T. BEDFORD, R.M. COOKE, Probabilistic Risk Analysis: Foundations and Methods, Cambridge University Press, (2001).
Papers in journals and proceedings
S. AALTO, W.R.W. SCHEINHARDT, Tandem fluid queues fed by homogeneous on-off sources, Operations Research Letters 27 (2000) 73-82.
I.J.B.F. ADAN, O.J. BOXMA, J.A.C. RESING, Queueing models with multiple waiting lines, Queueing Systems 37 (2001) 65-98.
I.J.B.F. ADAN, O.J. BOXMA, J. VAN DER WAL, Guest editorial. Special issue on Stochastic Operations Research, in honour of Jaap Wessels, Statistica Neerlandica 54 (2000) 113-115.
I.J.B.F. ADAN, J.A.C. RESING, Multi-server batch-service systems, Statistica Neerlandica 54 (2000) 202-220.
I.J.B.F. ADAN, J.A.C. RESING, A two-level traffic shaper for an on-off source, Performance Evaluation 42 (2000) 279-298.
F.M. AKHMEDJANOV, R.M. COOKE, V.G. KRYMSKY, J.L. PAULSEN, Competing risks in maintenance planning: technique for decision support, In: G. Govaert, J. Janssen, N. Limnios (eds.); Proceedings ASMDA 2001 Vol. 1/2. 10th International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis Vol. 2/2, Compiègne, Université de Technologie Compiègne, Compiègne, (2001), p. 83-88.
E. ALTMAN, K. AVRACHENKOV, C. BARAKAT, R. N´UÑEZ QUEIJA, State-dependent M/G/1 type queueing analysis for congestion control, In: Proc. INFOCOM 2001, Anchorage AK, USA (2001), 1350-1359.
E. ALTMAN, K. AVRACHENKOV, C. BARAKAT, R. N´UÑEZ QUEIJA, TCP modeling in the presence of nonlinear window growth, In: Proc. ITC-17 (2001), 883-894.
E. ALTMAN, S. BHULAI, B. GAUJAL, A. HORDIJK, Open-loop routing to
E. ALTMAN, B. GAUJAL, A. HORDIJK, Simplex convexity, with application to open loop stochastic control in networks, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Sydney, Australia, December (2000).
E. ALTMAN, B. GAUJAL, A. HORDIJK, Multimodularity, convexity and optimization properties, Math.Oper.Res. 25 (2000) 324-347.
E. ALTMAN, B. GAUJAL, A. HORDIJK, Admission control in stochastic event graphs, IEEE Automatic Control 45 (2000) 854-867.
E. ALTMAN, B. GAUJAL, A. HORDIJK, Balanced sequences and optimal routing, Journal of the ACM 47 (2000) 752-775.
E. ALTMAN, B. GAUJAL, A. HORDIJK, Optimal open-loop control of vacations, polling and service assignment, Queueing Systems 36 (2000) 303-325.
E. ALTMAN, T. JIMÉNEZ, G.M. KOOLE, On optimal call admission control in a resource-sharing system, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 49:1659-1668, (2001).
E. ALTMAN, T. JIMÉNEZ, G.M. KOOLE, On the comparison of queueing systems with their fluid limits, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 15:165-178, (2001).
T.J. BEDFORD, R.M. COOKE, Monte Carlo simulation of vine dependent random variables for applications in uncertainly analysis, In: E. Zio, M. Demichela, N. Piccinini (eds.); Proceedings ESREL 2001. European Conference on Safety and Reliability. Safety and Reliability; towards a safer world, Torino, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, (2001), p. 863-870.
T.J. BEDFORD, R.M. COOKE, Probability density decomposition for conditionally dependent random variables medeled by vines, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 32, (2001), p. 245-268.
T. BEDFORD, C. MESINA, The impact of modeling assumptions on maintenance optimization, in Proceedings of Mathematical Methods in Reliability 2000, Bordeaux, July 2000, p171-174, M. Nikulin and N. Limnios (eds), University of Bordeaux-2, (2000).
