Papers in journals and proceedings
J. BOCHNAK, M. COSTE, M. ROY, Real algebraic Geometry. Ergebnisse der Mathematik 36, (1998).
J. BOCHNAK, W. KUCHARZ, On dividing real algebraic varieties. Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 123 (1998) 263-271.
J. BOCHNAK, W. KUCHARZ, On homology classes represented by real algebraic varieties. Banach Center Publications, Vol 44 (1998) 1-15.
J. BOCHNAK, W. KUCHARZ, The Weierstrass approximation theorem and a characterization of the unit circle. Proc. AMS 127 (1999) 1571-1574.
J. BOCHNAK, W. KUCHARZ, The Weierstrass approximation theorem for maps between real algebraic varieties. Math. Ann. 314 (1999) 601-612.
M. BOGUOUSLAVSKI, Del Pezzo surfaces and generalized weights. Problems of Information Transmission, 34 (1), (1998).
M. BOGUOUSLAVSKI, Generalized Hermitian constants and kissing numbers. Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Pskov, Russia, (1998).
A. CONTE, J.P. MURRE, On a theorem of Morin on the unirationality of the quartic threefold, Atti Accad. Sci. Torino Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. 132 (1999) 49-49.
R. DIJKGRAAF, The mathematics of fivebranes, in: Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Vol. III (Berlin, 1998), Doc. Math., Extra Vol. III (1998), 133-142.
R. DIJKGRAAF, Fields, strings and duality, in: Symétries quantiques (Les Houches, 1995), North-Holland, Amsterdam, (1998) 3-147.
R. DIJKGRAAF, Fields, strings, matrices and symmetric products, in: Moduli of curves and Abelian varieties, Vieweg, Braunschweig, (1999) 151-199.
R. DIJKGRAAF, Instanton strings and hyper-Kähler geometry, Nuclear Phys. B 543 (1999) 545-571.
R. DIJKGRAAF, E. VERLINDE, H. VERLINDE, Notes on matrix and micro strings, in: Strings '97 (Amsterdam, 1997), Nuclear Phys. B Proc. Suppl. 68 (1998) 28-54.
R. DIJKGRAAF, E. VERLINDE, H. VERLINDE, Notes on matrix and micro strings, in: String theory, gauge theory and quantum gravity (Trieste, 1997), Nuclear Phys. B Proc. Suppl. 67 (1998) 225-250.
G. VAN DER GEER, The Chow Ring of the Moduli Space of Abelian Threefolds. alg-geom/9702009. Journal of Algebraic Geometry 7 (1998) 753-770.
G. VAN DER GEER, Generalizations of Deuring's mass formula. In: Proceedings Conference Number Theory and Arithmetical Geometry, San Feliu de Guixols, 1997 . Institut für Experimentelle Mathematik Preprints 14, 100-106 (1998).
G. VAN DER GEER, Cycles on the Moduli Space of Abelian Varieties. In: Moduli of Curves and Abelian Varieties (The Dutch Intercity Seminar on Moduli), 65-89. (Carel Faber and Eduard Looijenga, editors), Aspects of Mathematics, Vieweg, Wiesbaden (1999).
G. VAN DER GEER, F. OORT, Moduli of Abelian varieties. In: Moduli of Curves and Abelian Varieties (The Dutch Intercity Seminar on Moduli), 1-21. (Carel Faber and Eduard Looijenga, editors), Aspects of Mathematics, Vieweg, Wiesbaden (1999).
G. VAN DER GEER, M. VAN DER VLUGT, Generalized Reed-Muller codes and curves with many points. alg-geom/9710016. Journal of Number Theory 72 (1998) 257-268.
G. VAN DER GEER, M. VAN DER VLUGT, Constructing curves with many points bysolving linear equations. In Applications of curves over finitefields; Contemporary Math 245, p. 41-48 AMS (1999).
H. GEIGES, C.B. THOMAS, Contact topology and the structure of
H. GEIGES, C.B. THOMAS, Contact structures on
H. GEIGES, C.B. THOMAS, Almost linear actions by finite groups on
B.B. GORDON, J.P. MURRE, Chow motives of elliptic modular threefolds, J. Reine Angew. Math. 514 (1999) 145-164.
R. HELLING, J. PLEFKA, M. SERONE, A. WALDRON, Three-graviton scattering in M-theory, Nuclear Phys. B 559 (1999) 184-204.
C. HUMMEL, Rank one lattices whose parabolic isometries have no rotational part, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 126 (1998) 2453-2458.
