Papers in journals and proceedings
G. BARAT, R.F. TICHY, R. TIJDEMAN, Digital blocks in linear numeration systems, In Number Theory in Progress, Vol.2, Elementary and Analytic Number Theory, Walter de Gruyter, (1999) 607-631.
M.A. BENNETT, B.M.M. DE WEGER, On the Diophantine equation
F. BEUKERS, T.N. SHOREY, R. TIJDEMAN, Irreducibility of polynomials and arithmetic progressions with equal products of terms, In Number Theory in Progress, Vol.1, Diophantine Problems and Polynomials, Walter de Gruyter, (1999) 11-26.
N. BRUIN, The Diophantine equations
J.-H. EVERTSE, Lower bounds for resultants II, In: Number Theory, Walter de Gruyter, (1998) 181-198.
J.-H. EVERTSE, The number of solutions of linear equations in roots of unity. Acta Arith. 89 (1999) 45-51.
J.-H. EVERTSE (WITH H.P. SCHLICKEWEI), The Absolute Subspace Theorem and linear equations with unknowns from a multiplicative group. In: Number Theory in Progress, Vol. I, Diophantine Problems and Polynomials, Walter de Gruyter, (1999) 121-142.
A.C.P. GEE, P. STEVENHAGEN, Generating class fields using Shimura reciprocity, Algorithmic Number Theory, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1423, Springer Verlag, (1998) 441-454.
A.C.P. GEE, Class invariants by Shimura's reciprocity law, J. Th. Nombres Bordeaux 11 (1999) 45-72.
G. VAN DER GEER, M. VAN DER VLUGT, Generalized Reed-Muller codes and curves with many points, J. Number Th. 72 (1998) 257-268.
G. VAN DER GEER, M. VAN DER VLUGT, Constructing curves over finite fields with many rational points by solving linear equations, In: Applications of Curves over Finite Fields, Contemp. Math. 245, AMS, (1999) 41-47.
E. KNOOPS, M. VAN DER VLUGT, On generalized Hamming weights of
R.J. KOOMAN, Asymptotic behaviour of solutions of linear recurrences and sequences of Möbius-transformations, J. Approx. Th. 93 (1998) 1-58.
H.W. LENSTRA, Finding small degree factors of lacunary polynomials. In: Number Theory in Progress, Walter de Gruyter, (1999) 267-276.
H.W. LENSTRA, On the factorization of lacunary polynomials, In Number Theory in Progress, Vol I, Diophantine problems and Polynomials, Walter de Gruyter, (1999) 277-291.
H.W. LENSTRA, Rationale punten op algebraïsche oppervlakken, Nieuw Archief Wisk. 17 (1999) 475-481.
P. MOREE, On primes in arithmetic progressions having a prescribed primitive root, J. Number Theory 78 (1999) 85-98.
P. MOREE, Uniform distribution of primes having a prescribed primitive root, Acta Arith. 89 (1999), 9-21.
P. MOREE, J. CAZARAN, On a claim of Ramanujan in his first letter to Hardy, Expos.Math. 17 (1999) 289-312.
B. DE SMIT, Generating arithmetically equivalent number fields with elliptic curves, In: Algorithmic Number Theory, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 1423, (1998) 392-399.
R.J. STROEKER, B.M.M. DE WEGER, Elliptic binomial Diophantine equations, Math.Comp. 68 (1999) 1257-1281.
R.J. STROEKER, B.M.M. DE WEGER, On integral zeroes of binary Krawtchouk polynomials, Nieuw Archief Wisk. 17 (1999) 175-186.
R.J. STROEKER, B.M.M. DE WEGER, Solving elliptic Diophantine equations: the general cubic case, Acta Arithm. 87 (1999) 339-365.
R.J. STROEKER, N. TZANAKIS, On the elliptic logarithm method for elliptic Diophantine equations: reflections and an improvement, Exper. Math. 8 (1999) 135-149.
R. TIJDEMAN, Intertwinings of periodic sequences, Indag. Math. N.S. 9 (1998) 113-122.
R. TIJDEMAN, Exponential Diophantine equations, In Number Theory, Walter de Gruyter, (1998) 523-539.
R. TIJDEMAN, On the minimal complexity of infinite words, Indag. Math. N.S. 10 (1999) 123-129.
R. VAN DER WAALL, R.C. LINDENBERGH, Ergebnisse über Dedekind-Zeta-Funktionen, monomiale Charactere und Konjugationsklassen endlicher Gruppen; unter Benutzung van GAP, Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften 56 (1999) 79-148.
B.M.M. DE WEGER, Solving elliptic Diophantine equations, avoiding Thue equations and elliptic logarithms, Experimental Math. 7 (1998) 243-256.
B.M.M. DE WEGER, On the fourth-power free part of
B.M.M. DE WEGER, C.E. VAN DE WOESTIJNE, On the diameter of sets of almost powers, Acta Arith. 90 (1999) 371-385.