T.J. BEDFORD, R. DE ROOS, J. VAN DER HAAGEN, Decision analysis as a qualitative tool: the Lek Canal case, In: Proceedings ESReDA. International Seminar on Decision Analysis,Roma, (2001), p. 197-206.
S. BHULAI, G.M. KOOLE, On the value of learning for Bernoulli bandits with unknown parameters, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 45:2135-2140, (2000).
S. BHULAI, G.M. KOOLE, A queueing model for call blending in call centers, In Proceedings of the 39th IEEE CDC, pages 1421-1426. IEEE Control Society, (2000).
S.C. BORST, O.J. BOXMA, M.J.G. VAN UITERT, Two coupled queues with heterogeneous traffic, In: Proc. ITC-17 (2001), 1003-1014.
S.C. BORST, E.G. COFFMAN JR., E.N. GILBERT, P.A. WHITING, P.M. WINKLER, Time slot allocation in wireless TDMA, In: System Performance Evaluation, Methodologies, and Applications, ed. E. Gelenbe, CRC Press, Boca Raton, (2001) 203-213.
S.C. BORST, E.G. COFFMAN JR., E.N. GILBERT, P.A. WHITING, P.M. WINKLER, Optimal carrier sharing in wireless TDMA, Journal of Interconnection Networks, (2001).
S.C. BORST, P.A. WHITING, Achievable performance of dynamic channel assignment schemes under varying re-use constraints, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 49 (2000).
S.C. BORST, P.A. WHITING, Dynamic rate control algorithms for HDR throughput optimization, In: Proc. INFOCOM 2001, Anchorage AK, USA (2001), 976-985.
O.J. BOXMA, Files van files - WWW en de wondere wereld van de wachtrij, Kwantitatieve Methoden 67 (2001) 81-95.
O.J. BOXMA, J.W. COHEN, The single server queue: Heavy tails and heavy traffic, In: Self-similar Network Traffic and Performance Evaluation, eds. K. Park and W. Willinger (Wiley, New York, 2000) 143-169.
O.J. BOXMA, Q. DENG, Asymptotic behaviour of the tandem queueing system with identical service times at both queues, Math. Meth. Oper. Res. 52 (2000) 303-323.
O.J. BOXMA, Q. DENG, J.A.C. RESING, Polling systems with regularly varying service and/or switchover times, Advances in Performance Analysis 3 (2000) 71-107.
O.J. BOXMA, O. KELLA, D. PERRY, An intermittent fluid system with exponential on-times and semi-Markov input rates, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 15 (2001) 189-198.
O.J. BOXMA, I.A. KURKOVA, The M/M/1 queue in a heavy-tailed random environment, Statistica Neerlandica 54 (2000) 221-236.
O.J. BOXMA, I.A. KURKOVA, The M/G/1 queue with two service speeds, Advances in Applied Probability 33 (2001) 520-540.
O.J. BOXMA, D. PERRY, A queueing model with dependence between service and interarrival times, European Journal of Operational Research 128 (2001) 611-624.
O.J. BOXMA, D. PERRY, W. STADJE, Clearing models for M/G/1 queues, Queueing Systems 38 (2001) 287-306.
O.J. BOXMA, R. SYSKI, Obituary: Jacob Willem Cohen, Journal of Applied Probability 38 (2001) 604-608.
C. BUNEA, T.J. BEDFORD, The robustness of maintenance optimization to modelling assumptions, In: E. Zio, M. Demichela, N. Piccinini (eds.); Proceedings ESREL 2001. European Conference on Safety and Reliability. Safety and Reliability; towards a safer world, Torino, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, (2001), p. 1771-1778.
B.A. CHIERA, R.M. COOKE, Dependent quasirandom numbers, In: M.P. Cottam, (ed.); Foresight and precaution. ESREL 2000, SARS and SRA-Europe Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Balkema, Rotterdam, (2000), p. 1519-1523.
R.M. COOKE, L.H.J. GOOSSENS, Procedures guide for structured expert judgement in accident consequence modelling, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 90, 3, (2000), p. 303-309.
