, Eindhoven University of Technology, (2001).
J. PENG, New Desisgn an Analysis of Interior-Point Methods, Delft University of Technology, (2001).
A.J. QUIST, Application of Mathematical Optimization Techniques to Nuclear Reactor Reload Pattern Design, Delft University of Technology,(2000).
Reports and pre-prints
E.D. ANDERSEN, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, Notes on duality in second order and
Y.Q. BAI, M. EL GHAMI, C. ROOS, A new efficient large-update primal-dual interior-point method on a finite barrier, (2001) Manuscript.
F.D. BARB, A. BEN TAL, A. NEMIROVSKI, Robust dissipativity of interval uncertain systems, To appear in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization.
F.D. BARB, A. BEN TAL, A. NEMIROVSKI, Robust model reduction of interval uncertain systems via semidefinite programming, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2002.
F.D. BARB, A. BEN TAL, A. NEMIROVSKI, C. ROOS, Extended matrix cube theorems and structured singular value, Manuscript, (2001).
A. BEN TAL, A. NEMIROVSKI, C. ROOS, em Extended matrix cube theorems, SIAM Journal on Optimization.
A. BEN TAL, A. NEMIROVSKI, C. ROOS, Robust solutions of quadratically constrained uncertain programs, To appear in SIAM Journal on Optimization.
I.M. BOMZE, E. DE KLERK, Solving standard quadratic optimization problems via linear, semidefinite and copositive programming, Technical Report TR 2001-03, Institut für Statistik und Decision Support Systems, Universität Wien, (2001) To appear in Journal on Global Optimization.
E. BOROS, R.E. JAMISON, R. LASKAR, H.M. MULDER, On 3-simplicial vertcies in planar graphs, DIMACS Technical Report 2001-32, Rutgers University, New Jersey, (2001).
J. BRINKHUIS, On the complexity of the primal self-concordant barrier method, Econometric Institute Report EI 2001-36, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, (2001).
J. BRINKHUIS, A structural version of the theorem of Hahn-Banach, Econometric Institute Report EI 2001-42, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, (2001).
J. BRINKHUIS, V. TIKHONIROV, On the duality theory of convex objects, Econometric Institute Report EI 2001-15, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, (2001).
M. CHANGAT, H.M. MULDER, G. SIERKSMA, Convexities related to paths properties on graphs, Econometric Institute Report EI 2001-32, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, (2001).
H. FRENK, G. KASSAY, J. KOLUMBAN, Equivalent results in minmax theory, Econometric Institute Report EI 2001-25, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, (2001).
J.F. GEELEN, A.M.H. GERARDS, Regular matroid decomposition via signed graphs, Preprint.
J.F. GEELEN, A.M.H. GERARDS, G. WHITTLE, Branch width and well-quasi-ordering in matroids and graphs, Research Report 00-14, School of Mathematical and Computing Sciences, Victoria University, Wellington New Zealand, (2000) To appear in Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B.
D. GRIGORIEV, E. A. HIRSCH, D. V. PASECHNIK, Complexity of semi-algebraic proofs, electronic TR01-103, Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity, (2001) available online at URL
M. HALICKÁ, E. DE KLERK, C. ROOS, On the convergence of the central path in semidefinite optimization, Preprint TU Delft. To appear in SIAM J. Optimization.
D. DEN HERTOG, E. DE KLERK, C. ROOS, On convex quadratic approximation, CentER Discussion Paper 2000-47, CentER for Economic Research, Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands, (2000) to appear in: Statistica Neerlandica.
R.E. JAMISON, F.R. MCMORRIS, H.M. MULDER, Graphs with only caterpillars as spanning trees, Econometric Institute Report EI 2001-18/B, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, (2001).
R.E. JAMISON, H.M. MULDER, Constant tolerance intersection graphs on subtrees of a tree, Econometric Institute Report EI 2001-07, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, (2001).
E. DE KLERK, D. V. PASECHNIK, Products of positive forms, linear matrix inequalities, and Hilbert 17-th problem for ternary forms, Preprint, TU Delft, (2001).
E. DE KLERK, D.V. PASECHNIK, Approximation of the stability number of a graph via copositive programming, Preprint, TU Delft. To appear in SIAM J. Optimization.
E. DE KLERK, D.V. PASECHNIK, On the performance guarantee of MAX-
E. DE KLERK, D.V. PASECHNIK, J.P. WARNERS, On approximate graph colouring and MAX-
E. DE KLERK, H. VAN MAAREN, On semidefinite programming relaxations of
M. LAURENT, A comparison of the Sherali-Adams, Lovász-Schrijver and Lasserre relaxations for 0-1 programming, Technical Report PNA-R0108, CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, (2001).
M. LAURENT, Semidefinite relaxations for Max-Cut, Preprint, CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, (2001) To appear in The Sharpest Cut, Festschrift in Honor of M. Padberg's 60th Birthday, M. Grötschel, editor, SIAM.
