Zegel Universiteit Leiden
Mathematisch Instituut
Toren Academiegebouw
Geometry Seminar

Spring semester 2006:

This Semester Fabio Mainardi will give a series of lectures on the Langlands correspondence for GLr over function fields. Besides this, there will be talks by invited speakers on various subjects.

The aim of Mainardi's lectures is to explain what Lafforgue proved (and not at all how he proved it). At the end of this page you can find some relevant literature. A tentative programme is:

  1. Admissible representations of GL(N,F) where F is a non-archimedean local field:
    1. basic definitions and properties,
    2. L and epsilon factors (following Godement and Jacquet),
    3. examples: N=1, L-factors of spherical representations,
    4. L and epsilon factors of pairs: equivalence criterion in terms of epsilon factors.
  2. Automorphic representations of GL(N,F) where F is a function field:
    1. definition,
    2. L-functions,
    3. multiplicity one (Shalika),
    4. on functional equations of automorphic L-functions (Shahidi),
    5. converse theorems (Cogdell, Piatetski-Shapiro).
  3. Statement of Langlands conjectures, local and global.
A more precise programme will appear here in due time.


References for Mainardi's lectures:

Last modification: 1 September 2006