R.M. COOKE, C. KRAAIKAMP, Risk analysis and jurisprudence; a recent example, In: W.W. Doerr (ed.); SERA-vol. 10: Safety engineering and risk analysis - 2000. 2000 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Orlando, ASME, New York, (2000), p. 67-72.
R.M. COOKE, P. SMETS, Self-conditional probabilities and probabilistic interpretations of belief functions, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 32, (2001), p. 269-285.
G.J. FRANX, A simple solution for the M/D/
A. GAJRAT, A. HORDIJK, Fluid approximation of a controlled multiclass tandem network, Queueing Systems 35 (2000) 349-380.
L.H.J. GOOSSENS, R.M. COOKE, Expert judgement elicitation in risk assessment, In: I. Linkov, J. Palma-Oliveria (eds.); Proceedings. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Assessment and Management of Environmental Risks: Methods and Applications in Eastern European and Developing Countries, Lisbon, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, (2001), p. 411-426.
L.H.J. GOOSSENS, J. EHRHARDT, B.C.P. KRAAN, R.M. COOKE, Expert judgement of uncertainties in modelling emergency actions after nuclear accidents, In: S. Kondo, K. Furuta (eds.); Proceedings of the 5th international conference on probabilistic safety assessment and management. PSAM 5 - Probabilistic safety assessment and management, Tokyo, Universal Academy Press, Tokyo, (2000), p. 971-976.
L.H.J. GOOSSENS, F.T. HARPER, J. EHRHARDT, J.A. JONES, B.C.P. KRAAN, R.M. COOKE, Lessons learnt from the EC/USNRC expert judgement study on probabilistic accident consequence codes applied in the COSYMA uncertainty analysis, In: S. Kondo, K. Furuta (eds.); Proceedings of the 5th international conference on probabilistic safety assessment and management. PSAM5 - Probabilistic safety assessment and management, Osaka, Universal Academy Press, Tokyo, (2000), p. 965-971.
I. HALACHMI, I.J.B.F. ADAN, J. VAN DER WAL, J.A.P. HEESTERBEEK, P. VAN BEEK, The design of robotic dairy barns using closed queueing networks, European Journal of Operational Research 124 (2000) 437-446.
S.G. HENDERSON, B.A. CHIERA, R.M. COOKE, Generating "dependent" quasi-random numbers, In: J.A. Joines (ed.); Proceedings of the 2000 winter simulation conference. Florida, IEEE, Piscataway, (2000), p. 527-536.
G. HOOGHIEMSTRA, G.M. KOOLE, On the convergence of the power series algorithm, Performance Evaluation, 42:21-39, (2000).
A. HORDIJK, Comparison of queues with different discrete-time arrival processes, Prob. Eng. Inf. Sci. 15 (2001) 1-14.
A. HORDIJK, Z. LIU, D. TOWSLEY, Smoothing effect of the superposition of homogeneous sources in networks, Journal of Applied Probability 37 (2000) 900-913.
A. HORDIJK, D.A. VAN DER LAAN, Bounds for deterministic periodic routing sequences, In Integer programmning and combinatorial optimization, Proceedings of the 8th international IPCO conference. Eds. K. Aardal and B. Gerards. Springer-Verlag (2001) 236-250.
A. HORDIJK, J.A. LOEVE, Optimal static customer routing in a closed network, Statistica Neerlandica 54 (2000) 148-159. Special issue on: Stochastic Operations Research in Honour of Jaap Wessels.
A. HORDIJK, A. SHWARTZ, Performance bounds for queues via generating functions, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control 46 (2001)137-142.
A.HORDIJK, A.A YUSHKEVICH, Blackwell optimality, Chapter 8 in Handbook of Markov decision processes: Methods and applications, (eds.E.A. Feinberg and A. Shwartz). Kluwer (2001) 231-267.
G.J. VAN HOUTUM, I.J.B.F. ADAN, J. WESSELS, W.H.M. ZIJM, Performance analysis of parallel identical machines with a generalized shortest queue arrival mechanism, OR Spektrum 23 (2001) 411-428.
G. JONGBLOED, G.M. KOOLE, Managing uncertainty in call centers using Poisson mixtures, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 17:307-318, (2001).