C. HUMMEL, V. SCHROEDER, Tits geometry associated with closed, real-analytic manifolds of non-positive curvature and dimension
C. HUMMEL, V. SCHROEDER, Tits geometry of cocompact, real-analytic Hadamard manifolds of dimension 4, Differential Geom. Appl. 11 (1999) 129-143.
B. KUCKERT, A short cut towards spin & statistics, in: Path integrals from peV to TeV (Florence, 1998), World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ, (1999) 299-302.
N.P. LANDSMAN, Mathematical topics between classical and quantum mechanics, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, New York, (1998).
N.P. LANDSMAN, The quantization of constrained systems: from symplectic reduction to Rieffel induction, In: Quantization, coherent states and Poisson structures, Proc. XIV'th Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, Bia
N.P. LANDSMAN, Simple new axioms for quantum mechanics, Internat. J. Theor. Phys. 37 (1998) 343-348.
N.P. LANDSMAN, Constrained quantization in algebraic field theory, In: Meeting with the Platypus, Proc. XIIth Int. Congress of Mathematical Physics, Brisbane 1997, International Press, Singapore, (1998).
N.P. LANDSMAN, Twisted Lie group C*-algebras as strict quantizations, Lett. Math. Phys. 46 (1998) 181-188.
N.P. LANDSMAN, Strict quantization of coadjoint orbits, J. Math. Phys. 39 (1998) 6372-6383.
N.P. LANDSMAN, De erfenis van Dirac en von Neumann, Ned. Tijdschrift v. Natuurkunde 64 (1998) no.6, 151-153.
N. P. LANDSMAN, Constrained quantization in algebraic field theory, in: XIIth International Congress of Mathematical Physics (ICMP '97) (Brisbane), Internat. Press, Cambridge, MA, (1999) 191-196.
N. P. LANDSMAN, Representations of the infinite unitary group from constrained quantization, J. Nonlinear Math. Phys. 6 (1999) 161-180.
N. P. LANDSMAN, Lie groupoid
N. P. LANDSMAN, Comment on ``What is a gauge transformation in quantum mechanics?'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (1999) 1070.
N. P. LANDSMAN, Essay review: Quantum mechanics on phase space, Stud. Hist. Philos. Modern Phys. 30 (1999) 287-305.
M. L¨UBKE, Einstein metrics and stability for flat connections on compact Hermitian manifolds, and a correspondence with Higgs operators in the surface case, Doc. Math. 4 (1999) 487-512.
J.F. MORALES, C.A. SCRUCCA, M. SERONE, A note on supersymmetric d-brane dynamics, Phys. Lett. B 417 (1998) 233-239.
J.F. MORALES, C.A. SCRUCCA, M. SERONE, Scale independent spin effects in D-brane dynamics, Nuclear Phys. B534 (1998) 223-249.
J. F. MORALES, C. A. SCRUCCA, M. SERONE, Anomalous couplings for D-branes and O-planes, Nuclear Phys. B 552 (1999) 291-315.
J.C. PLEFKA, M. SERONE, A.K. WALDRON, The matrix theory S-matrix, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (1998) 2866-2869.
J.C. PLEFKA, M. SERONE, A.K. WALDRON, D=11 SUGRA as the low energy effective action of Matrix theory: three form scattering, J. High Energy Phys. (1998) no. 11, paper 10, 24
C. A. SCRUCCA, M. SERONE, Anomalies and inflow on D-branes and O-planes. Nuclear Phys. B 556 (1999) 197-221.
C. A. SCRUCCA, M. SERONE, Gauge and gravitational anomalies in D=4 N=1 orientifolds, J. High Energy Phys. 12 (1999) 024, 1-20.
C. ZAAL, A complete surface in
Ph.D. Theses
M. BOGUOUSLAVSKY, Lattices, Codes and Radon Transforms. University of Amsterdam, (1999).
C.D.D. NEUMANN, Algebras and automorphic forms in string theory, University of Amsterdam, (1998).
Reports and pre-prints
E. AMERIK, M. ROVINSKY, A. VAN DE VEN, A boundedness theorem for maps between threefolds, Prépublication de l'Institut Fourier no. 436.
C. CILIBERTO, G. VAN DER GEER, The Moduli of Abelian Varieties and the Singularities of the Theta Divisor. 17 pages; math.AG/9911127. To appear in Jornal of Diff. Geom.