B.M.M. DE WEGER, C.E. VAN DE WOESTIJNE, On the power-free parts of consecutive integers, Acta Arith. 90 (1999) 387-395.
Ph.D. Theses
N.R. BRUIN, Chabauty methods and covering techniques applied to generalised Fermat equations, Leiden University (1999)
Reports and pre-prints
W. BOSMA, B. DE SMIT, A computational approach to class number relations, Report MI 1999-27, Leiden University.
N.R. BRUIN, Chabauty methods using elliptic curves, Report MI 1999-14, Leiden University.
N.R. BRUIN, Chabauty methods using covers on curves of genus 2, Report MI 1999-15, Leiden University.
J.-H. EVERTSE, On the norm inequality
J.H. EVERTSE, Symmetric improvements of Liouville's inequality, Report MI 1999-07, Leiden University.
A.C.P. GEE, M. HONSBEEK, Singular values of the Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction, KdV Report 99-18, 1999.
G. VAN DER GEER, M. VAN DER VLUGT, Kummer covers with many points, Math. AG/9909037, Univ. Amsterdam.
L. HAJDU, R. TIJDEMAN, Algebraic aspects of discrete tomography, Report MI 1999-36. Leiden University.
A. HEINIS, On low-complexity
A. HEINIS, R. TIJDEMAN, Characterisation of asymptotically Sturmian sequences, Report MI 1999-23 Leiden University.
H.W. LENSTRA, B. DE SMIT, Linearly equivalent actions of solvable groups, Report W98-19, Leiden University.
H.W. LENSTRA, P. STEVENHAGEN, Artin reciprocity and Mersenne primes, KvD Report 98-26, (1998) to appear in: Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde.
P. MOREE, On primes in arithmetic progression having a prescribed primitive root, Report MI 1999-05, Leiden University.
P. MOREE, Approximation of Artin-type constants and automata Report MI 1999-08, Leiden University.
P. MOREE, Asymptotically exact heuristics for (near) primitive roots, Report MI 1999-25, Leiden University.
P. MOREE, P. STEVENHAGEN, A two-variable Artin conjecture, Report MI 30-99, Leiden University, to appear in: J. of Number Theory.
O. PENNINGA, Finding column dependencies in sparse matrices over
J. ROSKAM, A quadratic analogue of Artin's conjecture on primitive roots, Wisk. Rapportenserie 98-08, Fac. WINS, Univ. van Amsterdam.
J.W. SANDER, R. TIJDEMAN, The rectangle complexity of functions on two-dimensional lattices, Report W98-09, Leiden University.
J.W. SANDER, R. TIJDEMAN, The complexity of functions on lattices, Report W98-13, Leiden University.
J.W. SANDER, R. TIJDEMAN, Low complexity functions and convex sets in
B. DE SMIT, Brauer-Kuroda relations for
B. DE SMIT, H.W. LENSTRA, Linearly equivalent actions of solvable groups, Report W98-19, Leiden University.
P. STEVENHAGEN, Hilbert's 12th problem, complex multiplication and Shimura reciprocity, KdV Report 98-23 (1998) to appear in: Class Field Theory - Its centenary and prospect, Adv. Studies in Pure Mathematics, Math. Soc. Japan.
R. TIJDEMAN, Fraenkel's conjecture for six sequences, Report W98-24, Leiden University.
R. TIJDEMAN, Exact covers of balanced sequences and Fraenkel's conjecture, Report MI 1999-04, Leiden University.
M. VAN DER VLUGT, A note on maximal curves in characteristic 2, Report W98-27, Leiden University.
C.E. VAN DE WOESTIJNE, On the diameter of tuples of weighted powers, Report W98-26, Leiden University.
Other publications
H.W. LENSTRA (WITH S.J.P. HILLION), Archimedes, The cattle problem, Mercator Pers, Santpoort (1999).
H.W. LENSTRA, Het wijnmengersprobleem van Diophantus, In: Andries en zijn kameraden, Ruud Koning, Hendrik Lenstra, Jan Karel Lenstra, Tom Wansbeek eds., Amsterdam, (1998) 36-41.
P. STEVENHAGEN, Priemgetallen, In: Onbewezen vermoedens, CWI Syllabus 45, (1999) 17-29.
R.J. STROEKER, J.F. KAASHOEK, Discovering Mathematics with Maple. An interactive exploration for mathematicians, engineers and econometricians, Birkhäuser Basel, (1999) ISBN 3-7643-6091-7.
R. TIJDEMAN, De Riemann-hypothese en het ABC vermoeden, Vakantiecursus 1999, Onbewezen Vermoedens, CWI, Amsterdam, 31-44.
R.W. VAN DER WAALL, Een geschiedenis van groepentheorie, Afleiding, vol. 3, issue 4, 15-17. Publication for VWO (with L. de Clerck (kijk op kegelsneden (view on conics), vol 21. In: Series of 'Stichting Vierkant' for Mathematics, about 50 pages (to be printed in 2000).