L.C.M. KALLENBERG, Special solution methods for replacement problems, pp. 87-90 in: B. Fleischmann, R.Lasch, U. Derigs, W. Domschke and U. Rieder (eds.) Operations Research Proceeedings (2000), Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.
L.C.M. KALLENBERG, Finite state and action MDPs, in: Feinberg, E.A. and A. Shwartz (eds.): Handbook of Markov decision processes, Kluwer, Boston/Dordrecht/London (2001) 21-87.
J. KEIZERS, I.J.B.F. ADAN, J. VAN DER WAL, A queueing model for due date control in a multi server repair shop, Naval Research Logistics 48 (2001) 281-292.
G.M. KOOLE, Stochastic scheduling with event-based dynamic programming, ZOR - Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 51:249-261, (2000).
G.M. KOOLE, Z. LIU, R. RIGHTER, Optimal transmission policies for noisy channels, Operations Research, 49(6), (2001).
G.M. KOOLE, P. NAIN, On the value function of a priority queue with an application to a controlled polling model, Queueing Systems, 34:199-214, (2000).
G.M. KOOLE, R. RIGHTER, A stochastic batching and scheduling problem, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 15:465-479, (2001).
G.M. KOOLE, F.M. SPIEKSMA, On deviation matrices for birth-death processes, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 15:239-258, (2001).
G.M. KOOLE, J. TALIM, Exponential approximation of multi-skill call centers architecture, In Proceedings of QNETs 2000, pages 23/1-10, (2000).
B.C.P. KRAAN, R.M. COOKE, Processing expert judgements in accident consequence modelling, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 90, 3, (2000), p. 311-315.
B.C.P. KRAAN, R.M. COOKE, Uncertainty in compartmental models for hazardous materials - a case study, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 71, (2000), p. 253-268.
D.P. KROESE, W.R.W. SCHEINHARDT, Joint distributions for interacting fluid queues, Queueing Systems 37 (2001) 99-139.
D. KUROWICKA, R.M. COOKE, Conditional, partial and rank correlation for the elliptical copula: dependence modelling in uncertainy analysis, In: E. Zio, M. Demichela, N. Piccinini (eds.); Proceedings ESREL 2001. European Conference on Safety and Reliability. Safety and Reliability; towards a safer world, Torino, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, (2001), p. 1795-1802.
D. KUROWICKA, R.M. COOKE, J.K. MISIEWICZ, Elliptical copulae, In: G.I. Schukller, P.D. Spanos (eds.); Proceedings Monte Carlo Simulation. International Conference on Monte Carlo Simulation, Monte Carlo, Balkema, Lisse, (2001), p. 209-214.
R.B. LENIN, P.R. PARTHASARATHY, W.R.W. SCHEINHARDT, E.A. VAN DOORN, Families of birth-death processes with similar time-dependent behaviour, Journal of Applied Probability 37 (2000) 835-849.
N. LITVAK, I.J.B.F. ADAN, The travel time in carousel systems under the nearest item heuristic, Journal of Applied Probability 38 (2001) 45-54.
N. LITVAK, I.J.B.F. ADAN, J. WESSELS, W.H.M. ZIJM, Order picking in carousel systems under the nearest item heuristic, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 15 (2001) 135-164.
M. MANDJES, S.C. BORST, Overflow behavior in queues with many long-tailed inputs, Advances in Applied Probability 32 (2000) 1150-1167.
M. MANDJES, M.J.G. VAN UITERT, Transient analysis of traffic generated by bursty sources, and its applications to measurement-based admission control. Telecommunication Systems 15 (2000) 295-321.
R.D. VAN DER MEI, Polling systems with simultaneous batch arrivals, Stochastic Models - Communications in Statistics, 17, 271-292, (2001).
R.D. VAN DER MEI, Polling systems with correlated arrivals, In: Teletraffic Engineering in the Internet Era, eds. J Moreira de Souza, N. de Fonseca and E.A. de Souze e Silva (Elsevier Science), proceedings of the 17th International Teletraffic Congress (Salvador, Brazil), 967-978, (2001).