E. DE KLERK, M. HALICKA, C. ROOS, On the convergence of the central path in semidefinite optimization, To appear in SIAM Journal on Optimization.
H.M. MULDER, L. NEBESKÝ, Modular and median signpost systems and their underlying graphs, Econometric Institute Report EI 2001-24, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, (2001).
J. PENG, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, A new class of polynomial primal-dual methods for linear and semidefinite optimization, To appear in European Journal of Operations Research.
J. PENG, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, Primal-dual interior-point methods for second-order cone optimization based on self-regular proximities, To appear in SIAM Journal on Optimization.
J. PENG, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, Self-regular proximities and new search directions for linear and semidefinite optimization, To appear in Mathematical Programming.
J. PENG, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, Self-Regularity: A New Paradigm for Primal-Dual Interior-Point Algorithms, Princeton University Press, (2002).
A.J. QUIST, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, R. VAN GEEMERT, J.E. HOOGENBOOM, Reloading nuclear reactor fuel using mixed-integer nonlinear optimization, To appear in Optimization and Engineering.
C. ROOS, A comparative study of barrier functions for primal-dual interior-point algorithms in linear optimization, (2001) Manuscript.
L. STOUGIE, A.P.A. VESTJENS, Randomized algorithms for online scheduling problems. How low can't you go? SPOR Report 2000-13, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Technische Universiteit Eindoven, (2000).
Other publications
K. AARDAL, A.M.H. GERARDS (EDS.), Integer programming and combinatorial optimization. Proceedings 8th international IPCO conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 13-15, 2001., volume 2081 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Heidelberg, (2001).
E. D. ANDERSEN, J. E. MITCHELL, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, A homogenized cutting plane method to solve the convex feasibility problem, In X.Q. Yang, K.L. Teo, and L. Caccetta, editors, Optimization methods and applications, pages 167-190. Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, (2001).
A. BEN TAL, A. NEMIROVSKI, Optimaal ontwerp van vakwerken, ITW-Nieuws, 11(3):23-28, (2001).
A. BLOKHUIS, J.W.P. HIRSCHFELD, D. JUNGNICKEL, J.A. THAS (EDS.), Finite Geometries, Developments in Mathematics. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, (2001).
A. BLOKHUIS, D. JUNGNICKEL, B. SCHMIDT, On a class of symmetric divisible designs which are almost projective planes, In A. Blokhuis, J.W.P. Hirschfeld, D. Jungnickel, and J.A. Thas, editors, Finite Geometries, pages 27-34. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, (2001).
A. BLOKHUIS, J.H. VAN LINT, In memoriam Johan Jacob Seidel, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, Vijfde serie, 2(3):207-209, (2001).
J. BOONE, J. BRINKHUIS, Dynamic optimization and models of search in the labor market, Medium Econometrische Toepassingen, 8(2):17-19, (2001).
I. GENT, H. VAN MAAREN, T. WALSH (EDS.), SAT2000. Highlights of Satisfiability esearch in the year 2000, volume 63 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, IOS Press, Omsha, Amsterdam, (2000).
E. DE KLERK, H. VAN MAAREN, J.P. WARNERS, Relaxations of the satisfiability problem using semidefinite programming, In I. Gent, H. van Maaren, and T. Walsh (Eds.), editors, SAT2000. Highlights of Satisfiability esearch in the year 2000, volume 63 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pages 189-213. IOS Press, Omsha, Amsterdam, (2000).
A. NEMIROVSKI, C. ROOS, Motzkin's transposition theorem, In C.A. Floudas and P.M. Pardalos, editors, Encyclopedia of Optimization, volume V, pages 447-450. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, (2001).
J. PENG, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, A logarithmic barrier approach to Fischer function, In Nonlinear optimization and related topics (Erice, 1998), pages 277-297. Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, (2000).
J. PENG, C. ROOS, T. TERLAKY, New complexity analysis of primal-dual Newton methods for
V. PROTASOV, Forty years of the cutting-plane schemes, Medium Econometrische Toepassingen, 9:16-18, (2001).
C. ROOS, Farkas' lemma, In C.A. Floudas and P.M. Pardalos, editors, Encyclopedia of Optimization, volume II, pages 85-87. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, (2001).
C. ROOS, Linear optimization, In Robert A. Meyers, editor, Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, volume 8, pages 597-616, San Diego, USA, (2001). Academic Press, See
C. ROOS, Tucker's homogeneous systems of linear relations, In C.A. Floudas and P.M. Pardalos, editors, Encyclopedia of Optimization, volume III, pages 469-473. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, (2001).
C. ROOS, Interior-point methods for linear optimization, In P. Pardalos and M. Resende, editors, Handbook of Applied Optimization, pages 21-39. Oxford University Press, 2002.
C. ROOS, Linear optimization: Theorems of the alternative, In C.A. Floudas and P.M. Pardalos, editors, Encyclopedia of Optimization, volume III, pages 181-184. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2002, ISBN 0-19-512594-0.