A. CONTE, J.P. MURRE, On a theorem of Morin on the unirationality of the quartic fivefold, preprint.
R. DIJKGRAAF, Discrete torsion and symmetric products, hep-th/9912101, (1999).
R. DIJKGRAAF, J.-S. PARK, B. SCHROERS, N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on a Kähler surface, e-print archive hep-th/9801066, (1998).
G. FARKAS, The Geometry of the Moduli Space of Curves of Genus 23. 21 pages; math.AG/9907013; to appear in Math. Ann.
G. VAN DER GEER, T. KATSURA, On as Stratification of the Moduli of K3 Surfaces, math.AG/9910061; to appear in JEMS.
G. VAN DER GEER, T. KATSURA, Formal Brauer groups and moduli of Abelian surfaces. 27 pages, Latex math.AG/9912169.
G. VAN DER GEER, R. SCHOOF, Effectivity of Arakelov divisors and the Theta divisor of a number field. math-9802121.
G. VAN DER GEER, M. VAN DER VLUGT, Tables of Curves with Many Points. To appear in: Mathematics of Computation.
G. VAN DER GEER, M. VAN DER VLUGT, Kummer Covers with Many Points, math.AG/9909037; to appear in Finite Fields and their Appl.
H. GEIGES, D. RATTAGGI, Periodic automorphisms of surfaces: Invariant circles and maximal orders, Report W 98-31.
H. GEIGES, C.B. THOMAS, Contact structures and periodic fundamental groups, Report W 98-22.
H. GEIGES, B.C. THOMAS, Contact structures, equivariant spin bordism, and periodic fundamental groups, Report MI 22-99.
B. GORDON, J.P. MURRE, Chow motives of elliptic modular threefolds, preprint.
C. HUMMEL, Tubular neighbourhoods of 2-flats in 4-manifolds of non-positive curvature, Report MI 32-99.
C. HUMMEL, U. LANG, V. SCHROEDER, Convex hulls in singular spaces of negative curvature, preprint, to appear in: Ann. Global Anal. Geom.
B. KUCKERT, Localization regions of local observables, math-ph/0002040, (1999).
N.P. LANDSMAN, Quantization of singular systems and incomplete motions. Math. Preprint Series, Fac. WINS, Univ. of Amsterdam, Report 98-14, (1998) accepted by Gen. Relativity Gravitation.
N.P. LANDSMAN, Lecture notes on C*-algebras, Hilbert C*-modules, and quantum mechanics, Math. Preprint Series, Fac. WINS, Univ. of Amsterdam, Report 98-15, (1998).
N.P. LANDSMAN, Quantum mechanics on phase space, Math. Preprint Series, Fac. WINS, Univ. of Amsterdam, Report 98-16, (1998) accepted by Stud. Hist. Philos. Sci. B Stud. Hist. Philos. Modern Phys..
N.P. LANDSMAN, Hall's coherent states, the Cameron-Martin theorem, and the quantization of Yang-Mills theory on a circle, Math. Preprint Series, Fac. WINS, Univ. of Amsterdam, Report 98-27, (1998) (submitted).
N. P. LANDSMAN, Compact quantum groupoids, math-ph/9912006, (1999).
M. L¨UBKE, Flat connections and Higgs operators in bundles on compact Hermitian manifolds, Report W98-28.
J.F. MORALES, J.C. PLEFKA, C.A. SCRUCCA, M. SERONE, A.K. WALDRON, Spin dependent D-brane interactions and scattering amplitudes in matrix theory, e-print archive hep-th/9812039, (1998).
S. M¨ULLER, H. GEIGES, Almost complex structures on 8-manifolds, Report MI 18-99.
J.P. MURRE, Algebraic cycles and Abelian varieties, preprint.
J. PLEFKA, M. SERONE, A. WALDRON, Matrix Theory and Feynman Diagrams, hep-th/9903099, (1999).
J. PIONTKOWSKI, A. VAN DE VEN, The automorphism group of certain linear sections of Grassmannians, preprint Düsseldorf.
R. RE, The rank of the Cartier operator and linear systems. Preprint (1998).
C. A. SCRUCCA, M. SERONE, Anomaly cancellation in K3 orientifolds, hep-th/9907112, (1999).
C. A. SCRUCCA, M. SERONE, Anomaly inflow and RR anomalous couplings, hep-th/9911223, (1999).
Other publications
G. VAN DER GEER, Knopen, In: Vacantiecursus, Onbewezen Vermoedens. CWI Syllabus (1999) p.75-82.