R.D. VAN DER MEI, J.V.L. BECKERS, I. HENDRAWAN, R.E. KOOIJ, Generalized processor sharing models for Internet access lines, Proceedings of IFIP Conference on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of ATM & IP networks, (Budapest, Hungary), 101-112, (2001).
R.D. VAN DER MEI, J.L. VAN DEN BERG, B.M.M. GIJSEN, M.J. PIKAART, R. VRANKEN, Processing times in transaction servers with Quality of Service differentiation, Proceedings of international conference on Measurement, Modeling and Evaluation of Communication Systems, (Aachen, Germany), 241-252, (2001).
R.D. VAN DER MEI, R. HARIHARAN, W.K. EHRLICH, P.K. REESER, Performance of Web servers in a distributed computing environment, In: Teletraffic Engineering in the Internet Era, eds. J Moreira de Souza, N. de Fonseca and E.A. de Souze e Silva (Elsevier Science), proceedings of the 17th International Teletraffic Congress (Salvador, Brazil), 137-148, (2001).
R.D. VAN DER MEI, R. HARIHARAN, P.K. REESER, Web server performance modeling, Telecommunication Systems, 16, 361-378, (2001).
J.K. MISIEWICZ, R.M. COOKE, Isotropic sequences of random variables and stochastic rescaling, Theoretical Probability and Mathematical Statist, 20, (2000), p. 151-157.
PH. NAIN, R. N´UÑEZ QUEIJA, An M/M/1 queue in a semi-Markovian environment, In: Performance Evaluation Review 29, Special Issue - Proc. Joint ACM SIGMETRICS 2001 & Performance 2001 Conference (Cambridge MA, USA, (2001)), 268-279.
J.M. VAN NOORTWIJK, R.M. COOKE, J.K. MISIEWICZ, Characterizations of scale mixtures of gamma processes in terms of sufficiency and isotropy, Journal of mathematical sciences, 99, 4, (2000), p. 1469-1475.
J.G. NORSTROM, R.M. COOKE, T.J. BEDFORD, Value of information based design of control software, In: E. Zio, M. Demichela, N. Piccinini (eds.); Proceedings ESREL 2001. European Conference on Safety and Reliability. Safety and Reliability; towards a safer world, Torino, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, (2001), p. 419-426.
J.A.E.E. VAN NUENEN, J. VAN DER WAL, Jaap Wessels - his life with stochastic processes, Statistica Neerlandica 54 (2000) 116-126.
R. N´UÑEZ QUEIJA, Note on the GI/GI/1 queue with LCFS-PR observed at arbitrary times, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 15 (2001) 179-187.
L. ÖRMECI, A. BURNETAS, J. VAN DER WAL, Admission policies for a two class loss system, Stochastic Models 17 (2001).
R.F. RABOUW, K.M. THOMPSON, R.M. COOKE, The aviation risk to groundlings with spatial variability, In: E. Zio, M. Demichela, N. Piccinini (eds.); Proceedings ESREL 2001. European Conference on Safety and Reliability. Safety and Reliability; towards a safer world, Torino, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, (2001), p. 1219-1226.
P. RIETVELD, J. ROUWENDAL, A.P. ZWART, Water demand and water prices: on the welfare effects of a progressive water pricing system, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 36 (2000).
S. SIEKMANN, R. KRUSE, J. GEBHARDT, P. OVERBEEK, R.M. COOKE, Information fusion in the context of stock index prediction, International journal of intelligent systems, 16, 11, (2001), p. 1285-1298.
L.J.P. SPEIJKER, J.M. VAN NOORTWIJK, M. KOK, R.M. COOKE, Optimal maintenance decisions for dikes, Probability in the engineering and informational sciences, 14, (2000), p. 101-121.
K.M. THOMPSON, R.F. RABOUW, R.M. COOKE, The risk of groundling fatalities from unintentional airplane crashes, Risk Analysis, 21, (2001), p. 1025-1037.
M.J.G. VAN UITERT, S.C. BORST, Generalised Processor Sharing networks fed by heavy-tailed traffic flows, In: Proc. INFOCOM 2001, Anchorage AK, USA (2001), 269-278.
J. VAN DER WAL, Threshold subcontracting, In: Proceedings of the Third Aegean International Conference on Design and Analysis of Manufacturing Systems, Tinos Island, Greece, May 19-22, (2001), Editions ZITI, Thessaloniki.
A. WILLEMS, T.J. BEDFORD, C. VERSTEGEN, M. JANSSEN, Expert quantification of uncertainties in a risk analysis for an infrastructure project, In: M.P. Cottam (ed.); Foresight and precaution. ESREL 2000, SARS and SRA-Europe Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Balkema, Rotterdam, (2000), p. 1087-1092.
W.H.M. ZIJM, I.J.B.F. ADAN, R. BUITENHEK, G.J. VAN HOUTUM, Capacity analysis of an automated kit transportation system, Annals of Operations Research 93 (2000) 423-446.
A.P. ZWART, Tail asymptotics for the busy period in the GI/G/1 queue, Mathematics of Operations Research 26 (2001) 485-493.
A.P. ZWART, A fluid queue with a finite buffer and subexponential input, Advances in Applied Probability 32 (2000) 221-243.
A.P. ZWART, S.C. BORST, M. MANDJES, Exact queueing asymptotics for multiple heavy-tailed on-off flows, In: Proc. INFOCOM 2001, Anchorage AK, USA (2001), 279-288.
A.P. ZWART, O.J. BOXMA, Sojourn-time asymptotics in the M/G/1 processor sharing queue, Queueing Systems 35 (2000) 141-166.
Ph.D. Theses
Q. DENG, Queues with Regular Variation, Eindhoven University of Technology (2001).
D. KUROWICKA, Techniques in representing high dimensional distributions, Delft University of Technology (2001).
J.W.C.H. VISSCHERS, Random walks with geometric jumps, Eindhoven University of Technology (2000).
A.P. ZWART, Queueing Systems with Heavy Tails, Eindhoven University of Technology (2001).
Reports and pre-prints
E. ALTMAN, T. JIMENEZ, R. N´UÑEZ QUEIJA, Analysis of two competing TCP/IP connections, CWI Report PNA-R0118 (2001).
S. BHULAI, G.M. KOOLE, A queueing model for call blending in call centers, Technical Report WS-542, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, (2000)
S. BHULAI, G.M. KOOLE, On the structure of value functions for threshold policies in queueing models, Technical Report 2001-4, Department of Stochastics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, (2001).
S. BHULAI, F.M. SPIEKSMA, On the uniqueness of solutions to the Poisson equations for average cost Markov chains with unbounded cost functions, Technical Report 2001-7, Department of Stochastics, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, (2001)
A.A. BOROVKOV, O.J. BOXMA, On large deviation probabilities for random walks with heavy tails, EURANDOM Report 2001-027 (2001).
A.A. BOROVKOV, A. HORDIJK, On normed ergodicity of Markov chains, MI-report 2000-40. Leiden University (2000).
S.C. BORST, O.J. BOXMA, J.F. GROOTE, S. MAUW, Task allocation in a multi-server system, CWI Report PNA-R0122 (2001).
S.C. BORST, A. MANDELBAUM, M.I. REIMAN, Dimensioning large call centers, CWI Report PNA-R0015 (2000).
S.C. BORST, M. MANDJES, M.J.G. VAN UITERT, Generalized Processor Sharing queues with heterogeneous traffic classes, CWI Report PNA-R0106 (2001). Shortened version to appear in: Proc. INFOCOM 2002.
S.C. BORST, P.A. WHITING, Dynamic rate control algorithms for HDR throughput optimization, CWI Report PNA-R0103 (2001).
S.C. BORST, P.A. WHITING, The use of diversity antennas in high-speed wireless systems: capacity gains, fairness issues, multi-user scheduling, Technical Memorandum, Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies (2001).
S.C. BORST, A.P. ZWART, A reduced-peak equivalence for queues with a mixture of light-tailed and heavy-tailed input flows, SPOR Report 2000-04 (2000), Eindhoven University of Technology.
S.C. BORST, A.P. ZWART, Fluid queues with heavy-tailed M/G/
O.J. BOXMA, D. DENTENEER, J.A.C. RESING, Some models for contention resolution in cable networks, EURANDOM Report 2001-037 (2001).
O.J. BOXMA, S. SCHLEGEL, U. YECHIALI, A note on an M/G/1 queue with a waiting server, timer and vacations, EURANDOM Report 2000-0xy (2000).
O.J. BOXMA, S. SCHLEGEL, U. YECHIALI, Two-queue polling models with a patient server, EURANDOM Report 2001-029 (2001).
G.A.J.F. BROUNS, Featuring workflow management - an overview of the distinctive features of workflow processes and their consequences for workflow management, SPOR-Report 2000-05 (2000) , Eindhoven University of Technology.
G.A.J.F. BROUNS, J. VAN DER WAL, Optimal threshold policies in a workload model with a variable number of service phases per job, SPOR-Report 2000-20 (2000), Eindhoven University of Technology.
G.A.J.F. BROUNS, J. VAN DER WAL, Monotonicity and threshold properties in batch workload models with controlled service times consisting of a sum of geometric phases, SPOR-Report 2001-04 (2001), Eindhoven University of Technology.
A. GAJRAT, A. HORDIJK, Optimal server control in multiclass fluid networks, preprint. Leiden University (2000).
A. GAJRAT, A. HORDIJK, A. RIDDER, deviations analysis of the fluid approximation for a tandem controllable network, preprint (2001).
B. GAUJAL, A. HORDIJK, D.A. VAN DER LAAN, On orders and bounds for multimodular functions, MI-report 2001-29. Leiden University (2001).
A. HORDIJK, D.A. VAN DER LAAN, Periodic routing to parallel queues with bounds on the average waiting time, MI-report 2000-44. Leiden University (2000).
A. HORDIJK, N. POPOV, Large deviations bounds for face-homogeneous random walks in the quarter plane, MI-report 2001-32. Leiden University (2001).
L.C.M. KALLENBERG, Classification problems in MDPs, Preprint, Mathematical Institute, Leiden University, (2001).
G.M. KOOLE, A. MANDELBAUM, Queueing models of call centers: An introduction, Technical Report 2001-7, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Department of Stochastics, (2001).
G.M. KOOLE, P. NAIN, An explicit solution for the value function of a priority queue, Technical Report 2001-5, Department of Stochastics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, (2001).
W.R.W. SCHEINHARDT, B. ZWART, A tandem fluid queue with gradual input, SPOR Report 2000-21 (2000), Eindhoven University of Technology.
M.J.G. VAN UITERT, S.C. BORST, A reduced-load equivalence for Generalised Processor Sharing Networks with heavy-tailed input flows, CWI Report PNA-R0007 (2000).
A.P. ZWART, S.C. BORST, M. MANDJES, Exact asymptotics for fluid queues fed by multiple heavy-tailed On-Off flows, SPOR Report 2000-14 (2000), Eindhoven University of Technology.
Other publications
G. ALBERTS, G.M. KOOLE, Behoud de keuzevrijheid - Wiskunde en politiek bij G. Zoutendijk (interview), Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, vijfde serie, 2: 36-41, (2001).
O.J. BOXMA, Heavy tails and queues, In: Biennial Report 1998 & 1999, Thomas Stieltjes Institute for Mathematics, ``Research Highlights'', (2000).
O.J. BOXMA, In memoriam Wim Cohen, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 5 (2001) 21-21.
R.M. COOKE, J.M. VAN NOORTWIJK, Graphical methods, In: A Saltelli, K Chan, E M Scott (eds.); Sensitivity analysis [Wiley series in probability and statistics]. Wiley, New York, (2000), p. 245-264.
G.M. KOOLE, Virtuele wetenschap, STAtOR 2(3): 27-28, (2001).
G.M. KOOLE, Over wiskundig modelleren en call centers, Nieuwe Wiskrant 20 (3): 8-12, (2001).
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